The Health Ranger Report

News #205Daily News #28

Wisdom, commentary and improv entertainment from the Health Ranger!!!!

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  • Laeddo
    Foolish Rhetoric
    Mikes rhetoric on Israel is completely wrong from a Biblical perspective. I recommend not following this podcast. If you want solid information on this topic, go follow Behold Israel and stay plugged into the Word. Holy Spirit will guide you away from this thinking spewed out on this podcast.
  • Vsamaripa
    Your podcast
    Mike, please don’t EVER stop doing your podcast. I look forward to it everyday! You are really doing a great job! Is there something wrong with the podcast here? It didn’t do the situation update today. It did on the HRR, but not Mike, did you ever get your files to open so you can run the Situation Update for 11-24-22? Is it still not working? Are you still having blackouts? I really miss your podcast when it isn’t there. No 12-16-22 podcast today??? How come you haven’t updated the audio only podcast today? I really missed that one today. I listen to it every night before I go to sleep. Don’t ever stop doing those. They are still very special to me. Is there something wrong with audio only podcast? Can’t get sound. I like both ways. They are both good. I like watching you with Rhoady. If it’s easier for you to do audio only then you should do it that way. As long this podcast I’m a happy camper. Are you having problems again with your computers? I watched your program today on infowars. It’s 2:45 pm and it still hasn’t showed up. It was on infowars at 10:30-11:00. Just wondering! I really do love you Mike Adams! I have to buy 2 pairs of glasses this month, I was looking eyemart express and they have titanium frames that by MICHAEL ADAMS. Are those yours or is there another Mike Adams? You never mention selling eyeglasses. Mike, you and Michael Yon did an excellent job on today’s BBN. I thank God for you every day. I also ask to surround you with his angels. I don’t know if you noticed this or not, you put the date on yesterday podcast as 2-9-2022. Why is the podcast temporarily unavailable for May 2? I’m finally on and I am very happy about that. It wouldn’t work at first. Now I feel like I’m part of something and not left out. Everything about it looks great. You’ve done a really great job with this. I’m still working on It’s a little trickier to maneuver. What I wanted to ask you about though, are you still going to be able to do your audio podcast? The one I listen to at night. It’s become a part of my day. Where is your sermon for today? You haven’t posted it yet. It’s on infowars but not your channels? Where is today’s podcast? Are you not doing your podcast anymore? Why? I don’t want you to stop. I really missed it last night. The new version of your Brighteon is MAGNIFICENT!!! I absolutely can’t until it’s mp3!! Well done Mike! It’s so beautiful.
  • Hi Buddy Waz Up
    Great information from a true patriot and follower of Christ
    Hi Mike! I’m 28 and live in Chandler AZ. I’ve been listening to you since about 2021 and appreciate everything you do and reveal! I’ve turned my friends on to your podcast! You might not realize it but your audience also has some millennials and gen z listeners as well. God bless you Mike Adams, even if I don’t make it through the trials and tribulations that are coming I’ll see you in the kingdom my brother! PS, he isn’t antisemitic. Palestians and Arabs are also Semitic, criticizing a genocidal (mostly secular not Jewish) government) does not equal hating Jews, anyone who thinks this man is an antisemite needs to do some soul searching and talk with Yahweh
  • zippidy-dooda
    What happened?!
    Dude’s got an ego problem….thinks he’s a minister, knows the bible better than anyone else, is a complete dud as a rapper, and is antisemitic to boot. Gimme a break and go back to dealing with health issues and stop preaching - it doesn’t do anyone any good since you obviously don’t know what you’re talking about…for example, bashing St. Paul as a false apostle 😳…that’s nuts
  • R-Urwin
    He used to be good but he now hates Jews
  • rmswens
    What's Going On Mike??
    Mike!! What is going on??? Hope you are reading and listening to your followers and their reviews..My husband and I have loved listening to your old podcast but for the past 2 years you have been all over the place especially this last year! We hope you get back to your expertise on health, organic chemical free foods and emergency preparedness. Please stop thinking that you are an expert on Israel and the Bible. Sadly we are listening to you less and less. We want the old Mike Adams back. We hope you can get back on track.
  • POTUS 45 Fan
    Mike Adams provides analysis that often goes one step further than his peers (Alex).
  • thinking person222345
    Nothing but fear porn.
    What the heck happened to Mike? Once upon a time he had good information. It looks like he was deployed in January 2020 as part of the fear mongering psyop.
  • patriot#1776
    He’s lost his mind 11-7-24 amnesty for all
    Fauci kills millions and Mike suggests that after a full confession he should get amnesty! Mike wants amnesty for everyone as long as they confess. No punishment required in America. He’s like Oprah you get amnesty, you get amnesty, you get amnesty. The reverend Mike has lost his ever loving mind
    Thank you Mike for all your hard work for all you have given us. I am truly grateful. Your abundant love for humanity, pours out through your microphone.
  • Namealreadyused
    Hezbollah Puppet has Gone Off the Deep End
    I listened to Mike for years as a daily listener. With the attack on Israel the Health Ranger has lost his mind, claiming to be a teacher of the Bible but clueless to what the Bible actually says. He will lead you astray, beware. Start with Genesis 12:1-3
  • Envor Hoxca
    Truth and honesty
    A man of honor Mike Adam’s
    Good BUT….
    Please stop the Bible thumping!
  • Joe the pool guy
    I’ve written a couple of reviews of this podcast over the last few weeks, just to vent; and hopefully to warn unsuspecting “Christians” from straying into this bullcrap… but what I would really like would be to confront Mike Adams and attempt to reason with him… the goal being to explain to him that he’s just wrong about nearly everything he has to say about the Bible. This guy apparently found his Grandpa’s dusty old Bible in an old trunk in his attic, and started reading in remembrance of his old G’pa; but, unfortunately, G’pa wasn’t there to explain it and help Mike understand it correctly. So now, Mike’s existing audience is being treated to bloviation of ridiculous opinions as if they are hard facts… Defense of outright blasphemy as being an accurate interpretation of the Bible… as if generations of studious, dedicated, faithful theologians, Bible scholars, and lifelong followers of Yeshua all got it wrong, but Mike Adams has an unquestionable, eminently qualified lock on the true and right faith. It’s all just completely asinine. He doesn’t even offer any prayer, praise, or even simple acknowledgment of the Great I Am in his “sermons”. Mike Adams frequently gives equal credit for all creation to “God” and some entity he lovingly refers to as “Mother Nature”… that’s definitely a sign of a confused and reckless lost soul. He also thinks our world, (or maybe the entire observable universe?), is a “simulation”… simulation of what? What is the real thing that is being simulated? Some other, more appealing version of reality? What a stupid thing to believe… how can this man claim to be a “scientist” or a “Christian”? I would just stop listening; but its like watching a train wreck… horrifying, but you just can’t look away.
  • Freedominchrist!!
    False teacher
    Your news is good and informative but your teaching about the gospel is way off.
  • Hoodoo Mt
    What is going on with your show
    I’ve been listening to you for over a year and your podcast was one of the best I have heard and it was really informative to listen to it. I even listened to all of your downloaded books and they were great as well. I will continue to listen to your show but man you have been flip flopping on your opinions and what you take stand for so much I just about don’t even know what you stand for anymore. Seems to me that someone will criticize you and you change your mind. Just my opinion. Wish you would get back to doing your older shows with all the great information. Good luck to you Mike.
  • Love SBN
    You have lost your way.
    Will not follow an ANTI SEMITE
  • dressedwarrior
    I'll wait it out.
    As Gods plan is being revealed in Israel, while your "giving sermons", I'm praying that you'll see that Elam, (Iran) was raised up to punish the Jewish people. Christian's are COMMANDED to support Gods CHOSEN people. Bad government, or not. It's wise to invite interviewers who are well versed in Biblical prophesy!
  • DZ500
    Anti Semitic is a sad turn
    Used to tune in daily for health advice, but then he got obsessed with criticizing Jews and Israel, while ignoring terrorist violence targeting civilian women and children. Can no longer support such vile hatred.
  • Wmhunt
    Ignorant or stupid
    Antisemitism teems on this podcast.
  • Concerned Mom408
    Hard to determine fact from fiction
    His biased and often unreliable information is a shame because some of it is fact but he is so antisemitic and he spouts lies about Israel it makes me doubt all of his info
  • henny in honolulu
    Thought provoking, informative
    While I don’t always agree with Mike on every single topic, or the extent he goes to at times, his voice is a super refreshing and much-needed one in a world of propaganda-spouting mainstream media nonsense that assumes we are all morons to be bullied into Orwellian samethink. I enjoy Mike’s survivalist and preparedness angle, which is pretty common sense these days, and that he is willing to think critically and encourages his listeners to do the same. The interviews are excellent and provide fascinating insights into global socio-political events as well as analysis of the state of the USA. Thanks Mike!
  • Katyywampus
    While I am so glad to see rfk support Trump and help us win the election, Please don’t fawn over rfk so much. Rfk wouldn’t have come to our side if Trump had not awakened America.
  • MK104628
    Great Listen
    FYI Joe Biden would definitely be a Werthers Original! Or maybe “Worthless Original.”
  • Renie 7
    Renie 7
    Interview Dr Robert O Young - very important- about Masterpeace Takes out 4 ever chemicals- in our bodies - saves lives.
  • 5at5
    Kinda thinking you might be on the wrong side of history this time…. I’m just sayin
  • nhmauiman
    Used to love listening but since Isreal started defending itself all of a sudden Mike is a crazed drooling leftist. Cant take it
  • USA Liegemen
    Roger stone POD cast
    Let the truth set you free!
  • VestaMc
    You must speak TRUTH
    Finally, all masks are off. Last night Iran stopped hiding behind proxies Hamas and Hezbollah. And launched largest missile and drone attack in the history of humanity. Israel's defense system executed flawlessly and repelled the attack. US, Britain, France, Jordan, Saudi Arabia helped to intercept the massive barrage of drones. So, "ceasefire now" people, stop your childish games and TikTok narratives and choose side in the historic situation. You have 2 options: 1. Stand with USA, Europe, all the normal developed world, with countries that want peace, that form strong alliances. And yes this includes Israel (so you'll have to get rid of your antisemitism). By the way it also includes Iranian people (not their regime), and the progressive Arab countries that want to get rid of of Islamic regimes once and for all. 2. Stand with Islamic Regime of Iran and other Radical Islamic regimes, Russia, China - all the most totalitarian, tyrannical, oppressive regimes that will take the world into dark ages if they win. By the way, October 7th happened because Iran wanted to stop the peace agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia. That's it, those are the options. Choose one. And where is Palestine, you ask? Where is the peaceful watermelon country that existed... in which years? And it was ruled... by who? You can leave it in your children books, TikTok videos, mandala drawings. In real world, Arabs (who call themselves "Palestinians" since the 60-ies) are going to have peace and independence and dignity, from the moment they'll want it. All they have to do is stop m*rdering Jews and trying to occupy Israel. And for that they have to get rid of Hamas and their puppet master - Islamic Regime of Iran. You can help them by standing on the right side. (lelemSLP on X)
  • MsBeachLizard
    You call yourself a "Christian" ?
    You cannot call yourself a Christian and then call for the removal of a ppl from a land that God Himself gave them in a covenant He made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (whose name was changed by God to "Israel)--a covenant that cannot be broken. Israel is a land where Christ Himself will return to very soon on the Mount of Olives. Do a history study from the Bible and from reputable sources and stop calling out against the apple of God's eye.
  • RQ22222222
    Mike Adam’s hates Israel
    He clearly doubles down on his hatred for Israel every podcast. That is a very dangerous position to be in. We are in the last times and the Bible warns of mass deception that will take place. Mike is clearly deceived.
  • Andrzej Jan
    I am a 54-year-old strict Christian conservative. I listen to tons of podcasts I drive a lot with my job and I have the blessing to be able to listen to lots of podcasters. I’ve given him a chance now for about a 3-4 years and purchase some of his health and wellness products. I know he is extremely popular on the strange right, but he is wrong in so many areas he is correct on some points and he has a great sense of humor and he’s a great entertainer on the podcast and he does make me laugh at times but he’s a deceiver and he’s just completely wrong on so many issues of theology as well as the greater worldview He exaggerates events to extreme levels. I agree we’re headed towards bad outcomes here in America, but he plays them to the extreme extreme conclusion, and predict them to probably occur in the immediate immediate future I followed his advice on so many things about three years ago, and he was completely wrong.
  • jlo120
    Michael, Mikie, Mike
    Your podcasts would BE great if only you would leave out your personal B.S. It gets boring hearing about your dog, chickens, how you’ll survive the apocalypse, etc. Be a good Michael and NOT a Mikie, and stick to the facts and cut all the CaCa…
  • Patriotica P
  • ronnier888
    Mike is a selfish blood-libelist for personal profit. Sick!
    Ugh his free speech platform blocked me.
  • Davidagoodnight
    Same Repetitive Bologna
  • Purging
    My Favorite Podcast
    Health Ranger Repot is by far my favorite podcast. I look forward to listening to it everyday. Mike Adams is a genuine and wholesome guy who knows what he is talking about, loves humanity and life on earth as a whole. Mike strives to bring the truth to his listeners, keep them informed about current events and where things are potentially heading. Mike bring humor to the podcast. My favorite are the songs he come up with. His guests are insightful, knowledgeable and industry leaders bring the audience useful and practical information to understand topics like survival, inflation, economic collapse, medical tyranny, WW3, Bible Prophecy, and much more. Well worth your time to listen to Mike Adams, Health Ranger Report.
    Never Again
    I listened to this podcast for several years until Mike Adams went completely off the rails with his hatred of Israel and his antisemitic attacks. Completely uninformed on the history of Israel. He should have stuck with what he actually did well…podcasts on health.
  • Brit102310
    Not anymore…
    I used to listen to Mike Adams quit a bit. Especially when Trump was running for his 2nd term and lost. I’m a Texan too and I thought that I was alined with a lot of what this podcast talked about. Not anymore. Mike has become anti-Semitic. Which makes me very sad since i know he is a Christian. This should be a time he uses his platform for good not to spread Israel hate. I really hope he changes his way and pray about what he’s using his platform for.
  • dgustner
    I have listened to this podcast every day for years. I noticed recently that Mike has strayed from important daily happenings and now I hear on his most recent podcast that he is contemplating dropping interviews and reports on daily events. This is all I listen for so if that is the direction he is going he will decidedly lose me as a listener.
  • EyesWideOpen12
    What happened to your podcast?!?
    I’ve listened to your podcast for years. You have been way off base as of late. Stop with your incorrect biblical interpretations and opinions. Go back to what you know. Health and preparedness. I can’t even get through one episode anymore
  • jasstew
    Goodbye Mike
    As a Christian I cannot in good conscience listen to such profound biblical ignorance and animosity towards Israel.
  • Boxer Girl Star
    You SPEAK the Truth, Mike 👱🏻‍♂️ KEEP sharing your knowledge & humor ❤️ You are SO SO FUNNY 😂😍, have a genuine heart, GOOD for humanity ❤️❤️❤️ and WE NEED YOU!
  • But of course it’s taken
    Good at spinning the story. Most is very accurate. But Mike knows not the God of Jacob and Isaac well enough to be able to comment accurately on Gods plan for humanity.
  • apples*apples
    October 7, 2023 — the day this podcast BOMBED
    Since the beginning of the Israel-Hamas conflict, every other world news topic has vanished from this so-called Brighteon Broadcast News podcast (which should really be called Mike Adams’ opinion show). What was once a decent channel to learn about current events, has been reduced to repetitive, preachy commentary and doomsday predictions about a war that hasn't even truly begun. If this conflict was designed to distract us from the ushering in of CBDC and digital enslavement, Mike has certainly taken the bait.
  • thubbard
    Can’t listen since you got into biblical politics in October ‘23. It comes across as you seeming holier than thou, and condescending. Your boring and daily repeated lectures on “principles” almost as intolerable as listening to Barack Obama public lectures. Even if you are correct in some instances, you’re just not cut out to preach. You set up your guest questions like lame media does. Will be very happy when you go back to what you’re good at: Health and prepping for difficult times ahead.
  • carriecamarillo
    Really enjoy his honesty, he’s very brave
    Very smart, very informative and I really like when he shares information with us and others are too afraid to share I love his personality he is quirky but that’s what makes him so special! 3-31-2022: so sorry you lost your precious dog 😢😢😢😢😢😢. Love your podcasts Love your information ❤️❤️❤️❤️ you are so smart Mike Adams is brilliant and everyone should listen to every podcast. This man puts on the air. Thank you Mike Adams. Mike, I am so disappointed in how you’ve taken a stance against Israel. They have a right to defend themselves they’re going to be annihilated all of the Arab states want to kill them all of them. I just don’t think you’re being fair Israel didn’t ask for this they were attacked women children men they were all killed. They were sodomize they were raped they were targeted for no reason! I pray you come to your senses, I do respected you for years I buy stuff from you. I am so disappointing. I’m heartbroken.
  • Feb071957
    Another dangerous con! Buy up on his products, fools!
    Enough said
  • ian8or
    I’m done!
    I’ve been listening to your podcast for a couple of years. I always knew you were a little kooky, and to take you with a grain of salt (so much of your regurgitations never proved correct). I still listened because there would be “occasional” useful information… but no more! Your endless diatribe against the people of Israel as they defend themselves over a fight they did not start with Hamas is more than I can stomach. I’ve moved on to the Dan Bongino Show for my intel.
  • C McGrath
    Your pursuit of the truth is what Aristotle referred to as essential. Even when I don’t share your view I always admire your courage in touching the third rail. Stay strong and fearless!
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