Root of Evil: The True Story of the Hodel Family and the Black Dahlia


When Elizabeth Short, also known as The Black Dahlia, was brutally killed in 1947, it gripped the entire country. More than 70 years later, it remains America's most infamous unsolved murder. Many believe Dr. George Hodel was the killer, thanks to an investigation by Hodel's own son. But murder is just part of the Hodel family story, one filled with horrifying secrets that ripple across generations. Now, through never-before-heard archival audio and first-time interviews, the Hodel family opens up to reveal their shocking story. In this eight-part documentary series, sisters Rasha Pecoraro and Yvette Gentile, the great grand daughters of George Hodel, take a deep dive into their family history to try to figure out what really happened, and where do they all go from here? Root of Evil is the companion podcast to TNTs limited series I Am the Night. Inspired by the true story of the Hodel family, the series stars Chris Pine and comes from acclaimed Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins.

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Recent Reviews
  • Savvy32598
    Best series ever
    I’ve always been fascinated with the black dahlia murder and why it hasn’t been solved. But now I know exactly what happened. This podcast is one of the best series I’ve ever listened to. The fact that the hosts themselves are closely related to Hodel, and the fact that they have the most INSANE family history I’ve ever heard.
  • jomarie;)
    This whole story was captivating, hope he gets the DNA test. This whole story gave me chills.
  • Katsdeelite
    Thank you
    I am so moved by what this family has gone through, mostly on their own. I think that all of you are so brave to open your closets and your hearts, I hope this sets you free and engulfs you in love. Thank you, I wish all the best for you.
  • Crime Slayers
    Best Rabbit Hole
    All I will say is I never relisten to anything. I’m relistening. God Bless this Family
  • Awesomenesspersonever:p
    Absolutely Captivating!
    The story, the evidence, the family, the music, absolutely captivating!
  • Isaiahshadow02
    Thank you !!
    Thank you !!
  • katjoee
    Fantastic Podcast - Get Ready to Binge It!
    This podcast is incredibly well done. It’s honest, raw, dark, hopeful and captivating on all accounts. It truly shows the transformative power of breaking the cycle. I have already recommended this podcast to so many people. It’s dark and heavy at times - can be incredibly triggering. But it’s also uplifting, hopeful, enlightening and a lesson is the beauty of openness and honesty. Couldn’t recommend this podcast more!
  • Jgrandel
    Well Said
    The lessons that come out of this podcast hit home. Whatever your family’s past consists of your future depends on being the light and live your family and the world need. Thank you to the beautiful sisters who brought this part of their lives to light. May you all continue loving and healing.
  • RescueMomCg
    Wonderfully done
    This is one of those podcasts that I had to binge. It’s heavy at times - but so well done. Definitely 5 stars!
  • aubgrowsfood
    Must listen!
    Wowwow. One of my favorite podcasts! I love the unfolding of the story. The production was really great right down to the music! I was hooked and listened in a day and a half. Thanks for being brave and telling all your stories! What a fascinating story and uncovering of an infamous murder.
  • The OnionEaters
    This may get better. I’ll never know.
    Listened to the first episode. Nothing to do with the Black Dahlia. Interesting, but not interesting enough to keep me around. I mistakenly thought this was going to be about Elizabeth Short. It’s not. It’s about every other person in the state of California. County of Los Angeles. There are way too many podcasts, books, and YouTube videos out there to be wasting time on something that’s not what it could and should be. A 2nd cousin to the mother-in-law of a person who once walked down South Norton doesn’t guarantee their story is interesting. In this case it’s not. Moving on.
  • huenew
    After seeing Rolling Stone’s Best of All Time List, here I am. It is riveting: generational traumas had descended from an evil murder suspect, Hollywood’s Dr. George Hodel. He appears to have been celebrated in certain Hollywood Circles. Episode 5 shocked my brain so thoroughly that I think I lost track of Who’s Who. I see from his website that the hero detective, Steve Hodel (he’s in E2 and E6 if I recall correctly), who first exposed the doctor, does not appreciate E5’s FIRST-HAND accounts from Tamar Hodel’s children, of still more horrific abuses and trauma. That reaction is confusing . . .
  • Nevmevnevnev
    This tops all other true crime podcasts!
    This is just the most incredible thing I have ever heard. This evil man wreaked havoc on his own family and countless others. I wonder what he got away with in Japan and the Philippines when he lived there for all those years. Steve Hodel has left no stone unturned except the one the LAPD inexplicably keeps out of his reach.
  • chris michele
    Great listen
    I was obsessed with the black dahlia story as a kid and have always found myself wondering about it and if more would ever be uncovered. I am so glad I stubbled upon this podcast. And just want to say that all of Hodel Family that was a part of this podcast and uncovering the truth is so strong and brave for telling their story, especially this day in age when people are so cruel and judgmental.
  • Pama Lama Ding Dong
    Just.. wow 😮
    Incredible podcast and so much well done work, interviews, and investigation. If there is ever a follow up, is there any info. on George’s home life (that possibly helped make him a monster)? Other than he didn’t like his mom and was forced to play piano? Excellent work on this series!
  • Hollyhoo1
    This pod highlights info that I hadn’t heard previously. It’s very good!!!
  • JuliJules91
    Balling my eyes out rn
    Compelling from start to finish and the last episode is a gut bunch to the feels. I never thought I’d be so invested in this family and I just hope the best for them.
  • Delaine25
    Baloney by a family of immoral grifters
    I couldn’t make it through all the episodes. There are so many contradictions and everything recounted is so extreme. I just do not believe much that this family says. I think it is terrible that this family has exploiting Elizabeth Short and her living family members for two decades. What a shame that so many folks reading the Hodels’ books and other media fall for these lies.
  • LA51KC
    Loved it!
    I binged this podcast in one day. It was very interesting and I liked learning more about the Hodel family. It is truly remarkable that any of them survived and were able to make their lives successful.
  • JennaLowe
    Not for headphone users
    The cheesy tones and sound effects clash with the commentary and does not create interest or atmosphere. It’s unlistenable, poor sound production. Hard pass.
  • sfimo
    Highly recommend
    A uniquely intimate perspective on a very public and famous case. A deep dive into an incredibly compelling and tragic story only this family can tell, and thankfully they did. They deserve an immense amount of credit and respect, not only for surviving the horrors most of them had to endure and sharing it with us, but also for being the good people they seem to be or strive to be in spite of, or because of, their experiences. Beware of graphic descriptions of violence.
  • DementedAngela
    Best Podcast I have heard!
    This is THE best Podcast I have listened to. It is so well told and easy on the ears. It pulls you in and keeps your interest held as each layer of the story is undone!
  • CoachThePuppy
    Jaw drop after jaw drop!
    First and foremost I want to say that the strength and courage that it took for this family to tell their story is incredibly admirable! With that said, Root of Evil is a horrific tale full of tragic and grotesque moments told in a way that didn’t spare any details. But it HAD to be told that way so that the listener can fully appreciate how far each family member has come to reclaim their identity and to preserve their legacy. It’s a must listen for sure!
  • VestaNicole
    A must!
    Such a captivating and horrific family story. This is one that could not even be written by Steven King; one you will never forget. Thank you to the family for coming together to share this story. I’m sure this will help many other people that have been through similar situations and I’m so glad for those that did better with their lives and did not let the evil continue. May God bless you all.
  • JG_cookin
    So we’ll done. Best podcast I’ve heard in a while.
  • Bellahonduras
    Well done.
    Horrific story about murder but also about the strength of family bonds.
  • Ashes Ashes
    Favorite true crime podcast - wow!
    I listen to true crime podcasts every night for nearly two years. I’ve listen to hundreds of shows. I love this show. It’s a perfect mix of emotional interviews and thoughtful narration The life this family lives is insane. Insane. Shook.
  • Pepsodiny
    Holy cow. I have listens to so many true crime podcasts. And while I love and have favorites, this one is amazing. The strength of this family. Incredible. I can’t believe it all and yet it all rings true. It Has the evidence, and the sincerity and pain you can hear in the voices of the family. Just whoa.
  • Wishing Mermaid
    truth is stranger than fiction!
    This might be my first written review, and I’m pretty much exhausted most true crime, investigative series, but if you are a fan of true crime, this is a must listen! So twisted, in so many ways, you could not make this story up!
  • Anonomyssy
    Great follow up to Steve’s Avenger groups
    I loved Steve’s Avenger books and this is a good follow-up. God only knows how deep this story goes, many details have no doubt died with those involved. All the chatter about adrenochrome lately makes me wonder if Elizabeth Short had been tortured and her blood used ritually. My heart goes out to Tamar’s children, and Tamar herself. I cannot imagine the betrayal of her mother testifying against her, full well knowing what a monster George was.
  • Bhilhg
    Nag said he had no plans for a return to work after
    Bags and I don’t want them anymore I’m just not feeling well today so I’ll try again next time and let her do her work tomorrow if that’s what she’s thinking I think
  • Trixie Cochise
    One of My favorite pod series of all Times. I couldn’t stop binge listening. Absolutely riveting.
  • tpjhkg
    Woke Agenda Driven
    Terrible story very suited for our times where the woke movement agenda is the trend of our day and pushed in the headlines and is forced upon the minds of the people on a daily basis through mainstream media outlets. Any opportunity to castigate white people and cause them to have white guilt through white shaming and to believe that their race is systematically racist and evil even though the white race is the world’s minority. Story about a white woman who grew up believing she was black and found out she was white and sank into depression. Her mother also despised her own race and wanted her daughter raised by blacks yet the very black couple that raised her kicked her out of their home at age twelve but the white race is evil. Only listened because I was intrigued about the the Elizabeth Short case not in hearing liberal white women talk about how they were victims of white male dominated patriarchy and how they despise their own white race. I give it a one star rating for the woke agenda crammed down our throats. Another story ruined by liberals.
  • CandyReneeS
    Not impressed
    This podcast is and the whole set of stories being peddled by the Hodel family are doing more harm than good for the case of Elizabeth Short. It makes me very sad that people seem so certain of what mostly equates to family folklore as concrete proof of the gruesome torture and murder of Elizabeth Short. I would recommend any to listen to Wondery “The Black Dahlia Serial Killers” It’s more fact based and based in investigated to find suspects rather than settling on a suspect and confirmation bias.
  • Denisemsc
    Amazing story
    I can’t tell you how grateful I am to hear your truth. Your brave individuals and shave each other. Thank you for sharing your story . My heart is with with you all for bravery, for truth and changing your lives♥️
  • calene22
    Best True Crime Podcast
    This is probably my favorite true crime podcast of all time. Great listen. Masterfully done.
  • EyesWindowsDoors1979
    Scripted Fiction
    Root of evil podcast is scripted misinformation, hypocrisy and Hodel family perpetuated falsehoods involving Fauna, the great story-teller (and court proven pathological liar)Tamar, George Hodel, the Hodel family torchbearers and the Black Dahlia. It involves self-imposed victimization, re-victimization and exploitation involving Elizabeth Short, the Short family and other victims and their families. George Hodel was proven innocent by the LAPD in 1950 and in 2019. The proof is out there. Anything claimed otherwise is false and reeks of agenda. A lot of people fell for the grift. The hosts read from a script. A script of Hodel family campfire stories, perpetuated lies and soft-con. What the script and the hosts won't tell you is both Fauna and Tamar said George Hodel wasn't the murderer of Elizabeth Short. Fauna Hodel was no angel and ironically was the Root Of Evil. Root of Evil is fiction and untrue crime at best and should be viewed as such.
  • Tea nikol
    This one’s for the true crime FREAKS
    This is my ALL TIME favorite true crime podcast. This is the show that got me hooked for life, so very well told! I greatly appreciate the storytelling by the family, it makes it that much more bone chilling! This is always a great listen, regardless of how many times I’ve heard it!
  • Hoosjenk
    Not the best
    This series started off okay but could have been 3 episodes, not 8. Storytelling is so long and overly drawn out I can’t even make it to the end.
  • emaleigh
    Strange and Wonderful
    This is a truly fascinating and extraordinarily well constructed podcast. It was a joy to listen to, an odd thing to say about a crime podcast. If you listen, you will understand. The production value is top notice. Highly recommended.
  • ownrhtodowgwvr
    Too good
    This podcast is so good it’s put me in a podcast funk because I can’t find anything as compelling. I feel like I’m chasing a high! Devastating and well done.
  • kaedgarr
    Warning… it’s heavy but soooo good.
  • Begelll
    What’s the appeal?
    Didn’t care for the show. Rich family and abuse ties to black Dalia? Plenty of poor families with abuse, maybe we should look at all those to
  • Balcbar
    Oh, I bet you have never heard this story before! Great podcast, had me hooked on this for days!
  • TrAcToRsXxx
    A work of art!
    My mother and I do a lot of traveling together and love a great podcast! When we picked this podcast, which I admit wasn’t what I expected. However, I couldn’t have listened to anything better. This podcast takes you on a journey and shows the process and their thoughts behind convicting George Hodel as the lead suspect. The fact that this family has come together provides a more wholesome side to this podcast too. Definitely my favorite podcast I have listened to ever!
  • Podcast Review V7
    If your looking for a good podcast that gets to the point this is not one for you. It played the same story over and over and over and over. Never ever talked about the black dahlia. Respectfully, no one cares about your family when you name the podcast the true story about the black dahlia. Y’all made the whole thing about yourselves and can’t even respect the dead by giving her the story she deserves. I HAD TO COME BACK!! I just finished and I actually can’t believe this podcast. DO NOT NAME YOUR PODCAST about something THAT IT ISNT!!! They’re lying through their teeth. Way to get click bait. Your family tragedy is absolutely horrifying but I can’t believe you would use a victim to get views on your own life changing story.
  • Nado xpat
    Amazing survival story
    I am utterly gobsmacked by this production! I have always been curious about the Black Dahlia story but this was way more. The resolve of the sisters to go so personal and deep, it’s not just a story about the crime itself, and a great one at that, but how it affected the family. Their bravery and strength of spirit comes through in the last episode. A “must listen”.
  • Bushwickgirl
    Incredible on all accounts
    Seriously might be the best podcast I’ve ever listened to . So moving and powerful . A serious reminder of how deeply generational trauma can affect all of us . I am blown away by the resiliency of this family !
  • Leilani age 10
    Great new podcast
    Love this podcast! I think that they tell scary stories really well because they bring the light to all of the stories. I am only 17 years old but this podcast is great for me because I don’t like scary things but the sisters don’t just talk about the scary stuff they talk about the good in everything. I would recommend this podcast to anyone and everyone who wants to start listening to podcasts.
  • mollyk96
    Very well done!
    This was my first true crime podcast and now my life will never be the same. They did a great job
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