Great & Terrible


A high-school student stumbles upon an ancient curse that grants immortality — but there’s a catch — every full moon she must kill someone — anyone! — or she’ll die.

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  • ....yes, I'm that "Heather"
    This narrative is incredible and brilliant, and I can see so many individuals I know in the story. However, I gave it three stars even when it deserves 5 for narrating and content, because I could get so much more deeply engrossed if the episodes were consolidated a bit more. A 3 minute episode (especially back to back) should never contain 90 seconds of self-promotionIf you want to keep the continuity flowing. I struggle through because I’m stubborn, and the story itself is 5 stars 😉
  • GoodPointe
    Anxiety, Ancient Evil and the 1980s
    A bold experiment in micro-fiction, Great and Terrible is as ambitious as it is interesting. With the challenging limitations of time that Olivieri places on each installment, the show would no doubt live or die by its execution. The time strained format would require quick and potent prose alongside immediately engaging acting and GT absolutely comes through big on both. The supporting cast is full of talented and recognizable voices, but Leslie Gideon steals the show and proves why she’s one of best Voice Actors in Audio Fiction. Gideon’s Jane manages to exist in two worlds, feeling both accessible to the audience while also being completely closed off to the other characters in the story. After a few episodes of setup, Great and Terrible quickly finds its roots while intertwining anxiety, Ancient Evil and the 1980s. The story makes for a compelling listen as a supercut or in its original episodic form. This show absolutely killed me.
  • Bethany J. Mahan
  • JadeDozle
    Great story!
    This is the 2nd of the podcasts I’ve listened to from AR Olivieri. They are fantastic short stories. Every small episode leaves me wanting the next one. Great actors and great storylines. Looking forward to more! Thank for a great podcast!
  • Gabriel.Re
    Compelling as all others!
    AR Olivieri has cornered the market on short form Audio Fiction. This show doesn’t disappoint and continues to expand the universe that started with 2298. If you are a fan of his shows you will love this show too that explores life, death and the pressures one feels when confronted with a tough decision.
  • SciFyGeek
    A Search For Purpose
    Youth looking for a path; a place to belong; a purpose. Add in a dose of supernatural spice. I love this beautifully unfolding story. Micro-fiction is a fabulous format for people that don't have a ton of time. And you can binge easily enough. If you don't want to listen to the end credits, just hit the "next" button and the story continues.
  • Sakie3
    Insufferably slow
    I cannot imagine listening to this week to week, every episode is only around 3 minutes of actual content. What this means is that it takes 2 whole weeks for the main character to do little things such as getting out of bed. It’s not helped by having a bunch of episodes to binge either, because every few minutes you have to sit through the same self promotion over and over, it kills the momentum. Perhaps it would be worth it if they bundled eight episodes as one uninterrupted episode. Still, I was turned off pretty quickly by the strangely antagonistic tone of the main character. She sounds like she’s berating the listener for even listening. She acts like describing anything is an immense chore and it just comes off a rebellious teenage tedium.
  • machomanson
    Simply Amazing !!
    I simply must say that this show is awesome and I can’t wait to see what happens! Kinda sad I Binged listened to it in one night lol. Keep up the Great and(not Terrible) work!
  • Jomomister
    I’m not sure this is a good story or not because the podcast gets in the way of me actually hearing it. Each episode is about 4 minutes long, 1 minute of which is self promotion. No thanks! The story itself is a bit slow to get going so I doubt I suffer through much more if it waiting for the conflict to grab my interest. Moon Base Theta is a similar format but somehow gets it right whereas this one gets it wrong.
  • Caedus7869
    Out of the park.
    This makes one wonder what goes on in the creator’s mindscape. Each episode is another little taste, giving you just enough of a fix to last the week. Hoping for a supercut at the end.
  • face12345
    It might drive you crazy in the best way.
    Compelling, immersive, and always leaves you wanting more! Being new to short fiction, it’s been a tantalizing wait between episodes, but it’s so worth the voices I’ve started hearing as the anticipation slowly drives me insane. ✨🙃✨
  • Runksmash
    Micro fiction at its best!
    One thing I’ve always loved about A. R. Olivieri’s work is the length, it’s always short but dense. This is shaping up to be a masterpiece! I can hardly wait between episodes because of the writing, how the acting brings it to life, and how the sound design makes it so very immersive, like I said it’s dense.
  • Coffeeface
    Excellent short form fiction
    This is my first foray into short form audio fiction, and I am super enjoying it. It’s a slow burn, but well acted and written and I can’t wait to see how it plays out!
  • seraphimstrike
    AR is creating amazing short form fiction. Binge it. You know you wanna
  • AtomRays
    Quick Microfiction Binge!
    This is the first microfiction show that I've listened to and this did not dissapoint. The writing, acting, production, and music sucked me so much that I finished all 8 episodes in one go. This has me excited to listen to more of AR's work!
  • The Carroll Sisters
    What a premise!!
    We first heard about this show at Podcon and were thrilled when it launched. Very interested in the moral complexities being explored here. It’s super well produced and the short episode lengths make it sort of addictive to re-listen because it’s so quick! Can’t recommend this suspenseful show enough!
  • Euph man
    Beautiful sound design and storytelling, can’t wait to hear more!
  • Audio Drama Nerd
    An interesting mix
    This is my initial reaction to episode one. I feel like it has the best parts of different podcasts all jammed into one. It has the narration style of Girl in Space, the prose centered dialogue like Mabel, and the darkness of Wormwood.
  • Directive Podcast
    Can't wait for more!
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