Astrology Hub Podcast


How often do you get weighed down by life’s daily concerns? There’s an antidote -- look up! There’s a Cosmic Curriculum that supports and guides you to be your best self when you tune into it. During the Astrology Hub Podcast, Amanda Pua Walsh (CEO of Astrology Hub) sits down with insightful speakers who inspire you to embrace your own wisdom and cultivate more magic and connection in your life, using the wisdom of astrology as your guide! If you’re curious or already in love with astrology and looking for practical strategies for living your life with purpose, and to learn from some of the world’s best astrologers, this podcast is for you.

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Recent Reviews
  • Twubble
    Lost their way
    Astrology hub used to have a genuine and personal feel to it that was inviting. After the changes they’ve made to their productions over 2023-2024 (especially 2024), I can’t listen to it anymore because they’ve morphed into sounding like a hype machine.
  • EcoLover122345
    Used to be great, now it is a cult
    I used to be an avid Astrology Hub podcast listener and now I hate it. It’s completely changed since they restructured what they offer in January it is now starting to sound cultish with its push for an astrology community. I loved this resource and would always recommend it, now it feels gatekeepy and I am not longer enjoying the podcasts nor do I feel comfortable recommending it anymore.
  • slice and fice
    Ok but too much advertising
    Talks so fast ,which shows, incompetent training . Raffle drawing is so dime store persuasion. Some interesting conversations, yet it is mostly, just hitting some of the aspects, with strategic selling materials. Yet A for efforts, thinking someone might sit and listen for 1-2 hours, is just mind blowing.🤯
  • Carol D Artist
    A Reliable Resource
    Thanks to Amanda, her crew and all of the astrologers for digging so deeper and offering us a diverse selection of such valuable knowledge — especially appreciated during this intense month of April.
  • switchonthenight
    jamie magee awesome
  • GbyJim
    Sometimes this show can be long winded with some of the hosts. I love when Christopher Renstrom is the guest host, because he is very clear and concise in his interpretations, also funny and insightful.
  • Amandaf6321
    Sigh…I Don’t Want to Write This, But…
    I used to adore Astrology Hub. I didn’t realize it was going to transition into a disaster that would send me from eager anticipation to holding my breath in dread upon starting each new episode. Amanda Pua Walsh is a fantastic host and it’s difficult to understand why there’s been a complete change in speakers and format. The topics are no longer interesting and lack any true discussion of current astrology transit, rather it’s became a vague “philosophical” meandering around the topic of astrology. I hope these are just growing pains and a metamorphosis can occur in which the older audience can be satiated, while a newer audience is grown. I will continue to “check in” hoping there is something of interest representative of years past…but I will not be listening as long as the new content remains without consideration of its roots.
  • Ugh28473719
    I used to look forward to listening to this podcast
    But it's really gone to garbage over the last few months. So many guests that are just difficult to listen to, speaking on random, vague subjects, and lack credibility. I miss Anne, Christopher renstrom, and Rick Levine. For awhile there were some great weekly weather guests, but the new regulars are just not worth listening to.
  • rachelberlin
    This podcast, once a great resource, has really gone downhill. But downhill I mean: tending more and more toward vague, spiritual-affirmation-y banalities. It’s a shame because it once offered such excellent dialogue between Amanda P Walsh - who has a gift for intelligent questioning - and her guests.
  • frannycrow
    Used to be a Valuable podcast
    Once upon a time this podcast was excellent. I used to listen to every single episode you posted, and now I’m down to about 0-5%. 🫤There wasn’t “too much” content; when you fired Anne, it got wishy washy and weird with so much breathy preaching. But still there was an occasional weekly weather that was tolerable and there was Frank, Christopher and Rick and Georgia. Now the episodes are random topics and you retained some of the preachy people. Thankfully I have found some other places to go for weekly astrology and wise voices. I do wish you the best and hopefully things will morph back someday to how it began. Or perhaps you have found a solid new audience that likes it this way. In which case too bad for me. 😢
  • lynettelou
    So long astrology hub
    Another one bites the dust. Something really beautiful turned into capitalism and greed. Nothing is sacred anymore.
    Great content!
    I just stumbled on this podcast. As an avid Astrologer I am really enjoying her content. I have had many light bulb moments. I look forward to each new episode and I am learning a lot! Check it out! Also, the code for the IAA class is not working. I was trying to sign up for the Natal beginner class.
  • elizagren1
    Was clearly born the same year as Mark, my mars is retrograde in cap, maybe why it doesn't feel sexual as his is. Plus as a girl.
  • 🌞Virgo🌕Sagg⬆️Aquarian
    Christopher is the best!
    While I enjoy most of the pods on Hub, Christopher Renstrom is my favorite. I learn so much about astrological principles, and planetary and celestial characteristics on most shows. However, Christopher’s style of clearly identifying the qualities of bodies and aspects, along with his weaving of mythology and other storytelling is captivating!
  • Julie Honmei Snider
    Favorite and Excellent Guidance
    I look forward to every podcast episode from Astrology Hub. I learn so much and lean on their astrologers’ wisdom to inform the themes of what comes up. It’s so supportive to get grounded and really feel everything has its place and time. Thank you!
  • keptdaily
    Diminished quality
    I find myself listening less and less because rather than hiring people/a person with solid interview skills when Amanda is out, AH pulls from their current employees. Jamie is terrible about spotlighting herself rather than the guest. Joe G is lovely, but often scattered. PLEASE hire someone with talents for the job Amanda leaves vacant and let your current team-members shine in their own right.
  • squarehand
    I’m such a fan
    I enjoy Amanda Poole Walsh as a host, so much. She does not get in the way of her guests but allows them to speak and share their wisdom. Her role is that of facilitating the dissemination of information- no nonsense, straightforward but also enthusiastic and celebratory. She cares about the audience and is not exploiting our attention or wasting our time. It’s so refreshing and such a pleasure to listen to these podcasts. Thank you Amanda. I’ve been a fan of yours since 2017.
  • swsd4pa
    Invest in yourself
    Love the depth and variety of Astro Hub. Allows for varied voices and teachings as we all go deeper into this planetary conversation
  • Cristy DLC
    Rich and informative
    Each time I listen to this podcast, I feel my knowledge expanding of how to apply astrology in a more intuitive and spiritual way! Thanks for creating this resource and letting us hear so many great perspectives! ❤️🙏
  • LauraJelinek
    Solid show but seems “off” lately
    I’ve been listening to the Astrology Hub podcast for over two years, am a former member (only stopped due to lack of time) and continue to take as hoc classes. I love this community and it’s mission but lately I’m noticing that I sense less authenticity with guest astrologers. They seem forced and you can also tell when there is a lot of editing and there’s been a lot of that lately. Episodes with seasoned and eloquent astrologers who know how to convey a message effectively but succinctly always have my attention captured and I find myself rewinding to take notes. Unfortunately there has been less and less of that lately and I simply shut it off. As an example, Shannon Gills was amazing as was Mychal Bryan- a couple astrologers that have maybe been on only once or twice that I’d love to hear from more! Also- Joni Patry was awesome. And if you can get Pam Gregory that would be amazing!
  • Sara.JM
    The very best, with one small critique
    I absolutely love Astrology Hub and am so grateful for the work of Amanda Pua Walsh and all the incredible astrologers she has gathered to speak, educate, and enlighten. I’ve been listening to just about every episode for nearly 3 years now, and a few months back joined the Inner Circle to further my star studies. Now, I realize this podcast is a free offering that is meant to benefit the community while incentivizing participation in paid offerings, which is totally fair. But in the last 6 months or so, I’ve noticed the marketing push has grown really overt - not just with the ads (understandable!) for the IC, Astrologer Connect, and the workshops, but with how the podcast conversations are navigated towards these revenue-generating platforms multiple times throughout each episode. It’s been feeling a bit gimmicky, which is only apparent because it’s such a contrast to the warm, authentic, and educational, community that Astrology Hub is. That said, I am still so thankful for Amanda’s vision, hard work, and the generous expertise of all the astrologers.
  • kehill123
    Love Christopher Renstrom
    At first I thought how is this little story supposed to enlighten me about the wisdom of the stars, and then it clicked. Now I can feel the meaning of Mars in Cancer. I can see it happening in my life. Thank you!
  • Uairlines nickname
    Love Jamie McGee!
    Interesting interpretations and thinkers. Only suggestion: less push to join the Inner Circle.
  • Sagely Warrior ML
    Galactic Mind blowing!
    Thank you so much Amanda, and Julia for this highly interesting podcast. Given my studies in metaphysics and deep spiritual healing and being a serious student of something called the Michael Teachings (not to be confused with the ArchAngel Michael) I’ve been privy to these star connections for a number of years. However, I have never studied Galactic astrology and so benefited greatly from the link to your website, Julia, to calculate my chart. OMG, incredible! Very interesting, for sure. Amanda, I too, have the same NN in Libra/SN in Aries….Jan Spiller’s book that Julia mentioned really hit home, and I do know my Essence is a Warrior Essence so what you had mentioned Amanda ( about your past life experience) AND what Jan Spiller wrote w/ respect to these nodal configurations I absolutely resonated with. Thank you both again….this certainly gives me more to study on this topic and I will explore this further. It’s always a pleasure to learn things from Astrology Hub and today was no exception!
  • TourGirl555
    Christopher is my favorite!
    I usually listen through YouTube if I am at home but when I’m on the road for work I use my iTunes Podcasts since I can still be free to use my phone and continue to listen seamlessly. I freaking love Christopher he is by far my most favorite Astrology Hub Astrologer, always engaging and so insightful! His explanation of the the history mixed with astrology that you can easily understand has truly inspired me. I’ve finally got a good grasp on multiple elements that make up a basic understanding of Astrology, and can now actually read my chart and the charts of friends and family. I did also read his books, but the most important thing is he makes learning fun and interesting. Thank you Christopher! I am so grateful for you! Thank you Astrology Hub for sharing such high quality content! I am constantly inspired! Keep it up. 💙🌚🐺 LOVE&LIGHT L
  • sweet annie marie
    #1 Astrology podcast
    This is now the only astrology podcast I regularly listen to. Astrology hubs diversity in material, consistency in quality, and abundant content has become a true hub and go to for me. I love I can hear from numerous voices in astrology in the easy to digest segments and series.
  • Dr.Mushroom
    I am a member of Astrology hub. The podcast for me is the added feature that I look forward to listening to over the weekend. I get a deep yet entertaining understanding of what is happening between the planets with Christopher Renstrom, A detailed view of the upcoming week and an even broader view of the month ahead. The house series is not only informative , it is a great way to be introduced to other many amazing astrologers with different points of view. I wish I had an app named “Amanda in your pocket”as the task of editing and reiterating by Amanda Pua Walsh is done with ease, tact and beauty that has become my aide to further connectedness. The astrology hub podcast is my go to when I walk my dogs and drive. Today is Sunday. I’m eager to listen and receive my weekly edutainment. Deborah Dworkin
  • NC321
    I love this house series you’re doing! It’s so in depth and insightful.
  • JBKorn
    Long time listener, huge fan.
    Simple the best.
  • asgjkfdc
    Astrology Hub is your one stop shop for everything related to acceptance, shadow work, planning, forecasting, and a sense of community. You will find quality, caring teachers from all different backgrounds and areas of expertise. Amanda and her team of astro angels go above all marks when it comes to informing and including their community members. The hours that they put into creating guides, newsletters, podcast interviews, and other content showcases their commitment to illuminating the globe's shadows. They believe in others when they do not believe in themselves. Personally, I have never once felt like a “customer” when a member of the IC, participating in a course, or watching the free content put out. It is obvious that they want to help budding astrologers and shadow workers to succeed. While going through a crazy transit time I had to cancel my subscription because I was unable to focus. The AMAZING A-Team cared enough to reach out to me with offerings. For the first time since I stopped working out of the home, I felt needed. If you have ever struggled to find your special niche in the world, then I know that you can appreciate that sentiment. If you are looking for a platform where you can be your own savior and discover new opportunities, then Astrology Hub is where it is at. Your life will change in more ways than you could ever dream of when you follow the stars that lead you to your kind.
  • Apts48
    Bring back Anne Ortelee!
    As so many others have said I love astrology hub but it is not the same without Anne! Please bring her back! Weekly weather is excellent with Christopher Renstrom and Rick Levine is fantastic but a huge loss without Anne weekly weather which adds another wonderful dimension Thank you 🙏
  • kwastro67
    Fantastic Podcast
    I look forward to listening weekly To All the Incredible Astrologers on Astrohub. They are top notch Astrologers with magnificent skills. Learn something new every podcast. The host, Amanda is lovely 😊
  • SomieB
    Houses Series - so practical, so informative!
    Great Astro podcast that really helps teach as it informs. I’m loving the series on the houses with curates astrologer guest speakers whose chart aligns with their natural gifts and therefore is adding so much confident texture to the discussion. Thank you!
  • ChristineSVV
    Loving the house series!!
    Gosh this house series is just really helping me piece together all the stuff going on when I look at my chart. The weekly horoscopes are so wonderful and I always tune in, but the house series is elevating how much I can now pick up and use from the weekly and monthly horoscopes as I can start to have an understanding on the planets and their positions in relation to my chart and what that means in my life. I have re listened to each house series to take notes on and started a note book to learn my chart and understand myself more through that.
  • Design Genius
    Well produced
    Not all astros created equal, consistently good and generous content. Rick Levine is the standout. Amanda is the best host although one gets quickly bored w her constant talking at the start of every episode. Many of her guests each have their own gifts. Some stronger than others, but great variety and sweet community.
  • Frances Lll
    Series on the houses is wonderful!
    I’m loving the episodes on the houses!
  • Capital One Credit Card
    I so enjoyed today’s episode about forgiveness and finding the capacity to love deeper, especially with a broken heart. Beautiful episode!!! Thank you!!!
  • VirgoJack
    Jamie MAGEE!!
    I’m so glad a friend told me about this podcast! Astrology is something I want to use in my life but I need it clear. I need to know the vibe and nothing more. This show gives me that. Jamie is never wrong with my scope. I can’t wait to get a reading with her🔥
  • Seas of Stars
    Christopher Renstrom - In the Name of Love
    I Absolutely Adore Christopher Renstrom! This was one of his most amazing, informative, and entertaining podcasts to date! I felt like I was watching a live Greek Tragedy Play in my living room! He continues to blow my mind with his Astrological knowledge, depth of content in mythology, and gifted skills and talent is communicating a beautiful story that will not only touch your heart… but move you to tears. He is brilliant and one of Astrology Hub’s greatest gems as a sensitive, delightful, and well versed Astrologer. Thank you, Christopher… my Sundays are not complete with hearing your voice and seeing your face!
  • Babsycat
    Episode 568 message in a bottle
    I loved it!!! Thank you for your storytelling! It helps to understand everything so much. You are great at what you do. Thank you for sharing yourself with us❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • RevBren
    Christopher Renstrom inspires, guides, and entertains!
    Love, Love, Love Christopher’s weekly Horoscope Highlights. We all KNOW information goes in deeper and easier when it’s wrapped up in a story and that’s exactly what happens every week. I’m So enthralled with his story, I hardly remember the astrology until his big reveal at the end when it all comes together at the end - crystal clear! And it resonates throughout my week as I recall the story. I so appreciate his kindness, his respectful approach, and his mastery in both history and astrology. What a treasure!💜🙏🏾 My only request is why not publish it earlier on Sunday? The weekends are when we have time to listen. So seems like releasing this episode earlier on Sunday morning is a no brainer. It’s frustrating when all we have is Jaimie’s lovely, but short weekly summaries to sustain us over the weekend. Pleeeze consider this option. My passé and I have discussed this and are holding vigil that you’ll review and reconsider this Mercury Rx. 🥰🙏🏾
  • TTotaler
    Really enjoy Christopher Renstrom
    and his stories! I love how he connects the theme of whatever astrological season we’re in with an ancient myth, fable, or some well known story (movie, play, etc). This helps to put the energies of the stars into perspective in ways that we can understand and reflect upon. And it keeps me coming back week after week.
  • slfkekdoeofn
    Christopher Renstrom is excellent
    I love this podcast for the variety of speakers. It’s a great way to find your personal favorites. For me, Christopher Renstrom is someone I love. I go back and listen to any episode he is on. Even if it’s dated, his explanations help me understand greater themes and he always tells his information in the best way.
  • from the year 2471
    Thank you!
    Thank you for all your hard work that goes into this show. I don’t listen to all of the episodes, but whenever Rick is on I am sure to tune in.
  • MaZ11021971
    Electional astrology for the week and you post it on Thursday? You may want to be more organized the next time you post a time sensitive episode.
  • floor.13
    Always a gold nugget
    Every time I listen to a podcast on AHub I receive a new nugget of wisdom—both astrologically and in personal growth. Each and every episode is grounded, practical and full of integrity. I love the enrichment the information brings to me, and what I share with the world as a result. I’m so grateful for the wealth of authentic wisdom you share each and every episode. I’m completely smitten.
  • flreodieohrhrrorkhdgddhd
    Love it all
    What incredible and mind blowing insights! Love all the guests! Christopher Renstrom is my favorite! I feel like cuddling up with a pillow and blanket by a fireplace and listening to him every single night!
  • AstrologyFreak
    I love all the shows but I have to say Star Signs and knowing my top 3 focuses each week is amazing. Clear & super easy to work with ✨
  • Willow16745
    Star Signs ❤️
    LOVE Star Signs. I hear it all in under 30 min & know exactly how plan the week ahead. One of my fav weekly shows!
  • Brook M11
    Love STAR SIGNs ⭐️
    I love knowing my top 3! This show is quick, to the point and easy to apply. Thank you!
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