The Editors

News #134

Unravel the threads of American politics with incisive commentary and in-depth analysis on the state of the political scene. Join National Review writers like Rich Lowry, Charles C. W. Cooke, Jim Geraghty, Michael Brendan Dougherty, Jack Butler, and more for political commentary you can’t get anywhere else. Longing for a refreshing dose of sanity? All you need to do is tune in.

Recent Episodes
  • Episode 685: More Security, Please
    Sep 17, 2024 – 01:17:05
  • Episode 684: Dogs and Cats and Geese Better Scurry
    Sep 13, 2024 – 00:59:59
  • Episode 683: A Prime-Time Letdown
    Sep 11, 2024 – 01:03:31
  • Episode 682: Wait, Who’s the Villain?
    Sep 6, 2024 – 01:04:45
  • Episode 681: Biden Plays the Blame Game
    Sep 3, 2024 – 01:11:31
  • Episode 680: Dissecting the Interview
    Aug 30, 2024 – 00:51:56
  • Episode 679: Democrats Scurry
    Aug 27, 2024 – 01:15:49
  • Episode 678: Kamala Takes Center Stage
    Aug 23, 2024 – 01:06:44
  • Episode 677: Joe Biden’s Swan Song
    Aug 20, 2024 – 01:02:14
  • Episode 676: Harris’s Rotten Policies
    Aug 16, 2024 – 01:07:57
  • Episode 675: Hating on Happiness
    Aug 13, 2024 – 01:05:15
  • Episode 674: Scrutinizing the Tickets
    Aug 9, 2024 – 01:14:38
  • Episode 673: Tim Walz Is In
    Aug 6, 2024 – 01:11:46
  • Episode 672: Kamala’s Rise
    Aug 1, 2024 – 00:59:59
  • Episode 671: Don't Pack the Court
    Jul 30, 2024 – 01:01:01
  • Episode 670: How Unions Are Failing American Workers (Special Episode)
    Jul 29, 2024 – 00:37:06
  • Special Editors: School-Choice Success: A Conversation with Tommy Schultz [578]
    Sep 7, 2023 – 00:48:39
  • Special Episode: 'The Way Ahead,' a Conversation with Rich Powell [512]
    Jan 19, 2023 – 00:51:20
  • Special Episode: 'Nuclear Energy Now,' a Conversation with John Kotek [510]
    Jan 13, 2023 – 00:30:04
  • Special Episode: What's Going on in California? A Conversation with Jason Fordney [502]
    Dec 21, 2022 – 00:33:36
  • Special Episode: Turning the Tide on Campus Censorship [498]
    Dec 12, 2022 – 00:45:47
  • Special Episode: American Energy Independence [495]
    Dec 5, 2022 – 00:47:45
  • Special Episode: How to Fix the Grid, with Brad Viator [489]
    Nov 17, 2022 – 00:40:28
Recent Reviews
  • BHD #10
    Does Charles have DTS?
    Charles is so smart, but his DTS & Trump hatred is poisoning his judgement. He said he will not vote for Trump, which is his right, but does he realize that he will be indirectly voting for Kamala? How is helping Kamala good for America. Why does he hate Trump so much? It’s not like he has to be Trump’s friend.
  • Boilingrug
    So lazy
    The political/social/religious leanings of a target of an attack, any kind of attack, doesn’t necessarily tell you the motives of the attacker. I’d have thought at least Noah knew this (he probably does). I’d love to hear from fiscal conservatives about the cost/need to provide blanket, POTUS level security people not the POTUS. National Review just seems to think Trump is special. Somehow above regular citizens. National Review is wrong. National Review is sad. Edit: they only recommend their own pieces.
  • Silly Leslie
    What's good for the goose
    I once heard Jim Gerharty (spelling from memory; sorry if it's wrong) take several minutes out of his other podcast to mock a commentor on Ricochet for writing (several times) that "Jim Gerharty is always wrong." Jim wasn't over heated but was clearly irritated to his core. I thought at the time (given his profession), thin-skinned much? Yet he's the worst at lamenting Trump's clear inability to keep his emotions in check. And Noah, well, he rivals Barack Obama for having ice water in his veins, unless his ire is raised at those who oppose the Ukraine fiasco, though I've never heard him talk about his own military service. (Could not agree with him more about Israel's plight). Finally, one of the things that has annoyed me most about the regular crew since the campaign began is their constant refrain that the Republican Party needs better candidates--not that any of them have followed David French and thrown their own too-big-by-half hats into the ring. I'm not a Trump fan, and certainly not MAGA, though I will vote for him because I'm transactional, not simply conservative, in my political thinking, but the guy has been treated so unjustly, for so long, by the state and it's PR arm the media that I want to take a swing (never taken a swing at anyone) at such easy, arm-chair punditry.
  • bsalbro
    Used to love
    Guys guys.. what happened? Yikes. Rich, love you on other shows but the other guys are.. let’s say, downers.
  • CharlieBravo1
    Grating personalities
    I used to be a big fan of the show but the more I listen, the more I dislike the guys on it. Noah tries his best to sound so intelligent and talks on and on. And Jim’s voice is just overall so annoying and his constant impersonations of Biden, Trump and others is SO ANNOYING. He thinks they are hilarious but dude, give it a break.
  • DrewGivens
    Probably the best political podcast minus Rothman
    Love this podcast. Good discussion, some genuine disagreement. Occasionally they are in lockstep, but generally you get some real diversity of opinion, which is rare for a politics podcast. Love a good Charles C. W. Cooke rant. Noah Rothman not so much. He’s pedantic and annoying and tends to interrupt the others. He needlessly uses large or more difficult words (usually the same few large words, really likes “alacrity” for instance) when more common words would work better. Overall great, though.
  • POB226
    Smart but biased and predictable
    Intelligent, entertaining and interesting--but at times too predictable and un-self aware. Fair and balanced in their occasional support/critiques of MAGA and Nat Cons. But uniformly and super predictably anti-Democrat. Even a doctrinaire ideologue has to give a devil its due at times--Biden, Harris, Walz can't be wrong every time, on every issue anymore than Trump is. Also don't like how their pick of the weeks are always NR pieces. Too incestuous. Better off listening to The Dispatch.
  • WilsonCometh
    A small step above rank punditry
    While this show does occasionally rise above Fox News The Five level of discussion, it lacks intellectual rigor. Most discussion avoids nuanced understanding of historical context and the arguments put forth are often in a take this for granted manner. If this is the level of National Review’s contemporary contribution to conservatism, it is in trouble.
  • Mouths full of laughtet
    No to Noah...update #679
    Ugh! This used to be one of my favorites, but then Noah came from Commentary and the pedantic monologues began. Shaking my head… Please stop him.The irony of his waxing eloquent while criticizing others in the political sphere who demonstrate the same tendency is too much
  • Quotidian1
    Inability to pronounce Harris’s name
    It’s become insulting that Cooke can’t pronounce Kamala correctly.
  • zyxwvutsr
    It’s Glowing
    One of the most glowing podcasts around.
  • Gretchen Willits
    Nervous Audrey
    Frenetic and uncertain. Bad combination. Never again.
  • highdesertdog
    Dose of sanity?
    I miss the days in which Republicans really stood for smaller government and fiscal conservatism. I like their insights on policy, but I wish this podcast included how the religious views of Christianity have deeply influenced much of the Republican policies these days. Please consider including this important facet in your discussions.
  • Create nicks
    Someone take the thesaurus away from Noah Rothman
    I don’t know Rothman gets paid by the syllable or what, but at least half his words are unnecessarily fancy. He uses the word ‘retails’ for ‘says’ five times an episode. For ‘people’ he uses ‘social compact’. And hundred of other examples. I get the feeling he imagines people applauding at home. That, and the fact that he sounds exactly like the Church Lady, almost take away a star, but it’s still the best political podcast out there and when you translate Rothman into English, the underlying points are solid.
  • Tired of it 4494
    Find somebody besides Jim gherity
    Too elitist
  • with all due respect
    Cheers for Audrey!
    Audrey is a wonderful addition to TE. I hope she continues to be a regular contributor….Editor?
  • Hw108
    It’s distracting to insist on mispronouncing Kamala’s name at this point
    I tune into this podcast to smart and balanced conservative takes. There’s still some of that. But at this point, insisting in mispronouncing Kamala Harris’ name is petty and juvenile.
  • Rm22…
    Like grades
    I thought letter grades were fair but if you want Kamala to have to answer questions it seems Trump should debate her as planned and we could see
  • Ljw57
    I wonder why it’s so difficult for Michael and Charles to pronounce Kamala’s name correctly as they certainly seem to be intelligent. If they persist in incorrectly pronouncing her name one wonders if they are doing it on purpose as I sign of their disgust for her. Very puerile behavior. Perhaps they should simply call her Harris as they don’t refer to any male candidate by their first name.
  • couldbe
    Kamala rollout
    Great show as usual
  • TEM Lolitics
    Guys, you’re too smart to be so stupid and petty. You’ve never mispronounced Vivek’s or Buttigieg’s name. Don’t do it with Kamala Harris. COMMA-luh.
  • Sapdoug
    7/29 oh, those nasty unions!
    N/R playing to form, showing how those nasty unions get in the way of honest employers just trying to do their best to help their union-beleaguered employees. Reminds me of how my Southern grandparents liked to say that everything was fine until that trouble maker Martin Luther King came and stirred up everybody
  • Floridawannabe
    Noah’s lip smacking
    Big fan of the show. Rich, Charlie and MBD are my favorites. Also Dominic Pino always turns in a solid performance. But Noah’s lip smacking is driving me insane. Rich, please ask him to work on this. If he can’t make the necessary adjustments perhaps Sarah Schutte can work some magic to help with this problem.
  • Steven Hiller
    How are you NOT doing daily shows?!! Especially given how wild things have been leading up to the 2024 election! Excellent analysis, always pushes my boundaries of thought, more please!!
  • Happycowfarm
    Partisan and Tribal
    NRO has fallen so far. It’s like Breitbart for people with a college education
  • Safavieh
    Excellent analysis
    Please please do a daily podcast! You guys & Maddie are the best.
  • Leland Burrill
    Biden is old!
    Everything you need to know about "Biden is old!"
  • EaBaldwin
    Love conservative view points—but don’t let the lies sneak in
    In episode 663, a perfectly good argument was made that Joe Biden’s video, in which he challenged Trump to a debate, was done in poor form and, in fact, ended up embarrassing Biden more than anything. Then Biden’s point about “Trump being free on Wednesdays” (the one day a week he had off during the “hush-money” trial) was mentioned, with the added remark that it was Joe Biden’s DOJ responsible for Trump being in court at that time. Either the speaker was not aware which trial Trump was involved in at that time, or he was pushing a lie. The “hush-money” trial was prosecuted by the state of New York, over which the President of the United States has no control. Please continue to make good conservative arguments, but don’t push lies onto your listeners—it reflects negatively on your credibility.
  • Philip Heard
    Solid Political Analysis
    Excellent show
  • nbsfmc
    The national review can’t help itself. Still trying to reconcile why oligarchy leads to religious lunatics running everything in countries that try the low taxes over everything else shell game.
  • Cold-in-the-north:
    Alas nothing has changed
    A long time previous subscriber. I came back to hear their take on the Trump/Biden debate. This episode, specifically at 24:00, reminded me why I dumped their podcast. Still Trump haters for the most part which isn’t the issue, it’s their disingenuousness and superficial analysis. CCCooke alone offers smart insight and the only one worth the time but not enough to keep subscribing.
  • liztootsully
    Post debate podcast
    Thank you for live “corner posts.” Thank you for post debate podcast.
  • khanretty
    Good mix of opinions
    Rich Lowry is such a good moderator. MBD makes me roll my eyes but it’s good to know what the populist Right are thinking. His views on Ukraine are bananas. Good on NRO for allowing dissenting viewpoints, even when they’re wrong. I mostly show up for CWC. In a world without Krauthammer, Charlie will do just fine. Many other smart people in as well.
  • jimbo55 40
    Almost unheard of fair conversation
    I’ve been listening to Charles C W s podcast for a while now. He had the episode which he finished the conversation with the editors. So I had to listen to the beginning of the conversation. I’ve been listening to this podcast ever since. It sure is refreshing to hear unbiased commentary on current events.
  • rosevillechica
    CWC you are correct. They wouldn’t come after you
    like they are coming after Donald Trump. You and the rest of the crew are part of the swamp. And that smug giggle you did while making that statement is evidence of your elitism. You all are not like the rest of us middle & lower class Conservatives Americans. They have already come after us and will continue to do so. You are safe in your ivory tower.
  • Jd12345678987654321
    Great show
    I love the whole cast. Great conversations. It’s great to hear people speaking mostly from positions of pre-Trump conservatism.
  • shawnsnipe
    Flip flopping
    Simply amazing to listen to Rich Lowry and the rest of the Editors shift from pro Desantis to defending Trump based on polls. While Desantis was running hot, this team was all about the Governor. Once the polls shifted, they go back to 2016 and the defense of Trump. The ghost of William Buckley should come back and haunt this people for making National Review a mockery of conservative politics.
  • Chris is a little off
    Voices worth the time
    Love this podcast. Intelligent, creative takes on current events plus where else can you hear a British accent sound patriotic (C dub) and a Seth Rogan voice doppelgänger (MBD) who is brilliant and presumably not high? Strong recommend;-)
  • KatieMaygalaxy
    Seems there’s a recent coordinated ated effort to denigrate TEP
    I love The Editors Podcast and never miss an episode!
  • Mrs LMG Simmons
    Love the podcast but…
    As mentioned by another listener, I can’t stand MBD. I fast forward when he speaks. He maybe saying something fabulous but can’t get it out. “Yeah…uummm…”. Get to the point! It’s annoying.
  • Al C in Ohio
    Had to unfollow
    I listened regularly since 2018. For the past year I thought the show became repetitive. Before I stopped listening (earlier this month) the only contributor I thought had merit was Charles C. W. Cooke.
  • Textdgh
    One star for thinking the murder of a dog is funny.
    Update: To add to the eye rolling, the naïveté in reference to the Jackson-Brown hearings was utterly pathetic. It’s no wonder Trump became the Republican nominee with squishy so-called conservatives like this. I am not a Trump fan, but it’s no wonder the guy won with people like this going against the Democrats. Interesting information from some very smart minds, but I wish they would drop their obsession with Trump. Sick of hearing about Trump from the left, I certainly don’t need to hear it from those on the so-called right. Utterly bored with Trump talk. I wish he would move on and the haters would go with him. Just give good information and quit navel gazing. Oh…and Rich Lowry is a fan of the view. Good grief…
    Great show, but MBD is slowly losing his mind
    Great show so long as you ignore the nonsense of MBD.
  • BEHP818
    Excellent show
    I never miss an opportunity to listen to the editors
  • Nixieone
    So disappointing
    I usually love your podcasts. However, you guys are being WAY too nice, polite and intellectual about what’s happened on college campuses today, example Columbia. The chant “Go back to Poland?” And you guys are chuckling!?! Really? You’re calling it “shocking?” That’s not good enough! I’m pretty much done with your tepid predictable analysis.
  • Mike5591637
    I was 23 at the time of the Kent State massacre.
    I was working at a Federal agency with a number of WWII veterans. I remember being shocked to hear some of them say that if their kids were killed protesting the Vietnam war they wouldn’t think it wrong. Now I see why they would think that way. I wouldn’t be upset to hear that Columbia University protesters got gunned down, I would think it right and proper. Of course that won’t happen, even though it should.
  • PleaseIn4me
    Thank you
    For great discussions. While I disagree with MBD on Ukraine I appreciate his airing it and the push back that results. Sometimes heated but respectful. Love the time given to each one to answer whatever question. I want to hear all sides!
  • MissyRP
    I never miss this podcast!
    I enjoy the insight and the humor. Thanks for continuing to make the case for traditional conservatism. I also enjoy Charles’ accent. It makes everything he says sound extra smart.
  • Albanycat
    Witty and erudite
    The thinking persons conservative podcast. Worth listening to, often funny always well informed and considered. Thoughtful analysis where they think outside the mainstream talking points. Our country needs smart and thoughtful people. Worth listening to.
  • thenicksounds
    You are my semi-weekly sanity check
    This is my glowing 5 star review! I live in California. As I continue this tumultuous love affair with my home state, your collective takes have really helped me keep things in perspective. In California, we love to think about things differently, which is fun, and for me, that’s appreciating the circus for what it is. There’s so much heart at NR and I’ve been a huge fan for many years. Please keep up your rich tradition of introspection, integrity, and reasonable (distributed) governence. Thank you all.
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