The 500 with Josh Adam Meyers

Music #180Music History #23

The 500 with Josh Adam Meyers counts down Rolling Stone Magazine’s 500 Greatest Albums of All Time with comedians, actors, and musicians.

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Recent Reviews
  • Big Ant in the world
    The Only review for the 500 w/ Josh Adam Meyers that matters
    So I have been listening to the 500 with JAM and friends for about 40 episodes. I love how the “discovery” of Josh goes along with the record being discussed. More importantly the discussion around what each record means to the people discussing is great. A great example is the Quicksilver Messenger Service episode. A band I have never heard of. But Josh with Morty and Wayne (two guests) go into depth about why this band is important in music and why it is on the list. NO famous guests (those are great too) but the interplay is awesome. I think you guys should go with the three (Josh, Morty, Wayne) plus a guest and maybe do an hour on history and an hour with a guest. Great Job!
  • Adamgaul
    The latest episodes on the birds was great. It reminded me of the way the Show used to be years ago. Love it. Keep up the great work Josh and Co.
  • Ilovewater2
    I’d love to share a couple hoagies with Josh.
  • jawajt
    Could be so good….
    I was really excited, when I heard about this podcast. It sounded like a great concept. Unfortunately, the host can’t seem to get out of his own way. Which given the caliber of guests he gets, is a shame. He constantly interrupts the guest. He also gets names and facts wrong way too much, for someone that is supposed to be such a fan of music. It seems like he doesn’t do a ton of research.
  • Bokonon2017
    Decent podcast if you’re interested in what music your favorite comics dig and why, otherwise lots of tangents/riffing, and little dedicated album analysis. For that, I’d recommend Discord and Rhyme, or the 1001 Album Complaints podcast (both equal parts entertaining and insightful).
  • The 354,976th Beatle
    Top notch
    Long time listener, first time reviewer (of anything). Just wanna show love and express my support for the podcast and all the hard work that goes into it. Please keep it up. I’m a huge music & comedy nerd and it keeps both passions alive
  • NotoriousRGA
    Great show!
    Been listening since the beginning and have loved the journey. Every week has been either a discovery of something new to me or a great homage to an album i already know and love. Josh and his guests and staff do a fantastic job of not only being informative but very entertaining and fun every episode.
  • sjebogd
    An album book club. I just can’t keep the pace but I am following in chronological order Great companion to albums I love, albums I should know more about and newly discovered albums. Fleece is nice
  • MrUteach
    Good Stuff
    I have enjoyed the first 300 episodes and really looking forward to the last 200! Keep rolling the awesomeness!
  • Dave6480
    Great show
    This show just gets better and better. Great guests. Great format. HIGHLY recommend
  • Babydollbethy
    Long time listener first time reviewer
    Sorry I haven’t figured out the review section better but Josh, you are incredible at podcasting and you seem to really shine when it comes to music. Not only do I think as a human being you are one of a kind hilarious and kind you are personable and your content I relate to always. You are loved by your community of comedians and loved in the music community my I’m lucky to have these episodes because they are special to me and I know they are there for a lot of people going through life. Keep being authentically you wouldn’t change you for anything dude. -Beth reeves Tell Lekka dog I love her too
  • Content Mama
    Press play for the music, stay for the comedians
    I appreciate JAM and crew reminding me to listen to music! A lot of it is a blast from the past, but I love the commentary from the guests and the factoids about the bands, the songs, which songs we can…you know.
  • Rick Moranin
    Amazing Way to Discover New Music
    Love, Love, LOVE this show! Started slightly late but it was good enough for me to want to catch up on over 2 years of podcasts to get current. It’s such a great way to discover new music, learn about artists, and get a few laughs along the way. The guests are phenomenal, Josh is hilarious, This show has become a staple in my podcast lineup, adding music I may have never heard into my weekly rotation. I can’t wait to devour these final 200 albums right alongside Josh and the rest of the Fleece Army. Thanks Josh!
  • ClaySand
    5 stars!
    F the 500!
  • Blakeb.34
    dreadful, dissatisfied, and disappointing
    they couldn’t of picked a more terrible talentless hack of a host than this, this guy knows nothing about music or classic albums at that. it sounds like he does a quick google search right before each episode to prepare. this is a great idea for a podcast, but the execution is awful. sorry not sorry.
  • Sjdnshdnsn
    None of these guests can talk coherently. They’re all ganked and geeked to the gills. Not listening to each other, just waiting to make their stupid irrelevant points like they are up at 5 am babbling. The host knows nothing about music and doesn’t deserve to talk about the music he is talking about.
  • Nick Bastian
    Very good stuff
    Very, very good stuff. JAM is the MAN
  • David Jandl
    Excellent review of Rolling Stones top 500 albums all time with comedy too!!!
    I’ve been listening to this The 500 podcast for the past 6 years. I caught up on all the podcasts from 500 down to current episode of Prince’s “Dirty Mind.” Josh, Morti, Adam, Jeremiah and his crew make this podcast fun with great comedic, music, TV and movie stars. Josh brings the unique perspective with comedy and his knowledge of music, along with his guest stars (mostly from the comedy arena), he makes us laugh, cry, have fun, and has great guest-stars each week. His questions to his guests are tough but fun. You should definitely listen to this podcast. I look forward to the next 4 years of this podcast. Hope to have some of the music artists, politicians, actors when we get into the 100s and how they influenced their lives. As a music lover for nearly 45+ years (53 now) I know how power laughter, curiosity and music are to the human experience. This show encapsulates it all!
  • @scottykummer
    Great Stuff
    I love this podcast and it makes a big difference in my life. Thank you so much for doing it!!
  • Goaldiggers
    Great pod
    Fun way to experience great albums.
  • @I Love Dogs🐶
    Brain Dead Burnout
    If you’re an actual fan of music and these albums this is NOT your podcast. If you want to hear some clueless clown talk more about himself than the music all while brown nosing/pandering to his guests then you’re at the right place. Great concept, but very poorly executed.
  • Robwgx
    Been a fan since the beginning!
    This a great excuse to listen to the best music of all time, many of which I would have never otherwise listened to. But besides that, Josh is an amazingly funny host with some of the best interview questions I’ve heard! Ps- I found this when Josh was a guest of the Bertcast. SO HAPPY I found this!
  • manayunk wall
    painful to listen to his voice
    Jeez this guy's voice is just painful to listen to, as gravelly as a sandbar in the Snake River. I had to pop a lozenge to soothe my own throat because this guys voice/throat is SO BAD! A 100 cigarettes and a full bottle of whiskey a day for the last 10 years must have done this damage because a normal person doesn't end up with this croaky/raspy/gritty/gruff voice. Just terrible. All album data seem to be from the top of his head. No detailed info, no thorough research. But that voice, Man...I need another Ricola lozenge.
  • BinkyJoJo
    Can we get a reboot?
    I tried so hard to get into this. It’s a great idea and I was really hoping to expand my appreciation of some of these albums that I’ve never really connected with before. But that would require some well researched background on the music in question, plus some insightful music analysis, and that’s not really what this podcast is about. This is about John Adam Meyers’ giant ego. I understand he’s a comedian, and I suppose there are some people who listen because they think he’s funny, in which case, this is the perfect podcast for them! But the rest of us came to learn about the music, not who the host did blow with one night 15 years ago. Some episodes are more successful than others, depending on the knowledge and seriousness of the guest. But any valuable insight provided is despite, not because of, the host. The ratio of off-topic, self-indulgent, ego-driven prattle to thoughtful discussion about the actual album is WAY too high for me. Can someone who is more serious minded, focused and willing to do their homework please take a run at this concept? A lot of us would really benefit from a version of this done correctly.
  • HamFan20
    One and done
    I listened to the Aerosmith-Toys in the Attic episode…wow, it was bad. They barely talk about the album and the co-host knows virtually nothing about the band or the album; he admits multiple times that he’s just reading off of notes from a producer. If you’d like proof that basically anyone can have a podcast, this is the show for you.
  • JMT7548
    Almost as good as listening to your hot girlfriend try to convince you she knows football because she was a cheerleader in high school. Great concept should’ve handed it off to someone with roots, knowledge and passion about music.
  • Slick Pit
    Always Enjoy & Great Guest’s
    Always a good listen with a solid lineup of guests. Keep up the good work. But please stop the background music while you’re talking.
  • Backinthe573
  • The Flying Fox
    Hit or miss
    Shows vary depending on the guest. Some guests are on point & dig deep into the album, which is enjoyable. Most guests, however, get sidetracked by Josh on unrelated topics & you're lucky to get 15 minutes of album info out of a 90 minute podcast.
  • olBillyBaroo
    Best way to get some music history
    I always wanted to listen to every album on the RS500 list. Each week I look forward to the album and then JAM breaking it down. It’s informal, fun. Stay fleecy
  • Bunnybear1327
    Jimmy Josh Adam Myers
    The best 4 legged podcast host in the game. I’m glad JAM seems to be coming out of his “I’m going to quit” funk. A string of great guests and the albums are only going to get better from here on out. Keep on skadoodlin’
  • toddwriter
    Bag-o-hot air
    The kind of self-indulgent name dropping that makes you regret the whole idea of podcasts.
  • Andreea94
    So fun!
    This is a super entertaining show with absolute pros! I truly enjoy every episode and the diversity of the guests. 👏🏻 👏🏻
  • dawit taye 1
    Really informative !!!
    Love this podcast informative , entertaining and great guests!!
  • philafann
    Expanded my listening
    Really informative, learned a lot about The Beach Boys catalogue and Sam Cooke’s live album is one of the best I’ve ever heard, thanks for doing this
  • Nole-Bo
    A weekly ritual of listening pleasure
    I’ve enjoyed seeing Meyers at the Comedy Store. Listening to him and his guests explore the catalog of great music albums is a weekly addition to my morning runs.
  • tmlarso
    What happened
    Started out as a pretty fun and entertaining podcast. New format is not about the music and has become a Jimmy josh complaint fest. It was a great podcast, bring back the album analysis.
  • CNNlljsd
    more ron bennington
    amazing to listen to Ron Bennington talk about anything
  • Hugh Jassdik
    Squibalee bop
    JAM the man baby
  • Camdogsmitty
    New from himbos
    Came over from Himbos. So stoked for this podcast. Starting with Dave Davies!
  • kyle1501
    Enjoy the Journey
    Been listening to this show for over 3 years and have loved every minute of it. We all get stuck listening to the same music we loved in High School. This show is a great way to experience different types of music and artists. This is not a music history show. It is more like a book club, the host is going though these albums for the first time and talking to guests, who are often fans of the bands, discussing what the album means to them. This show is about the experience of listening to these classic albums and discussing with friends. Josh is a great host, he doesn’t get caught up in the rankings debate, just having fun listening to the best albums of all time. It’s a fun silly show, don’t take it too seriously, and enjoy the journey Fleece Army.
  • rubbergarden
    different take
    Hey, not all podcasts are by “experts” which makes this likeable I don’t always need an expert know it all Plus, guests are fans so you get an everyman’s point of view I’m looking forward to hearing more Plus, there’s humor, and nothin’ wrong with that
  • jaashol
    Jimmy Josh Adam Meyers!
    The four-legged comedy legend & music genius is always a fantastic listen
  • J1ape
    Josh is hella funny and if you like music this is the podcast for you.
  • Doubledipped
    Host is a Total Tool
    I like the concept, the format, and the guests are great, but the only drawback is the host. He’s extremely annoying and knows nothing musically outside of G n’ R and Radiohead. I really want to like it, but I can’t.
  • neilfan2009
    Wow this sucks…
    Hearing the host drop a truckload of cliche about Jeff Buckley tells me everything I need to know about this series. There are so many better discussions out there. The Incubus singer was informed, but he’s talking w a c-level marc maron…
  • AmericaIsLeftAndRight
    Has the personality of an ashtray at a Nickleback retirement party
  • SpongeBobbyHil589
  • boogannnnnnnn
    Great topics. Garbage host.
    Exactly that. The topics are epic. The guests are rad. The host is the absolute worst. He has quite the musical superiority complex and interrupts with absolute gibberish and the dumbest comments you could imagine. And that voice. I get it, you snorted and smoked everything in sight. Please just let the guest talk. I keep trying to give these episodes a chance but Josh Adam meyers nosedives every single episode at one point.
  • Mexigon
    What are you talking about?!
    Just slogged through the Jane’s Addiction episode. Josh and Matt mention the album but keep referencing “Been Caught Stealing” a handful of times?! That’s not a song from Nothing Shocking! They didn’t do a breakdown of the tracks but kept going on about their misadventures surrounding the late 80’s and early 2000’s shenanigans. Am I missing something here?!?
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