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movintobetterhorizonsImam Bilal helps me gain the clarity I needFrom all the way in Texas - I can’t stop listening to these khutbas. Imam Bilal covers so many relevant topics the ummah faces today. And he speaks so simply, with ease and comfort. It truly gives you a positive light about our deen and inspires you to live your life following Allah (swt) in the best way He prescribed us. May Allah(swt) preserve Imam Bilal and the Muslim ummah ameen.
itsmishmishMy favorite sheikhThank you for your eloquent khotbas and your dedication to our ummah. I have learned so much from you and I share your khotbas with my friends all the time. May Allah bless and preserve you, Ameen.
Moe-nitBad audioWish they fix the sound
Liliana8480JannahI love this podcast! My favorite episode is “let’s run towards jannah”
Bashir MBMay Allah continue to guide and protect youAssalamu Alaikum Brother Bilal. I thank you and appreciate your podcast on the seerah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). It was so touching and couldn’t help shedding tears intermittently. May Allah bless you and all Muslims Ameen
WhoihvkoiooMashallahBrother, you are my favorite speaker to listen to these days. I love how calming your voice is and how well you explain things. You describe things so vividly and in detail Subhan Allah. I really wish you still made podcasts, but I understand in life people get busy. May you enter jannat firdous inshallah. Jizaak Allah Khair!!!
AmataqaSalaamYou are and always will be my very favorite Shk to listen to. You truly know how to tell a story and make us feel as if we are in that time, and teaching us the valuable lessons each time. May Allah bless you and reward you. Sister Mandy
joemamadouMashallahMay Allah bless you and reward you in this life and the hereafter. Ameen.
Afia FarzanaPlease upload series 25Dear brother please upload series 25, it’s missing
Johnny ShinEpisode 25 is missingCan’t find episode 25 of the Seerah
Bahar2012MashaAllahI love the end Series it’s the most meaningful explanations by Shikh.
ahnaf.tahsinPreacher of our timeOne of the greatest Da’ei ever..!
DtabbahVery informativeUstaz Bilal is so soft spoken and has an amazing way of getting the info across to the listeners. I love listening to him, he deals with every day problems. May Allah protect him and help him in his dawa. I wish he had more up to date lectures on podcast.
AllitisThe best!One of my favorites the man is very knowledgeable in the deen. He translates everything he says and is very well mannered in his speech. Non of that hard yelling so many others do.
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