The Exam Room by the Physicians Committee


Dive into the science of your diet! Learn how a humble blueberry can fight cancer or what the longest living cultures in the world are eating. Every episode is packed with facts that will raise your health IQ and boost your nutrition knowledge. "The Weight Loss Champion" Chuck Carroll is joined by Dr. Neal Barnard, founder of The Physicians Committee, and other leading doctors and dietitians. Unlock the secrets to living longer and healthier life and how to fight diseases with every meal.

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Recent Reviews
  • Bobby's batteries
    Grateful for this show
    Excellent guests, regular Q&A with Dr. Barnard, valuable insight into the benefits of a whole food plant based diet and the evidence to support those insights.
  • Attorney Kath
    Nutrition IQ
    Such important research based information for health and lifestyle! I’ve been plant based for 4 years and have listened to this podcast for that long. I appreciate learning more in each episode as to why this was a good choice for me. At age 71, the arthritis that was coming on is now nonexistent. I feel better than I ever have with none of the diseases that plague so many my age. I do so enjoy continuing to learn from this podcast and highly recommend it.
  • Panangcurry
    My favorite podcast
    Excellent information presented in an easy-to-understand and entertaining manner. Evidence-based science.
  • Amy Morton's Books
    Life Changing
    This is by far the most comprehensive and helpful healthy living podcast available today. Packed with scientific evidence, testimonials & thoughtfulness! I can’t thank them enough for the continued education & inspiration.
  • Manzur180
    Physician Approved
    I’m a physician that does lifestyle and obesity medicine. This podcast is solid. Great info. I’ve listed to like 15+ episodes so far and I’m still continually learning. He has solid guests on. Def recommend. From general listener to a seasoned physician could benefit from this. -Manzur Moidunny, MD
  • julienewengland
    Well worth your time
    Informative. To the point. Entertaining. An all around excellent show. The last one on processed foods. Wow. Thats all i can say about that episode. Wow.
  • J!113
    So great!
    Chuck does an exceptional job hosting this podcast with such great guests!
  • Saritawillbe
    My favorite health podcast!
    I love this podcast so much! The way Chuck delivers every episode is uplifting and easy to listen to. I have learned so much over the years! My favorite expert of the show is of course, Dr. Barnard. You’re doing great things!!
  • Ru44Mets
    Love your podcast
    I love your podcast. It inspires me to maintain my health and wellness as a plant based eater and has great information and guests. The best podcast out there !!
  • Sad-faced
    So much excellent advice. Everything is presented by highly educated people who bring studies to back up what they say.
  • Mokyin
    Fabulous podcast!
    So much important information! You owe it to yourself to follow and listen to The Exam Room and raise your health IQ!
  • GWRankine
    Great evidence based information
    The show is full of great information that you can act on to greatly improve your health. Chuck is a terrific host. He asks good questions and lets the experts explain.
  • lebonne1958
    Chuck is Fantasitc
    How lucky Dr. Barnard is to have him.
  • Envor Hoxca
    Good show with Dr.Gregor
    The 7-11s in Thailand also have plant based meals and brown rice and freeze dried fruits.
  • Water33g19
    It’s a good one but….
    Only one thing…can we get less talk from Chuck & his ‘weight loss story’ as us long-time listeners are really getting tired of all the references to ‘when I weighed *** I or ate this much when I was ***, etc. He’s a great interviewer but…pls stick to questions meant for them and not you. Content is great & all the new info we all appreciate-thx
  • Rickydelflorida
    Very informative and inspiring
    This podcast has been very instrumental in helping me to become meat free and healthy. I love the guest speakers and topics.
  • Bubblhd
    Love this podcast! I never miss an episode and I always learn something new.
    Plant curious? Get your scientific backed information here. I learn from every episode.
  • Señorarroz
    Life changing information!
    I’ve been a junk food vegetarian for over 30 years. In 2002 I had a stroke. Switching to a WFPB lifestyle helped me to drop 50 lbs., lower my blood pressure to the point of not needing meds, drop my cholesterol to normal, and my A1C is now in the pre diabetic range. Reclaiming my health was my motivation and The Exam Room keeps me encouraged and on track! I can’t thank you enough!
  • Smlytoah
    Reinforcing a healthy lifestyle
    It all started with someone recommending a Michael Pollan book - which made me stop eating meat. Later I read books by T. Colin Cambell, Michael Greger, Caldwell Esselstyn, Neal Barnard, and Will Bulsiewicz. After that I went completely plant based and I have absolutely loved it. I’ve never enjoyed what I eat as much as I do now. The world we live in tries so hard to vilify a plant based diet - like the good ole “but you’ll never get enough protein” comments. I listen to this podcast all the time and it reinforces that I’m making the right decision. It reminds me why I do this and why I should encourage others to learn about it too. Thank you so much!
  • GoodTimberShop
    Saved my 3lbs daughter and my life!!
    4 years ago after many beautifully motivating factors, I transitioned into a whole food plant based lifestyle. I was only 8 weeks pregnant with my only daughter at the time (4 brothers ahead of her) and did not at the start of it ever expect that going vegan was the soul factor that saved both my daughter and my life. I felt amazing during her pregnancy even while covid started raining down months before she was due in late May 2020. However things took a turn in early March of 2020 when doctors discovered that my daughters placenta had died early (a undiagnosed condition all my pregnancies dabbled with in later stages of my boys pregnancies, never this early or this dire) My daughter was dying. I was told in the hospital that I needed to strictly focus on eating as many fruits and veggies I could while on bed rest there while we fought to save her life. The same nurse that gave me that instruction paused and said “I know that’s near impossible with hospital food but please try” That’s when I told her that I had been plant based nearly her whole pregnancy. She looked me straight in the eye and told me “You may have single handedly saved your own daughters life with that” I still get Chills. Long story short, with many other amazing stories in-between, I was then diagnosed with a devestating blood clotting disorder that could kill me and any pregnancy at any moment. My daughter had to be taken out by emergency c-section which nearly killed me. She was a whopping 3lbs but came out a fighter! Never needing oxygen or anything other then a few weeks in the NICU to get her body fat up. My whole food plant based lifestyle from that point on became far more of a passion to me as I dug further in my education in it and getting my IQ up on this fabulous podcast has been a true JOY in my life! I’ve been a follower for years and it never leaves me feeling less educated or motivated to continue listening and living this lifestyle. My blood disorder is one that comes with no cure. HOWEVER my blood panels keep coming back normal with zero signs of the condition each test, which leave my doctors and I stunned. I attribute it to my plant-based lifestyle. I will never regrets my decision 4 years ago to be a whole food plant based warrior! It truly is the key to LIVE! Bonus I’m 60lbs down and have maintained it for 3 years 💪🏼 My daughter is now nearly 4 years old and as sassy as they come, bossing her 4 big brothers around. She is the biggest broccoli lover there ever was! Thank you for this incredible podcast I’d love to share my story here if you ever come across my review! Plenty more to that incredible story and others I hold dear to my still beating heart.
  • GodofRisk
    Great podcast!
    Love listening to ask of your guests! Always learn something new! As a lifestyle medicine nurse care manager, I am wondering why you have never had a nurse who is in the field on your show? We have lots to share. We can really be a helpful partner in helping people create new habits and make lasting lifestyle change!🤗. (But I’m a little bias about the power of nurses)
  • Map Girl
    This is one of my favorite podcasts!! WFPB has saved my life!
    I always learn so much from this podcast. Also helps me stay on track with reversing my T2D. Was A1c at 10.4. Six months later at 6.1. All by moving to a whole food plant based (low fat) diet. Still a work in progress but am following the Mastering Diabetes plan. Thanks so much for having such an inspiring and informative show! Suzann - Escondido, CA
  • Katiladybug
    The best podcast
    I've been listening to Chuck and guests for years and I love the information about health because it's accurate and I can trust it. Thank you!
  • Lolita lashes
    Uplifting, fun, and super informative podcast
    Chuck thank you for all your work, your amazing questions and vulnerability. You have this talent for respecting the topic, highlighting its importance but keeping it light and fun. I know you’ve been probably told this many times but you are such an inspiration. Such a variety of wonderful guest, and thank you sooo much for having the incredible Dr Joel Fuhrman on this week. You both were incredible. Thank you exam room team!
  • Bonjoearl
    Best Support System Out There
    I read the China study in 2006 and tried to change my diet. Failed. I read Dr. Barnard’s book in 2009 and tried to change my diet. Failed. In 2012 I tried to convince my cardiologist to let me do a vegan diet to bring down my cholesterol. I had seen forks over knives. I succeeded in bringing it down. It shocked my cardiologist, but again I couldn’t sustain it. In 2014 I got my first pacemaker, still didn’t change my diet. In 2018 I got my second pacemaker after being diagnosed with cardiac and pulmonary sarcoidosis. My rheumatologist recommended that I read Dr. Gregor’s book How Not to Die. This time I was all in but knew I wouldn’t succeed without help. I watched all the documentaries that I could, and I listen to all of the podcasts that I can on a regular basis. They help me stay focused and strong in my determination. My regular blood test proved that the diet could change me. i’m still at work in progress. I eat too much vegan junk food. I follow way too many vegan cooking posts on Instagram, and I still may slip occasionally. My doctor told me that if I’m 99% Whole Foods plant-based I’ll do well. So far so good! thank you for help keeping me strong. The Doctor won’t say I’m in remission yet, but I’m pretty darn close! Thank you so much for all of your informative podcasts! They keep me going!!!
  • Denville mom
    I just love this guy !!!
    He’s just so easy to listen to! Plus, it’s a great reinforcer for an almost vegan like myself!
  • R Mendo
    Best & most important podcast around
    The Exam Room with Chuck Carroll is the most important, informative & life changing podcast around. I wish everyone would know about this podcast.
  • ChiTownChica
    My favorite podcast
    There is no one better than Chuck Carroll to host this podcast. He’s been through it all and approaches this topic with charisma and enthusiasm that is infectious! Every guest is truly amazing, at the top of their game, with equal knowledge and passion. I always feel so great every time I listen. Highly, highly recommend!
  • mustake71
    Must listen
    This show is amazing and full of healthy good advice! Very educational and makes me want to be healthier!!
  • Darling Tonia
    A Wonderful Podcast That May Save Your Life .
    Funny, entertaining, and hugely informative! If you are interested in health and longevity, and want reports from the cutting edge of nutrition science, don’t miss this one.
  • DeojiGood
    Great Information & Entertainment
    I listen to this podcast while I work out and it’s so motivating! I love learning about things I can do to enhance my health and therefore my longevity. I highly recommend this podcast if you are interested in making your life better.
  • Rabbott9982561
    Great Motivator!
    Love listening to Chuck and all his guests each week! I always come away feeling positive and motivated to eat healthier.
  • luvgravelanddirt
    Thanks from 2 Long Time Listeners!
    Thank you, Chuck Carroll, and thanks to the Physicians Committee and Dr. Neal Barnard for The Exam Room Podcast. My husband and I have been listening for years and we always look forward to it. At some point in every podcast you us get us smiling and often laughing out loud. Personally, I learn something new on the podcast almost every episode and I try to incorporate the new information in my lifestyle. I’m a 69 year old woman, and both my husband (of the same age) and I are avid cyclists (road, gravel, and mountain biking) in Prescott, Arizona. We have enjoyed a whole-foods-plant-based diet for just over 20 years now. We’re both in excellent health and neither of us are on any medications. Cyclists are generally a healthy bunch and our aging cycling club is healthier than the average Joe or Jane on the street; even so, various chronic conditions have arisen in much of the group. I share information about the WFPB lifestyle when others ask me for information, and I recommend your podcast. Unfortunately, only a handful have tried to incorporate mostly plants in their diet. But, the other cyclists know that we’re vegans and they are watching. I hope more people will change their diets for their health and happiness, and for the planet.
  • Leftyxiv
    5 stats!
    I'm a whole food plant-based vegan and athlete, and I'd like to think I'm very knowledgeable when it comes to health and nutrition, but I still find gems and insights in every episode. This podcast is excellent for anyone, no matter where you are on your journey.
  • DachsLover
    Life-changing podcast
    I have also had a gastric bypass and am now whole food plant based (vegan for close to 12 years). I fight the demons of food addiction daily and Chuck’s podcast is essential to reel me back in the right way. I have also had a gastric bypass so can really relate to Chuck’s story in that sense. I recently listened to the episode with Tim Kaufman and have not been moved as much by a podcast as I have by that one. I got to work in tears and had to stay in my car for a bit to pull myself together. I hope you realize the impact you have on people, Chuck.
  • ghdhfjfjhfifhh
    most amazing podcast
    It's super great
  • Tetris finger
    Sooooo Great!
    I sooo enjoy listening to this podcast during my walks or in the car. I share it with many friends. So much accurate and life changing info/facts. I’ve been whole food plant strong for almost 5 years and PCRM’s resources have helped me to make and maintain a way of life that has changed my health and vitality. I’m 63 years old and walk daily 3-6 miles. My joint pain, gut health, diabetes, have all improved. I will never go back to the way I was living before. Thx for this amazing podcast and the work you do at PCRM.
  • greenveggist
    Life saving info
    Working on my gut great info Dr.B.
  • Needs better export and colors
    Fantastic show!
    I love listening to Chuck Carroll! He always puts out great information, great positivity, and has on great guests! If you ever feel at all disappointed with the state of the world and the other podcasts in your queue will only make you feel worse, The Exam Room podcast gives actionable information in each and every episode that anyone can take to start making lives better today. I always feel much better after listening. Furthermore, if I listen to the show for about 10 minutes before going to lunch, I know I’m going to eat the healthiest lunch I possibly can! Listening to this show is actually an important component of my own eating habits. If I ever feel like eating complete garbage at lunch or after work, I know that I’ll feel much better if I listen to Chuck Carroll for a few minutes. Love the show. Please keep it going!
  • shaeclark
    Always great info!
    I look forward too each episode! Learning so much incredible content and always inspired! Best health podcast ever!!
  • ElectricLibra
    On-point, inspiring, informed and so well done!
    I’ve listened to so many podcasts and was compelled to review after hearing Nathaniel Jordan’s interview and experience. Phenomenal interview and so inspiring. Chuck is an extraordinary host as well. Thank you for bringing evidence backed life changing information with much heart, soul, comedy, and keen intellect.
  • jasmine1818181818181818
    The Best
    One of the best, most informative podcast I have ever listened too. When I finish a podcast I Can’t wait for the next one. The best health podcast on apple. Wish, I could give it 10 stars.
  • Topper Doodle
    Information and motivation
    The Exam room is my go to podcast for nutrition info and motivation to work towards optimizing my health. I love this upbeat podcast moderated by Chuck Carroll.
  • Marilyn558
    Doug the sprout man.
    Love listening to Doug. he can solve world hunger with his sprouts, thanks for your enthusiasm and now I grow my own, don’t need lettuce anymore, I just season with balsamic vinegar, always to sandwiches.
  • Sarasota Susan
    Fun Listen Loaded with Information!
    This is a great podcast for anyone curious about how to live healthier! This podcast keeps me engaged and entertained while I hear useful tips in each episode. The guests are fascinating, the pace is excellent. Chuck has a captivating energy and enthusiasm. This show energizes me and is loaded with evidence based useful information that I can apply in my daily life! I have been listening regularly for about a year now - Chuck has great guests - leaders in their fields as well as individuals sharing their experiences with healthy living, transformation and the everyday challenges we might deal with as we enjoy healthy eating. I am not sure how he does it, but he can make the most clinical research engaging and fascinating- he pulls the best out of his great guests. I keep coming back to this one for a big dose of information with a LOT of entertainment!
  • Merrilyn61
    Great Podcast!
    I listen to a lot of podcasts, but this is by far my favorite. Not only is the content top notch and very informative, but Chuck is an awesome host!
  • Sharahs
    A great healthy podcast!
    This program features a lot of great evidence-based information on how to be healthy. Recommended!
  • Gigi Amelia
    Best Health Podcast Period!
    Chuck Carroll is now the voice in my head cheering me on and motivating me to stick to a healthier diet and lifestyle. He interviews the experts, and turns what can sometimes be cold, clinical health info into usable, actionable choices. I always come away excited and encouraged about my health journey, and he turns the topics that I think I’m not going to be interested in into another fascinating piece of the puzzle that I needed to hear.
  • kelztuck
    Transformative & Powerfully Helpful
    These podcasts are so very helpful. The information provided is priceless and powerful. I am thankful for information that helps me to establish good habits that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. I have struggled with my weight & with a number of health issues for years, and I have been in search of answers that will help fix the issues that I’ve encountered once and for all. The information provided on this podcast is so helpful, as I try to learn as much as I can about healthy living.
  • Lava cake
    Great Podcast
    We have been whole food plant based vegan for over 6 years. Thanks for the great information that you provide to us every week. Thanks for the great work and keep plant strong.
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