PBS News Hour - Brooks and Capehart

News #244Politics #86

Listen to David Brooks and Jonathan Capehart analyze the political news of the week. Posted each Friday by 9 p.m., the Brooks and Capehart podcast includes the full audio of every on-air segment. Is this not what you're looking for? Don't miss our other podcasts for our full shows, individual segments, Politics Monday, Brief but Spectacular, and more. Find them in iTunes or in your favorite podcasting app. PBS News is supported by - https://www.pbs.org/newshour/about/funders

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Recent Reviews
  • AintWhatIUsedToBe
    Good grief!
    This usually worthwhile pod allowed a really embarrassing thing to be said last week. The National Environmental Policy. Act, a landmark but often bureaucratically oppressive law, is called “knee-pah” by the 100s of thousands - if not millions - of people who participate in it. A long “E”. The PBS team referred to it as “neh-pah”, a short “E”, demonstrating that the team actually knew nothing about the Act. Every Federal decision is subject to NEPA unless it’s among the specific classes actions identified under the law as exempt. Certainly there is reason to find the act requires excessively burdensome paperwork, etc, and is excessively restrictive, but the PBS presentation on a major issue revealed no further understanding of the issue than a press release read out loud. Good grief.
  • DDN25
    A Model of Civility
    Every member of Congress, the Administration and all party leaders should be mandated to watch and learn from Brooks and Capehart deliver constructive, respectful, civil discourse.
  • 541red
    Are we cereals?
    Seriously? Jonathan Capeheart and Danielle Pletka? Did we as viewers lose a bet? What is this - a troll off?? Both miserable
  • 80'sVillager
    Brooks Bust
    David your Convention article kicking Biden on the way out revealed you as nasty, petty, and self serving. Sc*m with pitchforks like you better hope Kamala wins because you’re on the hook if we get Trump for 4 more yrs.
  • Swilcan Park
    Ms Eliana Johnson isn’t worthy of this show.
    I have loved all things NewsHour for decades, especially this segment for being so thoughtful, erudite, and not sticking to partisan talking points while still sharing fundamentally different views. Even the guests who replace Brooks and Capehart have always been up to this high yet amazing and worthy standard. Sadly Ms. Johnson as a fill in guest for the conservative viewpoint - and there should be a conservative viewpoint shared here - is too blindly partisan, combative to fundamental facts, sticks to what seem like “issued” talking points from the Trump camp, and disrespectful in a way that this show is never disrespectful - which is the show’s greatest asset. I kindly ask that she is no longer invited as a temporary replacement for David Brooks who is conservative but incredibly fair, independent minded, non partisan, and always respectful in his thoughts and actions. Thank you.
  • Visc@B@rc@1
    Johnson Out
    If Brooks is absent please do not bring back the propagandist young lady. Gaslighting and bringing MAGA talking point to an abbreviated discussion is not analysis. Not good enough for the Newshour.
  • Looking for an Honest Man
    Return to your center left/center right roots
    This is a great segment. I don’t give out 5 stars freely, you’ve got to earn it. However, this segment is at its best when the pundits are center left and center right, as David Brooks and Mark Shield were. I agree with those calling for Jonathan to be a bit less progressive. What I truly appreciate is the fact that everything is said with respect. No screaming and no talking over each other. Much appreciated
  • matt2377review
    amazing short snippets
    Thanks for chopping the pod so we can just get this segment (clearly the best of the larger show).
  • TeddySalad
    Capehart needs to go
    I know this is the opinion segment of PBS Newshour but Capehart totes the progressive line on literally every issue. You know what he’s going to say on every topic before he even says it, so it’s not interesting at all. Shields and Brooks had a much more unique and thoughtful analysis on topics and shared the same consideration for both sides of the fence.
  • Zachary Fisk
    The last upload was a month ago. I know the segment is still around … are your interns asleep at the switch, or what?
  • Baby Huey
    Delivery issues
    I love this podcast but there are too many weeks when it never gets delivered. I’ll adjust the rating to 5 stars when they get this figured out.
  • BE/ARE
    Tone it back
    Jonathon is soooo opinionated/angsty at times. Not that he doesn’t ever say anything true, but he’s way too overt in his biases. Tone it back plzzz 🫶🏻
  • Listener in New Mexico
    Please update with most recent episode
    The show was on a day ago. Please updates PBS, why is it so hard to update?
  • Rockytop20162016
    Missing chemistry and smoothness
    Capehart is a fantastic writer but his genuineness doesn’t shine through on air. Same observation when he hosts on MSNBC. I don’t know if he’s a bit anxious but it’s hard to miss when he was opposite Brooks (bc brooks is very genuine and comfortable in his own skin). There was no sense of connection with the two. My criticism is vague, I realize, but the show is just not powerful like it was 5+ years ago. Maybe he will adapt and grow into the role.
  • Homechurcher
    The attraction of opposing viewpoints?
    I have listened every week for years. The joyful banter seems to be getting lost by having only liberal & moderate voices. Where is the conservative? Maybe represent more citizen’s voices?
  • AlisonVT1
    Why so many problems getting this to play - and in a timely way?
    No other podcast gives me the delays, the error messages that this one does. What gives? I love listening to it- when it works!
  • 906Il
    Not working.
    This is not up to date. I have to go to YouTube to get the latest episodes.
  • Humphrey Ploughjogger Jr.
    Used to Be Best Part of My Week
    The exchanges between Shields and Brooks used to be the best part of my week. Now, Capehart is unlistenable and Brooks seems like he’s trying to out flank him from the left. PBS has zero diversity of opinion. I can’t believe our taxes pay for this garbage. Prime example: in the immediate wake of one of the saddest unforced foreign policy errors in American history with the Afghanistan pullout, these hacks are talking about Jan. 6 and Trump. Shame on them.
  • Nattyb823
    20 minutes is too short
    I really enjoy all the viewpoints expressed. Would like to hear deeper dives
  • Suz in Falls Church
    Delivery problems
    I have been a listener from the beginning and always appreciate the shared perspectives on the week’s biggest political stories. And Capeheart is an excellent choice for the newest commentator. That said, it’s frustrating when The Newshour neglects to upload episodes. Nothing since March?!
  • jeick1533
    Would be nice to have an actual conservative perspective offered
    More often than not, Brooks and Capehart end up agreeing substantively on just about every issue discussed making for boring and not terribly sharp commentary. Given Brooks’ leftward drift over the last five years or so, I think it would be valuable to rotate the panel or to have someone more suitably represent the right-of-center position. Writers like Charles C. W. Cooke, Kevin Williamson or Michael Brendan Dougherty, for instance, could offer varying degrees of conservative perspectives from the classically liberal to more nationalist and populist and offer the average left-of-center, Acela corridor-residing NewsHour viewer a more representative point of view.
  • Anna Zanfei
    Brooks and Capehart
    Thank you ! I look forward to it every week. I wish it could cover more topics . They are so brilliant and I ‘d love to hear more from them about issues such as education costs and delivery, infrastructures, future of employment, everyday misinformation, politically motivated aggressive behavior, mental health as public health and feasible solutions projects. Am I asking too much?
  • lasg5
    Not Shields & Brooks
    I can’t listen to Capehart
  • Cindoc
    Simply the best
    The professional and friendly exchange between Brooks and Shields was the best in the bizz. No yelling, no insulting, no berating. Simply the best. We will miss you Mark. Don’t sense things are going as swimmingly with Brooks and Capehart. Little chemistry so far and seems to be mostly on Brooks. He looks befuddled at times.
  • Mike4645
    So long Mark
    OK, they are admittedly big shoes but I could have lived with any other of Mark’s stand-ins. Capehart is OK but I looked forward to Mark & David every week. Now I almost don’t care. I read David in the Times. Likely The Newshour will likely cease to hold me. It’s been deteriorating for quite a while under Judy’s leadership IMHO. Best of luck. I got lots of years out of the show.
  • bucky172
    Farewell mark shields
    Firstly, Thank you for all of the jokes.... Im going to miss ur heartfelt ideas, ur words n convictions n the love of country which permeates ur portion of the news hour. Thank you for ur honesty n analysis n the moral courage with which u share them. Thank you, thank you, thank you... you are irreplaceable! Sorely missed ;(
  • Niuncentav0
    Nothing but bias
    There appears to be only one side to any story. No mention of the many wrong deeds committed by Democrats. Republicans are not rioting, sleeping with the Chinese or defunding the police. Please be more objective in your reporting and commentary.
  • E-ric____
    Honest and rational.
    Sheilds and Brooks are paragons of reason.
  • darkhorse7733
    The best
    Brooks and Shields are honestly the best. Judy is iconic. Highly recommend
  • BernersForever
    This is journalism
    So grateful for their ethical, intellectual journalism. Their friendship and respect for each other - even when they disagree - is an example we need now more than ever!
  • blgviking
    Great show
    So grateful for these conversations. I look forward to this every Friday.
  • amen3000
    Program needs to put the date of each episode ABOVE THE SUMMERY. Now I must begin running g the episode to discover its broadcast date. Which is a waste of my time, if I’m trying to catch up. Invite Diane Rheem one day, for assessment of events. Otherwise, you would have gotten a 5 STAR.
  • Lgreyerb
    Need some younger blood
    These two are so out of touch with reality. It’s time for new representatives of the two parties on the show.
  • Helen212
    Mark Shields and David Brooks are a great combination. It seems to be the only place in the news to hear different perspectives without people trying to yell over each other. They respect one another and still have strong individual opinions.
  • loomasauris
    I love this part of the NewsHour!
    I look forward to this segment all week! Keep up the good work! These are not the guys to watch if you want to hear your own views echoed back to you! I don’t Always agree 100% , but I always learn something!
  • Mikerubin1954
    Technical problem
    You repeated the same podcast twice in a row.
  • Ranchhandjw
    Get your facts right, please.
    To correct Ms Woodruff’s statement that was echoed by Mr Brooks - Trump’s proposed date of June 19th (Juneteenth) for a rally was NOT the anniversary date of the race massacre in Tulsa, OK. That date was May 31 - June 1,1921. Juneteenth is the date for festivals in celebration of the emancipation of slaves in Texas on that date in 1865. I don’t listen to the show - only podcasts so if you have corrected this error, I have not seen or heard. I am sure you will jump to your immediate reflexive responses that Trump is either very very bad (Mr Shields) or just bad(Mr Brooks) and so it doesn’t matter or it is the same conclusion. Maybe, maybe not- Not so sure about that. I do know this - If your facts are wrong then it damages the very foundation on which you have built your case.
  • Aaron1192
    Needs video feed as alternate
    I’ve been listening to (and watching!) Shields & Brooks for decades going back to Shields & Gerson, Shields & Gergen, Brooks & Marcus, and beyond. I’m unable to simply listen to their voices. I must see the expressions and interactions between Judy and her guests for this segment. For me, these expressions (David’s “smiles”, Mark’s gestures, and more) are a critical part of my understanding of these contentious issues of significance to our nation. Without it, I’m left feeling empty and anxious. Please offer an alternative VIDEO version of this segment. I watch and listen to Rachel Maddow nightly on just such a podcast offering video and audio alternatives. Otherwise, I will refrain from using the podcast and will go to YouTube or other streaming sources.
  • sparky from Minnesota
    PBS News Institution
    I have enjoyed their commentary for years. Like so many things since Trump this show has been de-normalized. I was disappointed tonight to hear David Brooks admit that he gave trump the benefit of the doubt on an activity. Unfortunately trump is either lying or is denigrating and never truthful or unifying. Brooks and Shields commentary needs to reflect this, even if it requires an accompanying verbal asterisk.
  • MGB74
    Dull does not begin to describe the opinions of these two geezers, sideline pundits who never participated on the field of battle. The only thing more boring would be to have Joe Biden join the cast. If you’re having trouble sleeping this is the show to listen to for instant slumber.
    Honest Discussion
    If you are looking for thoughtful, intelligent, non “far right” or “far left”, this is it!
  • Nora Boston
    David Brooks audio
    Been a fan forever. David Brooks needs to upgrade his audio quality
  • funkynassau
    Brooks and Shields
    This is my favourite part of the Newshour ... Judy is my favourite host 👍👍
  • lingua203
    I look forward to it every Friday
    I really appreciate the insights that I pick up from this podcast. They dissect the stories, give context and are well spoken.
  • MBlaze
    Out of touch
    These two are both out of touch with reality and do nothing more than recite talking-points of the two establishment parties. Brooks: ‘...the US presence in Syria was a beacon of stability..’ - what a joke. Any one who spends time in this part of the world knows how absolutely untrue this is. Get rid of these two clowns before PBS loses all credibility - complete waste of time listening to what they have to say.
  • calperson
    Poorly Researched
    PBS has a public obligation to produce more informed commentary. Mark Shields is well past his prime and his reactions seem to consist wholly of democratic partisan talking points. He makes zero effort to base his long winded opinions on facts. David Brooks is a poor philosopher just happy to have a weekly forum to offer weak bromides. We need some strong minded, informed commentators. A real conservative and a smart liberal. But most of all let them be knowledgeable.
  • timmurphy
    Real news
    Real news
  • Minnesota JL
    I’m checking
    I UI’m sorry Juicy food huh I’m g Your HCHyxr Ed
  • Bob Smith again
    The worst political show
    Shields and Brroks compete against each other on who can tear down Trump more. They do not even try to hide how much they hate our current President and the millions of us who support him. Listening to these two are a waste of time if you want to get a unbiased opinion.
  • bearpatty
    They can do no wrong
    I love Shields and Brooks. Most reasonable commentary around.
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