The Art History Babes


~life is short, art is long~Corrie, Nat, Ginny, & Jen discuss all things visual culture*Regular episodes: hanging out, talking about art - kind of like a college seminar and house party combined.*Art History Babe Briefs (Art History BBs) : quick art history facts minus the expletives.*Hot Takes: The Babes mix it up, chatting about topics outside the realm of established art history.

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  • Manta1895
    Please explain the Bacchanal to America
    Hi! Love this podcast. So much. Please please please. This is an emergency. Come back and explain the Bacchanal to America, with the Paris 2024 Olympic Games opening ceremony depiction of a Bacchanal as the specific example. Everyone thinks it was a version of The Last Supper. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø And then we can share this episode on all our feeds to educate the noobs. THANK YOU!
  • klevitt
    Valley Girl art history
    If you like ā€œOh my God!ā€ Valley girls talkingā€¦ this show is for you. I am an Art Historian and the topics are not very well researched and they use profanity which is not appreciated. They are silly, annoying, and insipid. They do not elevate the conversation of art at all. Rather they discuss it to a sophomoric level any ten year old will understand. Thier knowledge of art can be found on any Wikipedia pageā€¦google it yourself and save yourself valuable time.
  • colton sam
    No meat on the bones
    The topics are not well researched- (at time frustratingly so) - the podcast does not listen like history or art history it listen like social chatting - I think itā€™s a fine social podcast,but not what Iā€™m into and not what feels to be advertised.
  • succulent2
    Too much giggling and going around in circles with non relevant chatter
  • IPB69
    Too much girl talk
    They may be educated but some of their commentary is just ignorant
  • Mrpotatohead768
    Amazing feminist power
    Iā€™ve been listening to this podcast for a while and it is just the easiest and most wonderful thing to listen to during the day. It is packed with art historical narratives and context!! I have learned so much and it has given me an amazing appreciation for art and the messages, whether cultural or political, that art can illustrate. The focus on feminist discussions and art is so enriching and inspiring.
  • Nicky McNickname
    a little less wine
    These podcasts wear thin fast. If you have no background in the subject (which is fine, most people wouldn't) then you'll get some interesting, basic perspectives -- the same stuff everyone reads in basic textbooks. But while the chatters have plenty of personal opinions (not art historical opinions -- personal opinions) I'm amazed that four people with advanced degrees have nothing whatsoever to add to the actual subject of art history. I thought this was sort of fun at first, but it got tedious, vapid, and depressing pretty fast. They like themselves, as a subject, more than they like art. Juvenile.
  • khowz318
    I personally love this podcast. Itā€™s like talking shop with my fellow art history nerds over a glass(es) of wine on a Friday night and Iā€™m here for it. I want to be your friends so badly. You guys make me laugh and I love the community you create. I really thought your most recent episode was not on toys but ~seggs~ toys and I was wondering, can you guys do more podcasts on the female rep/ poster art/ talk about art and seggs and marketing? Would love to hear your opinions on this topic throughout the ages (based off your individual expertises) because who doesnā€™t wanna talk about the scandy stuff in art? Love you guys!!! -kae
  • carladarla24
    I like the laidback and tangents yā€™all go on
    Looking forward to more trips. I wonā€™t be able to go on this one but hope it goes well so there will be more! I really enjoy your podcast and have been listening for years. I think the podcast is still true to itā€™s original state which I appreciate. Itā€™s informative but not exhausting to listen to.
  • The13sunflowers
    So proud of my previous TAā€™s!
    These ladies are exceptional in and out of classes! I cannot recommend them enough. I stumbled upon their podcast a few years ago and I have been a dedicated listener ever since. They make art history even more fun and engaging. I am so happy to keep on listening to them after graduation. Seriously give them a listen because you wonā€™t regret it. Also, these negative reviews are just not it. They are intelligent women who can each present their ideas and research so succinctly but it is refreshing to see them discuss art in a more relaxed manner. Keep it up the great work!!
  • TiredArtTeacherMom
    Art History thatā€™s not a snoozefest...
    As an Art History teacher for high schoolers, itā€™s great when I can find art history resources/media that arenā€™t super dry and overly academic. The AHBs are a fun mix of historical info and regular social conversation. Itā€™s enjoyable to listen to and keeps me fresh as an educator. Love it!
  • JillieBean87
    Itā€™s pretty cool!
    Iā€™ve been a listener for a while now. These women are extremely informative on the topics they discuss, and listening to them talk is like hanging out with good friends talking about art, which is awesome. This podcast not only covers all the art Iā€™m interested in, it also provides a feeling of being a part of a group of friends which is filling a huge void since the pandemic for me. Thank you so much for this! I have three main issues when it comes to this podcast though. The first is the sound quality. Iā€™ve watched some of the YouTube videos of these episodes, and always see hand-held microphones which produce different levels of loudness depending on how close or far away you are from the mic, and it definitely comes across in the podcast audio where some speakers are louder than others. It makes it difficult to listen to because Iā€™m often turning up volume for some speakers and quickly lowering it when the audio gets too loud. I think even some cheap table top mics or headphones would produce a better, more stable, audio quality than the hand-held ones. The second issue is it would be really cool if there was more equality in who talks on the podcast. I get the sense that Corrie is the main one who leads the podcast because she is the main one who speaks most of the time. It can sometimes seem as though Corrie is taking most of the spotlight and it would be really nice if there was more time for the four Babes to speak, especially Jen and Ginny who seem less frequent on the podcast than Corrie and Natalie. Third is horoscopes. I get that you gals are into astrology and witchcraft sort of things, and thatā€™s totally cool. My only wish is for talk about these things to go down a bit because itā€™s not really relevant to 99% of the art youā€™re discussing. Thanks for hearing me out! I know that hearing criticism is always hard, and I only mention these things because I think that it will make the podcast that much better. Iā€™m a huge fan, and these really are only minor issues. Keep up the amazing work!
  • mac the light
    Smart about what?
    Smart minds Letā€™s thank stellar topics Not even pop or trendy I canā€™t believe youā€™re afraid of the deep end Take a crack at a tough topic you can really wrap those brains around. Art in the city?! Really. Thatā€™s all youā€™re going to do. Itā€™s Art not soft porn. Good luck. Iā€™ll listen again.
  • krocinante
    BB Episodes
    So excited that the AHB are doing an AP Art History series with the BB episodes! Iā€™m a high school teacher currently teaching that class and I canā€™t wait to incorporate the episodes into my classroom this coming school year! For those who read the reviews- I really enjoy that way this podcast provides light and interesting information about art history. These ladies do a great job creating a sort of ā€œlaid back/ fun/ conversationalā€ way of talking about art. Yes, it would be nice if the quality of the audio was a better but I think they are absolutely worth listening to and are totally different from all the other art history podcasts out there! Love what you ladies are doin! Love the book! Love your insight! And I love that you are making YouTube and TikTok vids! Keep doing what your thing ladies šŸ‘šŸ¾ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„āœØ
  • ghostofbabu
    The podcast photo is literally women drinking wine
    I love this podcast and I think the subjects are always interesting and well researched. The discussions and the hosts perspectives are genuinely thought provoking. These women deserve a lot more respect than reviews bashing their intellectual content based on their voices and giggling. The podcast photo is literally women drinking wineā€¦.of course there will be banter and giggling. I donā€™t think the premise of the podcast is unclear at all. Itā€™s upsetting how many people judge these womenā€™s merit based on something so simple as their voices.
  • TominLouisville
    Back to basics
    Some episodes are really good. It took me a couple of episodes to get used to the banter. These women really know their stuff and make it entertaining, but a little too much extra lately. The color theory episodes are gold! Letā€™s get back to basics, drunk art history is fun, as long as itā€™s art history!
  • Awsome face 1254
    We all need to lighten up and laugh while talking about art!
    Love the art info. The banter is fun and while sometimes I wish for a teensy bit deeper dive into the history, the truth is Iā€™d get bored quickly if this was a straight info podcast. The warmth between you all is infectious.
  • lzzrdpnappl
    Doesnā€™t deserve all the negative reviews
    I will start by saying this is not the show for me. I recently have gotten back into art history. I listened to a handful of episodes, I thought they were well researched and gave enough info for me to walk away understanding the history of the artist. I thought they had some good ā€˜editorialā€™ things to say as well. I thought the hosts were generally amicable. Itā€™s not a show Iā€™ll come back to often - because I just donā€™t click with it. But I am leaving a positive review because I do not understand why there are so many negative reviews. Yes the audio quality is not great at times, yes they chit chat a lot. There are shows that have bad audio quality where the host chit chat that I like a lot because I click with the hosts. Just admit itā€™s not the type of show you were looking for and move on. Donā€™t bash someoneā€™s hard work because you donā€™t like ā€˜vocal fry.ā€™ Whatever that even is. Jeez.
  • nikki34&6
    Lots of chatter
    I would want to listen to their knowledge on Art History, but their recent episodes are mostly about their life experience (nothing to do with art), what their doing in the weekends, and what they plan to do. This is far from an art history podcast and something across the lines of a chatting and check-in within the group. Donā€™t waste your time, this is not the podcast for art history!
  • >kat.Lea<
    More chatting than art talk
    Just feel like there could be a lot more editing out the side chatter. A lot of times when historical blurbs are actually read, they sound bored and have major vocal fry. Also, itā€™s cool to admit you donā€™t know something but this is a podcast- look it up and answer it for your listeners. Thatā€™s why weā€™re listening. Overall, not the best structure of conversations, nor do they dig very deep into history, but they are a fun and light way to hear a couple art history facts.
  • Botticelliā€™s babe
    More art, less drunken rambling
    Been a long time listener but recently the quality and professionalism has dropped. Inside jokes are not funny to anyone but the hosts. The tangents are getting ridiculous and I end up skipping the majority of the episode just to listen to the scattered bits of actual information.
  • Kriskriskriskris55677777
    Love the Babes
    Love you guys.. you make my commute interesting and entertaining
  • wuit asking for a nickname!
    Not serious
    To much chit chat. Voices are sharp and hard to listen too.
  • ff56grl
    In love always <3
    I've listened to the magnificent ladies for years, andd I just finished my straight chronological run through of all of their episodes. Thanks for helping me brush up on my art history knowledge, and thanks for helping me get through the nightmare that was 2020!
  • Little Miss Sweet Tea
    100% Entertaining and Educational!
    This podcast reminds me of the first Art History class that I took in college - my teacher was the bomb! I love listening to The Babes, and I canā€™t believe that I just discovered them! Big fan here in Spring Hill, TN
  • tiruwalla
    Fun :-)
    I like these knowledgeable ladies! Learning a lot of new info and I theyā€™re funny too. Thanks Babes!
  • Milgo Vonne Fraun
    Maybe itā€™s just me.
    Too much ā€œbabesā€ and not enough art history.
  • LCDR Philanderer
    Could Be Better
    Too much giggling and inane banter, very little useful information.
  • Brandy Agun
    Glad youā€™re back!
    I really love this podcast and missed it while you were in hiatus completing your book. I know there were some episodes, but I miss the ones with all four of you. The recent one in the color yellow was wonderful! Unlike some others writing in, I enjoy your lighthearted banter along with your more considered art topic. It feels more personable. You guys are hilarious at times and I find myself laughing right along with you. Please stay who you are. I donā€™t find the jokes and off topic conversation to interfere in the least. I enjoy it.
  • Laura Lennon Curtis
    My favorite podcast ā¤ļø
    These babes are my favorite! Iā€™m a middle school art teacher who is obsessed with art history. I have heard of the art history babes before, and when we went into quarantine in the spring, I started listening to the AHB on my long walks with my dogs. I love the history and the funny moments. Wish I could join them to drink wine and talk about art! Canā€™t wait for more!!!
  • ian_painting
    Love it
    I love the show
  • lindseysigmon
    Love this show!
    I have an art degree but these ladies are always turning up new information and artists that Iā€™ve missed or forgotten. Honestly the balance of the show really works for me, super dry history podcasts alway lose me- but they strike a really great balance of goofing off and solid info. Love it!
  • KaitHeck
    Learning and fun
    These ladies make you feel a part of their group and you learn while having so much fun! They are real, down to earth ladies sharing their passion and knowledge. They make art history relatable and cool. Highly recommend a listen.
  • icedhojicha
    Expectations fell short
    While the art-focused content and commentary is fascinating, I unfortunately have to agree with other similar reviewers that the hostsā€™ exchanges and mannerisms detract from the listening experience. There are nearly twenty minute long conversations about frivolous topics that donā€™t pertain to the actual subject which should have been edited out. While I enjoy witty conversational banter in podcasts, most of their jokes are unentertaining, annoying, and mildly ignorant. At times it feels like they are all trying to one-up each other over various details. It feels quite immature. That being said, I truly do appreciate the depth and presentation of research provided, as well as the thoughtful discourse the hosts engage in!
  • Gern70Blanston
    Love it!
    Itā€™s a fun way to learn about Art History!
  • Bushwickbeergarden
    Disappointed in this podcast
    I wanted to like this podcast. I like most art podcasts, from beginner artist to E-Flux, I devour it all in the background at the studio, but this show is the worst. The tone is too snarky for me. they seem to play to type, matching the stereotype of an art history major, without the temperament to be an art historian. Iā€™ve listened to about 5 episodes. One pair had a talented and guest speak on historical hospitals from the UK, it made the host look bad she was unprofessional/ incompetent/juvenile/unserious, and seemed to need to compete or keep up with the guest, strange dynamic. The Basquiat episode, which is rebroadcast for the pandemic era (strange choice) seems to be just these podcasters getting drunk and talking about travel and drinking in clubs, I shut it off.
  • Scribracy
    Excellent podcast
    I heard about the Art History Babes on another podcast. The promo was intriguing so I decided to give it listen. The promo did not do them justice. The Art History Babes are so much better. The podcast is entertaining, educational and just fun to listen to. I definitely recommend this to everyone. Keep up the good work.
  • Jswags86
    v important pls read
    These ladies are absolutely wonderful. I love the variety of topics they cover (different types of artists, styles, art eras, etc). I know a lot of people have commented saying they laugh too much & go off on little tangents, but in all honesty, thatā€™s what I really love about them. I am an artist myself and when I listen to them I feel like Iā€™m having an organic conversation about art with them. So Iā€™d say itā€™s definitely personal preference if you like something more lecture like, or more of a conversation. They certainly do their research and I learn something new every time I listen to them. The first one I ever listened to was ā€œWeird Putti,ā€ and oh my god, I laughed so hard. It was informative but also hilarious. Highly recommend this podcast if this style fits your vibe.
  • PeeWeeCG
    A wonderfully insightful podcast
    They made me seriously reconsider and start paying closer attention to memes what they say about us, Art, our culture. Thank you for ignoring any one star reviews. Which comprise people who impotently try to criticize their free entertainment because they have nothing better to do with their rudderless existences than to be negative. Keep on making art and entertainment. I for one really appreciate it.
  • Alyssxo
    Wanted to like it
    I wanted to like this, I want a good art history podcast but I found the hosts too annoying to listen to. Itā€™s just not for me. I listened to some older episodes and there was too much laughing and banter about their lives... I just want to hear about the artist.
  • BumbleJoy
    Dream podcast to major annoyance
    Updating my review. I used to listen to this podcast and enjoy it. The sound quality has always been lacking and theyā€™ve been doing this for years. Year 1- you get a pass for bad sound but at this point itā€™s just lazy. Back when it was the 4 of them doing the show it was much more enjoyable but now the two most annoying hosts do the episodes. One is monotone and canā€™t finish a thought and the other laughs after she says literally. Every. Word. And they canā€™t or wonā€™t stay on topic, lots of rambling thoughts that donā€™t lead to insights or real humor. They really lost me when they did an episode featuring an influencer from Instagram who is notorious for stealing other peopleā€™s art and being an all around bore. Also, they basically just read from wiki, which is a red flag considering they are supposed to be historians. This podcast is probably fun for younger listeners or stoners but unfortunately, I have to unsubscribe.
  • kjersti_kitty
    Like this show a lot but
    I love women discussing art history in a casual conversational manner! But my main issues from giving 5 stars are because 1) the audio quality is terrible. I know they are still in the early stages and maybe havenā€™t got the funds to get better equipment yet, but in order to up their game professionally I feel this is an important investment. Volumes differ between speakers which is very jarring. 2) sometimes they get too excited and speak over each other or giggle way too frequently 3) ads cut in at random times- literally in the middle of someoneā€™s sentence. All of these little things add up to such a bother that I canā€™t finish episodes sometimes.
  • 5lmh
    by all the giggling. Itā€™s not that funny. You donā€™t need to laugh after everything you say
  • annieowens
    Oh God
    I found the episode on The Guerrilla Girls. How awesome, women talking about women in art! I was so on board but then found... I just could not. These girls come off like a bunch of tittering dingalings with annoying high school speech affectations so aggressive I could barely concentrate on what it was they were actually saying which turned out to be a lot of rambling nothings. As a woman and an artist myself, I wanted to support them. NOPE.
  • Peypeyllee
    I respect you but cannot respect Caroline Calloway
    It is a true shame that you invited Caroline Calloway onto your podcast because I enjoy and respect you all and your normal content for providing me with ongoing access to art education and critical discussion. However, I cannot respect your inclusion of a person who has used her platform not to create art or to write, but to bully and harass journalists and others.
  • corianne_der
    You sweet baby angels, you.
    Iā€™m proud to say Iā€™ve actually been listening to this podcast since day 1. My bachelors is in art history and it is a topic that I am incredibly passionate about but never pursued professionally. Since Iā€™ve been out of college Iā€™ve missed interacting with art history through analysis and discussion on a day to day basis and finding this podcast has helped bring this passion back to life in my day to day life. Listening to women who I know I would hit it off and be fast friends with talk about things Iā€™m passionate about has been such a privilege for the past few years and Iā€™m so proud of how far these ladies have come. Thanks to the babes for accompanying me for many a house clean and sewing projects. Youā€™re the familiar presences that bring me comfort and have gotten me through many a dark day. Thanks for being you.
  • Alexandra Simone Rojas
    These girls are total babes
    I absolutely love these babes! Everything about your show is great. Iā€™ve always loved art history but every time I told someone about my love they would sigh and say how boring it sounded, but you guys are examples of what I love about art history. You take these subjects and much like the great artists you talk about you make your subjects come alive. These girls are the best, so whether you love art history just on the side, are a beginner art historian, or an expert this is the podcast for you!
  • megangubler
    Parts of these episodes are definitely interesting, but a headache always comes first due to the cackling of the hosts over inside jokes off topic. A bit more focus would be appreciated.
  • MrsViro
    Such a great show and scratches my art history itch! Good work you all!
  • Jtodek
    these babes are the best!
    Theses babes are the best. Raving, inteligent and esoteric, aka #life goals
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