Uprising: A Guide From Portland


Background and breakdown on 100 days of Portland insurrection, going in to the background, history of the current protests breaking down the struggles, successes and infrastructure that has made the uprising in Portland possible.

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Recent Reviews
  • Combaticus83
    I get real pedo vibes every time I listen to this show.
  • Matt Lief Anderson
    I actually loved the first 2 episodes. The next few are horrible. It just recounts every moment and pinch of every protest for days and days and days. We fought the police, we fought right wing guys, we fought the feds, then more right wing guys. Maybe this is one of those “you had to be there” type story. PS I pretty much agree with Robert’s political views always. I just can’t listen to this.
  • Myprettym
    At least pretend to cover all sides
    As someone who aligns politically, socially, and locally with the views covered by this podcast, this is as hard to get through. The coverage doesn’t even attempt to be unbiased. I get that the material is hard to be neutral on, but at a certain point listening to this is an echo chamber.
  • buddhatim
    Fight the right
    The question boils down to this, if you’re not anti-fascist, what exactly are you? Great reporting that should be listened to by everyone who loves what this country claims to stand for.
  • S. Elwyn
    Important Perspective
    This is on the ground, in-depth coverage that is not possible without amazing people willing to put their safety on the line. They deserve your respect and attention.
  • CarmackGuy
    Trigger warning for mental health patients
    The host is prejudiced against people with schizophrenia and similar disorders. I wouldn’t listen to this show, nor would I recommend listening if you have a psychotic illness & this is the kind of language that might trigger an episode for you. The host has a habit of describing people who disagree with him in denigrating terms for mental illness. I cannot in good conscience recommend this content.
  • Canonhead311
    Horrible Journalism
    I find all these podcasts that support anarchism yet they fill their podcast with paid advertisements. If they really agreed they would not support capitalism. This podcast preaches unsupported information and breeds hate.
  • Tufts student
    Really impressive work by journalists on the ground
    I feel very privileged to be able to hear from journalists who are happy to own and be transparent about their allegiances and biases (there’s no such thing as “objective” journalism, “objective” is just “supporting the status quo”) and be in the streets and online with the people fighting for Black Lives and against police, police unions, and the Feds. This is great work from them, with a great diversity of voices. A really important and unique perspective from that you’ll hear in the news.
  • siggityser
    Listen to know the truth!
    This is my favorite podcast! Super informative and nice that it focuses the first episode of the history of racism in Oregon. I would recommend to anyone/everyone. BLACK LIVES MATTER!!!
  • Mikeyboy09
    Brain Food for Basement Dwellers 2: The Squeakquel
    Robert Evans is OUR terrorist. Praise be to Machete Supreme
  • JSiznak
    Looking to get Radicalized?
    Robert Evans, his team, the journalists covering the Uprising, and the Uprising itself are all simply fantastic. Endlessly fascinating and a great step in anyone’s journey Leftward Ho!
  • Kk Morgan
    5 stars
    Robert Evans is not a terrorist!
  • EagleM16
    Great show!
    Keep fighting fascists! Y’all are lovely people.
  • pres is a fascist
    Informative and important
    The handful of outraged anti-antifa tirades in the reviews are accidental endorsements. This podcast rules.
  • MsE1590
    Probably not a terrorist
  • J-Rock-RN
    Are ya kidding me?!?!
    You give this crap a platform? That’s a huge F-You to everyone who lives, works ( or used to till their business’ were torched) & lived oin and around Portland. And what did ya all achieve? Fear, robbery, hatred, rubble, division ...wow what a great achievement!! Breaking things down rather then building things up is easy and to act like these haters are some kind of hero’s is why you will never get the following or make any solid changes that real revolutionary leader like MLK, Gandhi, Geo Washington have done. Your just gonna be a blip in the annals of history. Granted your blip will be nasty, bloody, dirty & cheap but your people, like George Floyd will be found out for what ya all really are ... criminals
  • edipdx
    Amazing, important podcast. Commercials are the one detractor
    A must listen, the commercials for luxury cars are terrible. Also check out “it did happen here” podcast
  • czspeed
    Can’t recommend enough
    I’m not from Portland, I don’t live there. I knew when this was happening that the media narrative wasn’t capturing everything. This is a fantastic deep dive into what was actually going on with context provided. In general I am a big fan of Robert Evan’s reporting. Anyone new to his work should check out Women’s War ASAP.
    Like wow, like, I mean, like really, like wow.
    I started listing to the podcast excited to hear the details of what "really" has been happening in Portland. I hear nothing but B.S. This podcast is horrible. Upspeak, white guilt and the word "like" is the majority here. Sevaral interviews have people stubmling over themselves trying to justify idiotic unlawful acts. Whatever this podcast is trying to acomplish, it's not working.
  • spyingonmila
    everyone upset with the antifa why is that? is it because you are a facist? if so you’re still giving this place rating by listening STUPID. best podcast about what happened to portland. y’all are big funny
  • Dunning-Kruger
    Brain food for basement dwellers
    Robert Evans is a terrorist
  • walkerb104
    What a ride
    This podcast is fascinating, going so much deeper than what was in the news this summer. Give it a listen!!
  • A foolish Victim
    Totally Based
    Very good info
  • Oldmesneger82
    Great So Far
    background is important, things like this don’t just happen out of the blue.
  • Justwool
    Wish interviews were edited better. One specific person was hard to listen to based on the likes.
  • Missg...Meee
    The REAL story of our PDX summer
    As a born and raised Black Portlander who personally knows many of the people interviewed and reporting in this podcast, I commend this podcast for telling the story of the people on the ground, night after night in OUR beautiful city. I’m proud of Portland, of antifa, of the Black community, of Black organizers, of the mutual aid that continues and will continue into the future. ACAB Stay strong, stay tight, stay safe. ✊🏽
  • the Queen of Fort Greene
    Luckily fascists are stupid
    Note the ridiculous false reviews from the tragic disinformation goons. Anyway, bravo! Thanks for your reporting, can’t wait for the next episodes.
  • PDX_SamK
  • underit
    You r idiots!
    Like usual you bleeding heart libs got it all wrong. BLM and it’s associate where totally in the wrong. Every one of those law breaking idiots should be in jail!
  • Evan W. D.
    Baruch Hashem for this podcast
    It is seldom I hear something with such a message. Robert Evans, Sophie Lichterman, and Garrison Davis I heard heard elsewhere; excellent people, excellent journalists. People like this are the hope of the world... The honesty, integrity, and intelligence they and those who work with and in common cause with them exhibit is why this country shall live. The quality of the journalism, and the volume of information, combined with intelligent analysis, on the ground experience, and good perspective all make this a compelling and indispensable tool to understand the Portland conflict. I can’t recommend it enough!
  • Nuf Said!!!
    Don’t waste your time
    This is a poor podcast. Not accurate and completely one sided. Not worth the time.
  • Jonpolivka
    Don't mind the chud and bootlicker review’s
    This is top-tier independent investigative journalism and reporting. These are real-time accounts and experiences of honest journalists and activists who have put their bodies and lives on the front lines in an effort and aim to share the truth. Don’t mind the chuds and bootlickers who, in all their cowering and fear, find the need to blatantly attack this quality work. Give this pod a listen, it's worth it. Solidarity, to this whole team, it’s a pleasure to be in the streets with such hard-working people who are dedicated to the liberation and freedom of all people. Cheers.
  • GriftersGunnaGrift
    Enjoy the content Evans puts out. From “It Could Happen Here” to BtB and The Women’s War the content and interviews have been fantastic. If your best shot is “this is leftist propaganda” or making fun of normal people telling their story.. his work isn’t for you anyway.
  • jobless hippi
    I watched a lot of this live
    I watched your live streams when this started glad you made it through relatively unscathed...looking forward to the breakdown everything. Stay safe sir and keep up the good work
  • Superpod wow
    Putting PDX into global, historical vontext
    Evans has been getting gassed, beaten and assaulted almost daily for months and has earned on-the-scene credibility that the major networks only dream of.
  • Achaywi
  • big-fun
    A Necessary Perspective on Current Events
    No one is better suited than Robert Evans to deep dive into what has been happening in Portland, a powder-keg-microcosm of America, this year. When legacy news tends to shy away from the nitty gritty of anti-police brutality protests in favor of sensationalized photos of fires and shattered glass, Evans’ ongoing ground zero reporting of the nascent revolution has been a breath of tear-gas-tainted fresh air.
  • Happygoddess
    This podcaster was there!!
    Amazing to hear about Portland marches from the people who were actually there on the streets for over 100 nights. Highly recommend this!! Robert Evans does excellent work.
  • Jakeali99
    Showing another perspective
    Glad to hear another perspective on the uprising instead of hearing the false information from reactionaries and Liberals attempting to destroy the movement and divide us all because they feel uncomfortable and scared of real change.
  • BlakeMoo
    Another banger
    I love that this is a mile from where I live and is being said to be “left wing ‘Antifa’ propaganda” haha. No. It’s happening here. Come visit. I’ll show you how anti-fascism really looks. We can get a coffee and talk it out.
  • TubaGraves
    Robert Evans knocks it out of the park again. The level of research and detail is unparalleled.
  • AK97214
    Another great series from Bobert
    Bobby E - #1 protest bae, 100% could get it
  • Justmejane
    Worth it!
    You jut can't go wrong on any program article or podcast with Robert Evans. He's astute, sincere and perceptive to historical context. Great guests, excellent storytelling.
  • RainerD7
    Nothing new
    I thought this was a fresh take on the Portland riots, but it’s just the same old story you hear from other sources. Lots of background noise too, low production quality
  • Dolemitee420
    Biased nonsense from a leftist journalist
    This podcast is a joke that tries to paint the antifa rioting terrorist as heroes. One look at the hosts Twitter will tell you all you need to know. Listen if you want to know what radical leftist propaganda sounds like. Try to hold back your laughter as you hear this drivel.
  • Gr8tGatzB
    A podcast for those that want an apologist for antifa viewpoint of the riots in Portland.
  • no names avail turkey
    Your podcasts are entertaining but like, you only like, like, it’s like you only interview young people that like do not like speak properly. Like you know? Like
  • Hhggggiivfddd
    Such a great listen. This is podcasting!
  • Vath dader
    Anything Robert
    Anything R. Evans puts out I will buy raw, boil, and eat.
  • Srl11399
    This series is fantastic. Production is high quality. Can't recommend it enough!
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