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Sean_WongShort and to the point.Just like the name sake.
PJH52Totally DepressingI have listened to this podcast for at least 3 years. More and more, it features talks that are related to climate change, sometimes directly and sometimes not. While I am totally convinced that man has a definite part in what is happening to our climate, his gloom and doom finally got to me. This podcast was deleted from my feed and I will no longer be listening to it.
DaleMcGrewMore than just sound-bitesI have been listening to Ockham's Razor for three years now, and I am thankful for the broad range of topics that this program explores. The 10+ minute format allows a range of very passionate people to dive into topics that invite contemplation. I find myself discussing with my friends and colleagues what I learn on this show -- a sign of good radio show/podcast.
DylanGCEpisode 4 : Prof. AikenWhat a load of bunk. The man opens with the admission that he is not a scientist, and that he is not trained to evaluate claims of global climate change, then goes on to demonstrate that his admission was grossly over-esimating his abilities. Ignoring or ignorant of the preponderance of evidence, I was disturbed to realize that a PodCast that categorizes itself under "science & medicine" gave airtime to such an ignorant political idealogue. At this rate I expect to hear Ben Stein on Evolution, Dick Cheney on Morality, or President Akhmadinadjad on Liberalism. People should accept that the uninformed opinion is of little worth, but is often shouted the loudest. This podcast certainly gives them a rooftop to shout from. I will continue to listen, as some podcasts have a rough start, and may reevaluate in the future. Please make room for people who ARE experts on the topics that they espouse.
SkepticGuyNot What I ExpectedI was expecting interviews with Scientist, but it appears that this is just a platform for individuals to read their opinions. This is fine but I prefer more of an interview than a speech.
DajOInsightful and Thought ProvokingOckham's Razor covers a wide range of fascinating topics and obtains world-renowned experts to discuss those topics. The topics are also presented in a manner that the average layperson is included in the conversation. More programs, please!
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