Gola: Italian Food & Beverage Culture

Food #186

Gola is a podcast on Italian food & beverage & how it connects to history, culture & society. Listen as co-hosts Katie Parla--Rome-based journalist and cookbook author--and Danielle Callegari--professor of Italian at Dartmouth College--break down all your fave Italian bites. They'll take you along for the ride as they talk about buffalo mozzarella, 'nduja, nucillo (aka nocino) & more! Don't be scared if the subject of medieval witchcraft comes up. Go with it! Contact Katie and Danielle at golapodcast@gmail.com or send some cash to help them keep up the pod!: https://www.patreon.com/golapod Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gola/support

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Recent Reviews
  • No Stinkin' Sync
    A Disappearing Podcast
    It used to be that Gola provided some unusual insights into things related to the Italian table and wines. And I used to be a supporter. But then a couple years ago, for some unknown reason, the podcasts became fewer— much farer between. As I type this, it is mid-January 2024, but the most recent entry in their website is Feb. 2, 2022, almost two years ago. Granted, there were exactly seven (7) podcasts in the calendar year 2023, hardly what I would call semi-monthly. If the podcast is finished, say so. If not, how about some regularity?
  • TXItalian
    I was looking forward to intelligent, thoughtful and stimulating exchanges. Instead, I feel as if I’ve eavesdropped on a sorority sleepover. These girl/women may well possess the knowledge and worldly intellect to command their chosen topic, but their goofy, playful, childlike speech patterns (insert the annoying “upspeak”) dilute what could become an informative, entertaining and compelling podcast. Bless your hearts.
  • Jfbuf
    A Passion for Food and History
    A passionate look at food and history with a fun twist. Every episode sends me on a romantic vicariously felt culinary experience. Well done ladies, your passion is felt.. John
  • JMedros
    These women are amazing!
    These amazing women created a podcast that is intellectually stimulating, historically accurate, avant-garde, humerous, thought provoking, culturally rich and provides perspective on important matters on the Italian peninsula. Thank you for highlighting small Italian businesses and families!
  • torimitch18
    Couldn’t get any better
    This podcast is by far one of the best out there. Katie and Danielle are so insanely brilliant and knowledgeable about all things Italian food, but are also just such a joy to listen to. They come up with something interesting to learn each episode that makes me want to travel to Italy and eat all of the incredible food more and more. But whatever you do: don’t listen when hungry!
  • Robot 23,597
    Found your podcast through the Searching for Italy series and I am so glad I did. Fun, excellent talks, full of information and no fluff. Can’t stop listening!
  • stevie bk ny
    Just discovered one week ago and CAN’T stop listening. My heart.
  • jackiesayet
    As a fellow writer (honorary wine person and restaurant industry embed too) and American enthusiast of all things Italian since a Florentine study abroad in 2002 and multiple visits thereafter, this podcast makes me as happy as it does run on sentence. I’ve shared Katie’s newest book with friends and the former with family and this podcast is just another layer perhaps my favorite of bringing the culture and pleasures of the specificity of it into my mind’s full eye of one of my most favorite places and feelings on earth. Rock on ladies and please don't ever stop honoring the essence of what it means to be Italian that you so exquisitely embody. We feel you and are listening... and learning!
  • Jdrennan
    This is a REALLY good podcast...
    High praise from me, i'm tough on podcasts. These two gals are very different and equally as engaging. Episodes are made even more enjoyable by Katie's tough NJ girl (and very authentic) vibe. She takes on some less than admirable Italian topics (sometimes not such great food, mob influence and her dislike of Aperol) and doesn't hold back. Run, don't walk if you want a real take on Italy, it's glories and it's everyday.
  • LMP2931
    It’s great!
    I really do like this podcast and always look forward to new episodes. The topics are always interesting to me and I can tell the hosts like each other very much. In the early episodes Danielle is a bit hard to listen to sometimes due to some vocal tics - many “ahhh” and “uhhhhh”s and her tendency to interrupt herself. It seems to have gotten better in the more recent episodes, though, along with the sound quality!
  • Charlie_C89
    If you have even a cursory interest in Italian food, culture or history, this is for you. Katie and Danielle both have an academic knowledge of the subjects, but present them in accessible language without dumbing it down. Have pasta and wine on standby.
  • Aldeela1
    Interesting podcast. Nice blend of contemporary Italian food with Italian history. I really enjoyed the informative Chanukah podcast. However why do you need to bring your political opinions into it? This is especially grating as Obama did everything Trump has done with the illegal immigrants and there are videos of Obama saying exactly what President Trump has said. Given your proven abilities at historical research it would be easy to compare the two and see the exact actions of the two Presidents.
  • MVidor
    The concept behind this podcast is great, and I think generally the content is strong, but there are some really easy things to fix - sound quality, editing and not talking over each other - that would vastly improve this show. None of those take much investment from a monetary perspective and I hope that the hosts will make those updates soon. I also think that the chummy rapport the two hosts have is nice, but sometimes over the top for the context of a podcast. People want to learn - we don’t actually care if you are doing morning drinking or not. Fill this with more interesting information and stories while also raising the sound quality, and this podcast will soar. Both hosts clearly know a lot but they are dumbing themselves down.
  • Podcaster Megan
    Terrible podcast
    This is one of the worst podcasts I have ever listened to. They seriously need a producer or sound engineer or both. I am very interested in Italian food and history but they manage to speak about everything in the most droll and dry tones it’s painful to listen to. A food related podcast should be fun and this one is definitely not.
  • tiberia
    Italian Food at it’s Best!!
    I love Italian food (who doesn't?), and I love this podcast. It's great to hear the history behind how some of my favorite Italian food staples came to be "Italian." The issue I have with similar food podcasts is they are always too technical. This podcast is a perfect blend of history & technique sometimes sprinkled with the hosts' favorite ways to prepare or, when in Italy, places to find/try the item they're discussing. This one is one of my MUST listen to podcasts.
  • AnnieBeeBoulder
    Always so informative
    I absolutely adore this podcast. I listen to it when I run, which is not always a great idea because I usually just want a big fat glass wine when I hear the podcast!
  • MilkTheBull
    This is a great podcast. Italian food, culture and history intersect in a tight, lively discussion of what to eat and what it all means.
  • nolte
    Great mix of Italian history and food
    If you are curious about why there are buffaloes hanging out in Campania or where does delicious nduja come from, well this is the podcast for you.
  • Ali Ruggiero
    This podcast is so fun! Comedy, history, food, and everything Italy! I love how short they are. Super easy to listen to while on the way to work. Thank you for making this!!!!!!
  • Sun of Dorne
    Enjoying so far!
    Liking the podcast ladies, I enjoyed White Gold. The audio definitely needs to be cleaned up, it was painful to listen to in my car.
  • Milano & New York
    Ho fame!
    Wonderful mix of history and culinary lore.
  • Chicago & Roma
    Great podcast!
    I’m a big fan of Katie’s blog and Instagram, so was excited when she started this podcast. I love learning more about Italian food & wine, so this podcast is perfect for me.
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