Correct Opinions with Trey Kennedy and Jake Triplett

Improv #14

Welcome to Correct Opinions -- the first show where every opinion is correct (in my opinion.) If you're just as annoyed as I am with the over-the-topness of today's social media crazed world then you're in the right place. Whether I’m riffing on trending topics, my experiences, your college roommates "small business" (we know you haven't sold a single t-shirt, Jason) or recurring segments such as "Another Dumb White Baby Name," I speak for us all on why people need to just do less. Let's take a deep breath, make fun of some people and enjoy some remedy through roasting. In a growing world of "extra," come join a community where we have had enough. Please submit your topics/discussions for me to roast at Do less. God bless.We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: For advertising opportunities please email   Privacy Policy: the opinions, but hate the ads? Subscribe to the ad-free version of Correct Opinions here!:

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  • ndjrjnbsrk
    We get it
    We all get the forest frank but please keep doing it 😂😂
  • Titus A.
    Is Trey in trouble?
    How lucky are we!?!? Now a patreon so that I can pay money monthly to hear Trey ask how long have we been going instead of for free. Does family man have one of his many weapons pointed at Trey off screen forcing him to do more podcasts? Trey, man we love you but you don’t have to keep doing this if it’s making you miserable.
  • Lnh1894
    Sheltered maybe?
    I love that the show is sponsored by Monster Energy and Liquid Death. My mom frequently sends me fb videos of how everyday products are disguised and are actually demonic. It always makes me laugh that Facebook is her main news source. I hope you can imagine the eye roll that i give… especially bc she just sent the videos on monster and liquid death. This “sheltered” 30 year old thinks you all are hilarious and Katie is the best!
  • badgirllrayray
    Jake is the funny one
    Funny but the more I listen, the more I think Jake is the real star. Trey spends a lot of his time picking on his wife Katie, rather than actually being funny. Would love to see him grow out of this. Jake is just straight up FUNNY. Check out Jake's other podcast too
  • HardTrojan
    Kaytei Should Start her Own Podcast
    Ok we know now that Trey chose correctly with Kaytey - seeing how knowledgable she is about health, wellness, toxins, pregnancy, shopping - is it time for a spin off where she discusses new mom life and how to navigate this world of mass consumerism and what she recs as good/not good for growing families?
  • LDisher
    Love your podcast! Hilarious and great entertainment that will keep you laughing!!
  • thisismyreview1234
    Funny and engaging
    I wish y’all released episodes more frequently than once a week because this is one of the few podcasts I actually enjoy listening to and isn’t too heavy/serious as other podcasts. Other podcasts I can’t stand to listen to because the energy and pace of it is so low and slow. This keeps me engaged and wanting to listen
  • HopefulCynic✌🏻
    So close!
    I get that this is part of Trey’s schtick, but the frequent “kidding” (light berating?) with Katy just gets kinda old. As a wife and mom to two littles, sometimes my heart hearts with Trey’s digs. It’s stale. There are so many more ways to joke with your wife. And again, part of the gimmick perhaps - joke all day about white people baby names, etc, but mentioning Asians and chopsticks? Joking about Skid Row? Smells like white privilege, even to a devoted fan, and just doesn’t hit right in today’s climate. Obviously Trey’s a great guy, and there’s a chance I’m being a little sensitive here (don’t come at me, I’m an elder millennial, not a boomer 😜)…just some food for thought.
  • 9 innings is trash
    Great Podcast!
    Very funny, clean, and easy listening. Great one-liners throughout.
  • Nattersmom
    So funny!
    This show makes me so happy. If you need a boost during your week, listen in!
  • Anne Alden
    Makes me laugh every time!
    Y’all are the best! The 4 of you bounce off each other so well. Thanks for making me laugh every time I listen & brining a little levity to my day!
  • Melissa#12
    Katie- I see you!
    I get so much hate but I also do not like animals. But Katie, we do have souls and we can be trusted. However, I am unlike Katie in the fact that I very much enjoy eating animals :) What I hate the most is that I am forced to be around animals always. If people want an animal in their house, then great- that’s their choice. But why do I have to face an animal in the grocery store next to the produce I’m picking out 🤢 I understand why a seeing eye dog needs to be in there but some little rat dog in a purse because it’s labeled as an emotional support animal. No thanks. Just wanted to give you some support Katie, because heaven forbid anyone say anything negative about animals- they have more rights than people do 🙄 Love you guys and the podcast
  • I. Wingard
    One of the best
    They are incredible. Trey, Jake, and Katie are the best, when they reacted to video of the “love surge” had me rolling on the floor laughing
  • Detmerdog
    Is awesome when they don’t have a guest on
    I’d give it 5 stars when it’s just Trey, Jake, and Katy. When they bring a guest on it’s like a totally different show and it’s usually pretty boring. The reason I listen to the podcast is to laugh not to hear the life journey of b list influencers and entertainers.
  • thewhiteKevinHart
    Loving my purple hair
    I first hopped on here cause I thought it was Trea Young’s podcast. Turns out it’s just a funnier and gayer Trey.
  • wetslip
    Step above airport noise
    This shows honestly blows. I only tolerate it because it’s generally clean language and I need something to kill time at the airport. But the subject matter is boring and not that funny. I’d rather watch 10 hours of diners drive ins and dives with no commercials than follow this show. I’ll unfollow 100% after I find a better show. Would only recommend to white women who resent their marriages, since that’s the vibe Trey puts out. Or maybe to sons who are disappointments for their fathers. The way Trey talks you know his dad only let him hold the flashlight. The hype man/co-host is kind of funny, but then I saw he looked like a 12 year old trapped by a wizards curse for the last 300 years. Seriously the hype man looks like my churches poster for recognizing abuse in families. Trey Kennedy is the voice for “oppressed” white women everywhere. Trey’s hype man is bound by the laws of leprechaun magic to hype Trey Kennedy up until trey gives him the last nugget of gold, or defeats Trey in an anti-climatic death match in a pool of lemon curd pudding. I heard that Trey’s wife gave him the nickname “anti-climatic pool of lemon curd pudding” after their honeymoon. If you have a low IQ, consult with your doctor whether you should listen to this show or not.
  • LIB8
    Wish granted
    Love this podcast. Though I do tend to watch it on YouTube to see all of Katy’s fun expressions and eye rolls and cute Thomas of course. Great content everyone!
  • Savin the world
    I LOVE the pod because it feels like y’all just sat down and accidentally started recording yourselves hanging out.
  • Words mama
    Great listen
    Look forward to every new episode. Feels like you’re listening to your friends chatting that make you laugh out loud at random times.
  • Liz Suth
    John Crist be like “wHeN I wAs iN rEhAb…” what a tool. I love the rest of you but John Crist is such a douche, don’t ever mention his name again.
  • Lovell like a shovel
    Great Podcast!
    I love this podcast! My daughter was born just a few days after Trey and Katie’s son so I’ve really enjoyed all the pregnancy and new baby/new parent related topics. The “sheltered kid” moments are hilarious and relatable. I wish you would inform the listeners before going to an ad instead of interrupting the middle of segment or sentence (it’s less confusing if watching on YouTube but my mom brain has a moment of confusion when I’m listening to the podcast haha). Also I kind of want you to have your mom or Derek’s aunt Linda on the show. 🤣
  • Bhatia-96
    Funny but hard to hear!
    I love the pod but I feel like I have to turn the volume all the way up to hear you guys compared to all the other pods I listen too. Especially when Trey drops his voice to mumble something I can’t hear him at all. Turn up the recording volume please!
  • tonteauex
    So enjoyable!
    Hi, everyone!!! I’m quite a bit older than y’all, but I definitely enjoy the pod. “The shelter kid” segment makes me crack up! I didn’t think I was a sheltered kid and I didn’t shelter my kids (adult children now), but I totally get the jokes! I have to share the email server, that I still use, is It was before the others! It was the first web based email you could get…1997! I still have it and use it because I rarely get spammed! People always want it to be Gmail and I have to correct them. I look forward to hearing y’all each week and I love the YouTube videos! Couldn’t see you live because the show (St. Louis) sold out so fast. I’ll try again when you come this way. 👍🏻
  • jones(:
    trey dad era
    I love that you’re doing ad reads in the car. Dad life
  • Roman Arredondo
    My Name is Roman Arredondo and I love this podcast
    This podcast is so funny and is fun to listen to you guys are awesome! IF YOU WOULD MENTION THIS REVIEW IN A PODCAST EPISODE THAT WOULD MAKE MY DAY!!!!
  • EGKansasCity
    Wanted to like
    I really wanted to like the podcast, but it doesn’t seem to really have an actual direction. It just seemed like they accidentally recorded themselves hanging out.
  • 🌸🌸✝️✝️🌸🌸
    Dear Trey, Jake, Katie, Family man Derek, and Thomas, I am in love with the pod!!! First off I just want to say I am a fellow sheltered kid and I love when you make fun of and share stories about sheltered kids. I think it’s hilarious when you make fun of Katie and her shoe size because I am a 6’1 female with size 13 shoes so when you think size 11 shoe size is big I almost die. I also love all your other pods/content. There are a couple minor things that take away from the pod a little bit. I don’t love that you were doing a blogger series. I don’t know any of these people and listening to them tell their whole life is not interesting to me. I also wish you would bring back of few older segment like judge Jake and e-mails from females. Other than those minor things, I LOVE the podcast!!
  • Hadley Nannette
    Katie’s laugh
    Love Katie’s laugh!! She’s adorable Also just love the pod keep up the great work❤️
  • MellieGJo
    Katie has a great laugh!
    I just wanted to hop on to say that Katie has a lovely laugh. That’s all.
  • KathyCho78
    I’m with Katie!
    Was listening to the pod this week and when Katie joked about having Thomas with her to play pool, I immediately said (outloud, in my car) “You have a baby…in a bar??” Then she quoted Sweet Home Alabama and I felt seen! 😂 One of the best quotes ever, even if the boys didn’t enjoy your random knowledge. Thanks Katie!!
  • Roady Reviews it 96🍔
    Amazing 🤩
    Overall a great show! Love the segments and I usually laugh a lot. 🔥🔥🔥👍
  • Nackbaxster14
    A bit lazy
    I listen to this podcast because I think Trey’s videos are hilarious and there are some nuggets here that are laugh-out-loud funny . However this podcast is pretty lazy on the part of Trey. He has his audience basically do all most of the work for him (email him Christmas letters, baby names, etc) and then he spends a very long time on ads. Also he is super duper negative and can be pretty mean. I like his personality less and less the more I listen to him which is really disappointing b/c I love his videos. He’s a naturally funny person so I’m sure he can turn it around. It’s short enough that I’ll keep listening.
  • Yambo34
    Big fan!
    I love(d) this podcast - I’ve been listening since Trey was giving his correct opinions solo during quarantine and DLGB was a thing, and have loved every iteration of the pod… but the blogger interviews are just not it for me. I gave the first one a try but it’s a little awkward, not funny, and Idk who these people are. When it’s Jake, Katie, Trey, and Derek, this pod is 🔥 and vibes are up. Unfortunately vibes are very down for me right now.
  • Emily Christine S.
    Fun podcast….just not lately
    Great podcast, funny banter, solid additions with Jake, Katie, & family man. I wish it would return to that format. However, the new shows interviewing influencers no one has heard of & listening to their life story (they’re probably no older than early 30’s) isn’t the same and definitely not as entertaining but maybe that’s the direction you want the pod to go! Bring back judge Jake. Or just the 4 of y’all rocking the pod. The interviews sort of ruined the fun of listening. But I did give it a try!🫤
  • KLTD
    Long time listener but updating my review to say… Go back to regular content with Katie and Jake, no more blogger interviews. Please!
  • Kedren Penney
    Check y’all’s ads
    I love this podcast. Jake is underrated. Keep it up. 🚨🚨🚨Just wanted to let you know that there was an ad on your podcast for planned parenthood. Promoting abortions. I don’t know if y’all just have a blank ad slot in there, but you should probably change the requirements for that ad. Casts a bad light on your show and is totally unnecessary and unrelated to a comedic podcast
  • Cvos0904
    Love the banter! And I love you can listen to older episodes “evergreen” style.
  • Biggingtonfan
    Go to pod
    Love the podcast! Get a good laugh in during each episode! Just caught y’all in Grand Rapids, you’re AMAZING Trey 🤪
  • Ashliek123
    10x with Jake, Katie and Derek
    I’ve listened to this podcast from the beginning and Trey was pretty good by himself but the man obviously thrives with an audience and this podcast has truly hit its stride. I laugh out loud hard at every episode since adding Jake, Katie and Family Man Derek.
  • ella_lars
    discuss AI 🙏🏼
    i love this podcast so much it always makes me laugh haha. plz talk abt AI i wanna hear y’all’s thoughts
  • okgs17
    Love the Pod & Yellow Deli Comment
    Okay first of all - absolutely love the podcast! Keep it up 😊 Secondly when family man Derek started talking about the yellow deli it sounded so familiar and I have been to one of their restaurants which is 2 hours away from where I live. They had great food, and the restaurant was super cool and I could see how it would be very cult like and we would drive by their house all the time which was near the restaurant. So yeah that is my Yellow Deli experience and no I am not a part of the cult 😂.
  • vinchinzo123
    Best podcast
    Incredible show, everyone should subscribe. After listening, I feel like I genuinely know the group and consider them friends. If you’re not listening you’re missing out
  • waltdisney2000
    Sooooo funny, I love it!!!!!! I can listen to it anywhere anytime! I have listened to it…… In the bathroom, In my bed , Under my bed In the shower, In the ocean ,On the treadmill, In the pool, In the car (preferably the video version) ,Riding my bike to the canyon ,On my paddle board ,On the toilet ,In the bath, On the floor of my living room, In the basement with the lights off ,Hiking around the canyon ,Sitting on a rocking chair on my porch ,Walking around a mall wearing hoodie ,and Eating dinner on couch alone, these are All real places I have listened to your podcast P.S trey, where are your braces while doing the podcast???
  • Mom2MandJ
    Sheltered 80’s Kid
    Been listening to the show for a month or so now and really like it. Congrats to Katie and Trey on the birth of your son. He’s truly is a cute newborn. 😊 Just listened to this weeks show and wanted to add my sheltered 80’s kid experiences lol. We weren’t even allowed to use the “substitute” curse words in our house. I clearly remember trying out “doggone” when I was outside, thinking I was alone. Grandma was within earshot and scolded me saying “Do you hear your mother and dad talk like that?!” I was so afraid that I hid outside for a half hour before sneaking back into the house for fear she was going to rat on me and I’d get in trouble. 😂 We also weren’t allowed to go to dances (you know what dancing leads to!!) not listen to any type of popular music on the radio. Only the “easy listening” station for us! Anyway, love the show and wishing you all the best! Newborns are a lot of work but it does get easier! And Jake, congrats on the wedding. Maybe splurge for the hotel for your wedding night. 😉
  • It's Me, Rj
    Baby T !!!
    5 Stars for Baby Thomas!!!!!
  • Apps,games,and more
    Joshua Black
    Podcast is tight 🔥 I like it
  • Mandy_Rice
    Bring on the barf
    Just wanted to say that I love the pod, and I, for one, am pro barf / fart stories. In fact if you wanted to share the episode and time stamp of Jake’s high school chemical warfare fart story, I want to share it with my Dad. I can’t find it though. He will enjoy it just like any red blooded American would. Trey and Jake, thanks for making me belly laugh in public and Katie, thank you for being a voice of reason.
  • Cocobajojonacklackinn
    Nurse Girl
    Love the show y’all! Especially love the baby updates, Katie, and the boys shocking ideas about pregnancy. Maybe a reflection of getting the clean version of The Talk, you know, with “side-hug” etiquette and all? As L&D nurse, I love Jake’s astronaut image for the baby moving around but it doesn’t beat the time I had a doctor tell a patient in a long labor that “the baby is just enjoying his little hot tub and isn’t ready to come out!” 😂
  • WhitneySimps
    My favorite pod
    Love the pod! Katie was talking about S Club 7 and I was a huge fan of them and of their show! I loved watching them when I was younger but wasn’t allowed to listen to the Spice Girls either, ha! Love the pod and the addition of Katie. I love her stories and what she brings to the show.
  • Coffeeislife4ever
    This podcast is funny!
    Jake, Trey, Katie, and Derrick, great job on putting on such a great podcast! Honestly I like the rabbit stories. They really make me laugh so keep ‘em coming Katie. Haha. Good luck to horse girl!
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