
Business #232Investing #82

The Ultimate Guide to Crypto Finance. DeFi, NFTs, and cryptocurrencies. Level up. Go bankless.

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Recent Reviews
  • GabeGreen322
    Best crypto podcast.
    Been a listener for multiple years and have never found a better crypto podcast. Ryan and David consistently put out hours of great content every week without fail. Bull or bear market they never stop putting out new episodes for us crypto enthusiasts. They interview some of the smartest and most important people in crypto and keep us listeners informed and grounded in this volatile, ever changing industry. They are teaching people that crypto is not just about making money, it’s about the most important upgrade to finance in our lifetime and an essential freedom technology to improve the world. Please give bankless a listen
  • error 1265
    This podcast is top of my list
    I listen to a lot of podcasts and this one I go back to for every new episode. Ryan and David are fantastic interviewers with very sharp minds and a talent for sifting out the best questions to explore with their guests. I count this as required listening for anyone interested in crypto, finance, and the bigger pictures of economics and government. It doesn’t hurt that these guys are fun to listen to and able to pull in a great range of fascinating guests. Strongly recommend!
  • henrycupcake .3.
    Nice podcast
    Informative and up to date about the crypto world helps noobs like me to get into these stuff
  • bobgme212
    Limited World View
    Advancing blockchain technology is vitally important. Inviting anyone on to this podcast as long as they share that viewpoint is the modus operandi of Bankless. When it comes to inviting political candidates on, favoring pro crypto candidates (often those whose views in other arenas are wildly harmful) to the expense of all else underscores the limited perspective these hosts can offer their audiences.
  • stabarelli
    I hope everyone leaves the scam chain.
  • Honest Drunkard O'Malley
    Yawn. Fanboys.
    Interview with R Breedlove was interesting but his politics bias bias his understanding of finance and clearly illustrates how little he understands about science and innovation. Had to stop listening. Hey, his voice is Ron Swanson esque at least.
  • Клиент Этой АвиаКомпании
    Best in crypto podcast
    Best in crypto podcast, a must for serious and smart crypto enthusiasts and investors.
  • kakarot001bulbasaur
    Unparalleled news & educational crypto pod
    Ryan & David have helped so many people (myself included) discover and understand this wild movement/industry Ethereum crypto & web3 wouldn’t be where we are today without these incredible shows, articles, and community members Thank you all for everything ☺️♥️
  • Crypto Frontiersman
    Journey West
    This is a weekly listen, and it’s a must. Great content for anyone on their journey west!!!
  • Jason C Murphy
    Best Coverage of Crytpo and Web3
    Ryan and David and their team do an amazing job bringing complex subjects in the crypto industry and making it accessible to the common person. Whether it’s advances in technology or issues and concerns in the world economy or updates in the legal and regulatory front, this Dynamic Duo has their hands in it and provide an easy to understand, digestible format that is also entertaining to listen to! Go #TeamBankless
  • radar3699
    Stop the AI garbage
  • Miller18pk
    Becoming Bankless
    ETH maximalist my fav podcast and yes I love the AI
  • Nomos13
    Hasn’t been helpful.
    I hate the constant speculation and the attacks on my generation.
  • bh176
    Way too many ads
    About half the show is decent content, 25% meaningless drivel, 25% Ads.
  • 67 R3aper
    ok but they only shill their bags so beware
    they mostly talk about ethereum so dont expect other crypto talk or other layer 1s 😑 dont trust people who only shill their bags
  • Theopoleese
    Still Here!
    Awesome content whether the content is bearish or bullish!
  • Timmy and Carrie’s MacBook Pro
    An Amazing Crypto Podcast
    As a 13 year old interested in building during the bear market, this is an amazing podcast!!
  • DKinnyc
    Not bad
    not bad but two young guys who don't seem very aware of their own uninformed position or the outside world. but they seem open minded.
  • ninaxiangji
    sooooooooo many ads
    like half of the show is ADs!!!!!! like how much money is enough for you
  • PaulGerhartz
    Excellent source for what’s happening in crypto
    This show has done more to educate and entertain me than anything else in crypto. Weekly summary of what’s going on is really informative without needing to read hours of niche things myself. Great great work everyone!
  • great use of multi-media
    Categorical alpha & childish laughter
    I’m a big fan of the pod. I’ve listened to all the crypto/blockchain pods, and this is one of the two best pods, imo. My ONLY negative observation is shallow: their laughter is cringeworthy. It belies their gravitas, and makes them sound like middle-schoolers. Their insights are relatable and leave me with far-reaching perspective on the industry.
  • Tim Nussbeck
    Paid Shills
    Bankless idea is based around self custody and owning your own keys. Yet even after after the blows up in crypto it’s rumored they take in 250k a month in ad revenue from counter party like Nexo. They are leading their listening to slaughter while lining their pockets with dirty fiat. They called Bitboy a scammer for being a paid shill, what does this make them?
  • Kadin Anthony
    I really wanted to like this podcast, it has decent information but it’s a lot of whining and snowflake takes. I’ll get my info from Alt Coin Daily and Bit Squad.
  • shaneixd
    Keep doing your thing
    Thanks for the resilience
  • soulsurvivor128
    Essential DeFi News
    I’ve been listening to Ryan & David’s weekly roll up each week since Summer 2021. They’ve played a vital roll in my crypto/DeFi education. Their content is well-researched, and articulated. A must for intermediate & seasoned crypto holders.
  • Danscanlon
    One of the greats!
    Outstanding show, but I feel like such a loser when I hear the theme song
  • Faith0724
    Great Podcast!
    Very educational! very passionate host! Great source to learn crypto market
  • meatlunch
    Great but not honest enough
    Great guests and interesting topics ,but they will never be too critical of anything in the crypto space. If you want people to take crypto seriously you need to say something negative once in a while. Definitely my favorite podcast in the genre as well 👍
  • diakéta
    Always dropping knowledge.
    Always so informative!
  • chupppppp
    Chalk full of information
    I love and hate how much info is in every episode. On one hand, I want to learn all I can. On the other, I don’t want to listen to episodes that are hours long. I wish there was a 20 minute version of bankless for the Degens in a time crunch.
  • DeathsquadBayArea
    Ethereum Reigns Supreme
    Hello from the future, Ethereum reigns supreme. Listen in and stick around the future is pretty cool.
  • HelaB.
    Simply amazing!
    This is excellent for the Web3 community 🤩
  • m21m
    Listen up
    These dudes know everything.
  • NickTk
    Inspiring & educational
    As an engineer, I like to believe that with the approach, any problem can be solved. There is so much happening in the crypto world that’s looking to empower people to choose and create a better world, rather than continuing to be locked into existing power structures. This podcast has restored my optimism around humanity’s future. I’d also suggest Green Pill as another show that explores this topic.
  • JD21590
    Go to ethereum resource
    Been following bankless since early 2021 and it has become my go to resource for everything happening on the ethereum network. An absolute must listen if you’re getting into crypto.
  • jphartley7
    You gotta listen
    Best podcast out there!
  • Btm4
    ETH shills with occasional good guests
    Please stop saying “you guys’s.” This makes you sound phenomenally dumb. “We really want to you guys’s thoughts…” Jfc.
  • erano.32
    You are guys are amazing!
    I am really glad that we have such amazing podcast in the web3 community. Thank you Ryan and David for your incredible work. Thanks to you I found and met my passion, Blockchain!
  • BarelyBoomer1
    Boom for a Boomer!
    Backless is PRICELESS! I’m a boomer who had NO CLUE that there was more than Bitcoin. I’d hear crypto and I thought that meant Bitcoin. But a friend sat down with me and sparked some interest for me and I listened to another podcast and they mentioned Bankless so I listened once. I immediately signed up and have been on a cryptastic ride of education and understanding. I still don’t own any crypto… yet… but thanks for the well rounded thought provoking insights and for allowing a Boomer to have a place to count on to get truthful commentary and education. Highly recommend this podcast and I e been telling my other old codger boomers to climb aboard … but they are more interested in watching Gilligan’s Island reruns… no wonder they will be left stranded. 🤣
  • Thrlller
    All Eth all the time
    Great podcast, great content, but a bit dogmatic on ETH.
  • CJ Hardison
    Best Crypto/Web3 & ETH Podcast on Earth
    Should you have the interest to learn about the future of finance, Internet of things, Ethereum, Web3, markets, and the Silent Titan that is the financial revolution & cultural Renaissance of our generation, listen to Bankless. Their knowledge, presentation and explanation of concepts through the course of their body of work is unparalleled. Do your 2030 and beyond self a favor and listen to as many of their episodes as you can.
  • speachey
    Keep Bankless…Bankless
    Please don’t cross post other Podcasts on the main Bankless page. Ie; If someone wants to listen to The Green Pill, they can subscribe to it on their own.
  • bonevays
    Surely you can master the sound at a higher volume!
    Guys, you’ve been doing this for years, you’ve become millionaires, how hard can it be that you remix louder, so that I am not forced to max out my iPad so that I can just about hear you all. And when the show is over and my player moves on to another show suddenly my iPad can be heard across the Atlantic!
  • Sallad4444
    Heart me some Bankless
    Bankless is one of the reasons I got into Podcasts, generally. David and Ryan are an interesting combination of approachable and enthusiastic and principled and not too Bro-y. Not really very bro-y at all except for rare totally tolerable bro-y-ness. Not to mention that while they’re very strongly eth centric and decentralization-focused, which means they speak my exact crypto dialect, they’re not too over the top in opposition to the other stuff. There’s always something to learn from the lesser stuff.
  • i<3dh
    All the cool kids are doing it
    Get relevant and listen to Bankless
  • johnnystryker
    Even if you crap on Cardano, I would still listen to you guys everyday!
  • b1gm1ke11
    Great podcast
    An excellent and entertaining way to stay up to date with the latest happenings in all things crypto. I’ve learned so much listening to this podcast.
  • samwainright
    Unpack this - great job, guys
    Great podcast - these guys do a great job. Awesome guests, interesting topics, entertaining format. Side note: I play a drinking game where I drink a shot every time you guys say: “let’s unpack that…” Suffice to say, I’ve become a raging alcoholic.
  • Richard C Valenzuela
    Full on Eth maxis
    If you are trying to learn about crypto The “Bankless” brand is dishonest overall… it’s not about banking the Bankless or decentralized finance. It’s two zealots pumping All Eth everything. Defi started on Eth but it’s loosing market share to other layer 1’s fast and you will never hear about them on this podcast because the Zealots see them as “un worthy” of discussion: other than to point out they don’t pass their dogmatic purity test for decentralization. I give them two stars for bringing on big names inside Eth & breaking down Eth L2’s.
  • Xan0768
    One of the best crypto pods
    Great insight
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