
TV & Film #96

Can't handle scary movies? Neither can legal influencer, sometimes rapper and general scaredy-cat Peach. To help him overcome his horror aversion, his best friend Shag is talking him through the plots, the kills, the blood and the thrills of iconic video nasties, one Wikipedia synopsis at a time.

This is a recap podcast for anyone interested in scary movies, especially if you can only watch them through your fingers. Join the Feel Bad Club!

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Recent Reviews
  • PinkyLewis
    Binge Listening!!
    Came over from TSDW and so glad I did! What I love about this show is (Peach and Shag, obvi) but also that the eps are short and sweet. I've seen basically all of the movies they've covered so hearing the short version is fun and I can run through a ton of eps while I take a walk or clean house. So funny, so Australian, so cool!
  • W8W888888888888888888
    Mostly here for the hosts
    I love the dynamic between the two hosts and am here to stay!
  • Nic Rock
    FBC 4 Eva
    Spooko, my dudes! Like others, I became a member of the Feel Bad Club through one of the TSDW crossover episodes. Those are always my faves but Peach and Shag themselves are quite the delight. I also genuinely enjoy learning bits of Australian law even though I have no idea if any of it applies to my life in America 🙃
  • Ctan024
    Loving Spooko!
    I found out about Spooko from the Too Scary; Didn’t Watch crossover episodes (Too Spooko; Didn’t Watch) and I really enjoy Peach and Shag! I appreciate their underlying messaging of self-care, checking your privilege, down with the patriarchy, anti-colonialism, and anti-capitalism. As an American, I learn a lot about Australia (slippery dips, fairy floss). As a young millennial, I also learn a lot about late 90’s-early 00’s hip hop/rap. I am for sure a Spooko Girl, let me se your hands! Reschs, what’s up!
  • Leah380
    Came from TSDW
    Came over thanks to a crossover episode, stayed for the fun!
  • Tony Coffman
    stick to the tsdw crossovers
    For a podcast thats about recapping horror films, these guys really seem to dislike movies. The majority of each episode is Shag reading a wikipedia article while Peach nitpicks nearly every single thing about it with Shag joining in quite a bit as well. Add tangents about hip-hop or cricket and you have a spooko episode. I've listened to about 30 episodes and I think maybe about 6 were complaint free. the tsdw crossover episodes are delightful but I really can't recommend the main pod.
  • Alisondear
    Hilarious and endearing
    Want to immediately fall in love with these two and their dynamics? Listen to the episode entitled “Inside”. The movies are less than half the point and the banter, laughter, and friendship are the other half+. Highly, highly recommended this pod.
  • Joan of Dark
    Focus is a virtue
    It’s really good. Sometimes little too much personal political/religious narrative for a movie podcast but hey what can you do.
  • aashgasm
    Spooko Fan from TSDW
    Can’t stop won’t stop listening to these fun guys and their amazing journeys as well as awesome guests. Thank y’all!
  • nopealopesaysnope
    And I love them.
  • Snowydayzz
    Love these guys!
    I came over from TS;DW, I’m a Peach and I love listening to the recaps! One day I might be brave enough to watch one of these flicks.
  • A podcast addict
    Love you guys!
    Came over from TSDW so obviously like the recaps. I stay and listen because you two are great together. Your laughter is contagious but only part of it. Your hearts and opinions illustrate what real men should and could be.
  • rachelsusername
    Eyes Up
    Who needs my money so we can greenlight "Eyes Up"?? Every time I hear Shag and Peach work out more details about the "Eyes Up" universe, I just can't wait to watch that movie more and more!!! Anyway, 5 Stars! I love horror movies and recap pods... they help me chose what to watch, and help me figure out what the actual heck I may have watched lol I am delighted by Peach & Shag's genuine friendship and love for each other and film. They discuss both the fun and more serious aspects of what a film may be trying to say about society, or what it's trying to avoid saying. I've added the phrase "friendship homework" into my general lexicon. Thanks for that! And Resch's, what up!
  • lollexiiiii
    Love the references, love the genuine friendship
  • BringBackJolt
    Great Job!
    Love your show!
  • diana_hates_moving
    Spooky movies reviewed 👻
    Followed from TSDW. Appreciate the brief wiki synopsis although some times I wish you’d guys keep talking. Funny quips and insights into spooky movies! Resch’s - what’s uuuup!
  • GraceKilly
    Heavy sigh
    Two guys who hate movies talk about horror movies—which they also seem to hate. What don’t they hate? Giggling. And hip hop.
  • not-quite-crazy-yet cat lady
    How do we support this podcast????
    Love this podcast! How can we support the podcast so that they keep making it, is there a Patreon? Thanks for what you do, Peach and Shag!
  • It how sleeps
    Great Podcast
    I love listening to these two goof off and talk about these movies. I laugh out loud every episode❤️👻❤️
  • Austin TX Listener
    Fun hosts
    Great podcast if you hate horror movies. Might be a little annoying if you actually like them. Most of the reviews are of them trashing horror movies for being unbelievable. I listen because I like the guys but if you’re really into horror, avoid this one.
  • Bejeweler9
    Here to stay!
    I found this podcast through Too Scary Didn’t Watch and am so glad I did! The hosts are hilarious and easy to listen to while they cover the plots of horror movies with lots of comedy. Makes me laugh out loud so often, a must listen.
  • violetsturningviolet
    Peach and Shag are an aphrodisiac
    Such a fun and phenomenal pod to dive into during q-tine!
  • dontgimmedat
    Hilarious, informative, and endearing
    Perfect podcast for people like me! I hate watching scary movies but I want to know what happens.
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