Bomb Mom

Fitness #83

The Bomb Mom Podcast hosted by Melissa Vogel, a fitness expert with 20+ years of wisdom, mom of three, business owner, a second-degree black belt in Taekwondo, model, actress, and an overall busy mom, inspires both women and men on their own fitness journeys. Melissa knows the journey, having lost 60+ pounds, is now the fittest she has ever been in her life and continues to grow in her mindset and health. The Bomb Mom Podcast is meant for all listeners, to expand their knowledge of what fitness is. Fitness is not just food and hitting the gym. It’s about mindset, finding inspiration, learning self-love techniques, and exploring your emotions. It’s also about being present in your relationships, it’s visualization, it’s fashion, it’s everything that you don’t expect it to be. Melissa covers absolutely all areas of fitness in The Bomb Mom Podcast helping you train your mind to kickstart your body into becoming the fittest version of you. Are you ready?

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Recent Reviews
  • 83Rosy
    Engaging and Informational
    This podcast is so engaging. Every person that Melissa brings on has great things to share. Every episode helps to hire our level of consciousness and promotes, self-care, and self growth.
  • Janine Mix
    Actionable and Relatable
    I love how genuine and honest Melissa is. Her insights and actionable steps make this a must listen podcast for anyone wanting to improve their health and lives!
  • jwkrause
    Solid advice with real life experience to back it up
    I love how Melissa brings such great insights and real world scenarios to her podcast! You don't have to be a Mom to benefit from her podcast.
  • Pinkfish11
    Powerful inside and out
    This podcast and Melissa’s group, BBFM, has given me the tools, confidence and reassurance to know I am not alone on my journey, I can (and should) always ask for help, and every bit of mindset has to do with our physical fitness. Thank you Melissa for this amazing gem of a podcast and for your mentorship!
  • @jenmarples
    Melissa is the best!
    Melissa gives the best advice - practical ways to get fit and most importantly tackle our mindset / which is everything! I also love the guests she brings on and her commitment to providing us so much value. As a midlife woman, I LOVE that Melissa tells us Ed can be HOT at any age!💕
  • landofdaisies
    Melissa is the real deal - such an inspiration!
    Thank you Melissa for your leadership in curating a killer line-up of guests who have walked the walk and have plenty of inspiration and actionable advice to share. SO much helpful, authentic, accurate information - all helping inspire us all on our own deep healing journeys toward being our best selves. Great show!
  • GetItDoneSam
    What a Joy!
    So grateful to Melissa and the Bomb Mom team for creating such a valuable, relatable, and fun conversation. Can’t wait for next time!
  • gutsygyn
    Real support that we women need!
    Thank you for being so real and showing us that we can change and have a body we love🥰🥰🙏🏻 you rock!!!
  • Teacher_mother
    Motivating & educational!
    I look to Melissa’s podcast for weekly guidance, motivation, and humor. She’s so relatable and makes me feel less alone as a mom/career woman navigating the world. I’ve been going back and listening to older episodes while I wait for the weekly podcast to come out. It’s so interesting to follow her journey from the beginning.
  • gocarloscruz
    Melissa Vogel is the Real Deal!
    If you have a partner, sister, daughter or woman you care about and want to see grow and improve- the Bomb Mom podcast is a perfect to listen and share. Host, Melissa Vogel has a variety of guests and provides much value to her followers. Information is jam packed and the podcast doesn’t go too long. It’s perfect for typical commutes. MV is the real deal! Whether it’s replying to your questions via DM or cranking out reps at the gym- all while running a business and being a mom. Highly recommend!
  • Sandy Abrams
    Melissa’s Support & Enthusiasm is Second to None!
    Melissa is such an inspiration for busy moms to prioritize their fitness and all aspects of wellness. She has such an authentic way to support others and be real about how crazy life can get —yet taking control where we can! Small efforts make a big difference. She’s the bomb!
  • SeanTheDon78
    I was recently a guest on Melissa’s show and was impressed with her wisdom, her open heart, her realness and the insights she shared with me and with her audience. I’m honored to be a part of this podcast! -Sean Donohue, Episode 191 AKA, “The Family Coach” on Social Media
  • Everything's Messy Podcast
    So real
    I felt like Melissa was talking directly to me. I love the energy and the fun! Such a great podcast!!!
  • Parkc1ty
    Great guests
    Love how I feel I am sitting at the kitchen table with you and your guests. Such fun interviews with great takeaways.
  • andeem7
    YES YES YES!! This podcast is amazing!!
    Thank you for this podcast!! Melissa your energy and passion gets me motivated to keep unleveling my life. Every episode I’ve listened to has been amazing!!! Looking forward to lots more hours with Melissa in my ears. If you haven’t listened to this podcast stop what you’re doing and go listen to it now!!
  • Jenn—
    The best!!
    Melissa is my trainer in the Bomb Mom program and she’s the real deal! I’ve learned so much from her. She’s inspiring, fun, honest, and so knowledgeable about fitness and nutrition. So lucky to have found her!
  • MovieGoer77
    Melissa is the BOMB
    Love this show! And she is a total fitness role model!
  • lovevballgirl
    This podcast is amazing!
    Melissa is funny, knowledgeable, energetic, and so motivating. I never miss an episode. I love how she has all different topics that help us become the best version of ourselves.
  • NYLA10024
    Words To Remember!
    Thank u for giving me a library of shows with words, quotes & insights that “stay” with me…I repeat your words almost nightly: “stop being the woman whose head hits the pillow & thinks of all she didn’t get done that day; instead, let your head hit the pillow w/reminders of all you DID get done in just one day.”
  • Barton Scott
    Great guests. Great content. Great podcast
    Great host as well. Keeps it entertaining!
  • DrJenn15
    Listen right now!
    Real. Authentic. Engaging. Melissa has it all! I loved the infertility episode with Jenn PherDal. So relatable and helpful for so many women! Keep being the bomb!
  • Blanco__
    Fantastic Energy
    I've listened to several episodes now, and just had to post a review. The Bomb Mom goes way beyond "normal" fitness topics, to dig into a wide range of super interesting subjects ranging from hormones to divorce. And Melissa brings such tremendous energy to her coverage, it's almost infectious. I finish each episode way more pumped than when I started. THANK YOU!
  • Karen3527
    Open, honest, & real
    Open, honest, and real. Health is hard to decipher what is fake vs. what reality is but the bomb mom helps you narrow it down do you are not alone on the journey!
  • SD Hil
    So much truth to this podcast
    People do not know the value in chiropractics unless they’ve been treated by one. I’ve have improvements in my body that I never even knew were issues until I started seeing a chiropractor. Doctors want to push medications. Chiropractors find the root of the issue. Amazing and uplifting podcast
  • Jack3301
    Love love love
    I love this podcast. The guests Melissa has are great and informative. She hits on such a broad spectrum of topics. Best part is Melissa. She has a big personality and you can hear the passion for what she does in her voice.
  • Em Hollis
    One of my favorites!
    I absolutely love Melissa’s show!! My favorite part is that it’s not just about fitness….it goes further into the human construct and what may be beyond what we see at the surface level. She’s brave, bold, and showing the world how women can empower themselves to live a life that is truly theirs.
  • Loyal listener from Montana
    So happy to have found this podcast. The interviews are real and so informative. Very inspiring and motivating and makes me want to be a better mom and a bomb mom everyday!!❤️❤️
  • Zoe Abbott
    Not just for Moms!
    Melissa is so real and raw and fun and I loved working with her. It’s such a great a effortless conversation. I am so behind the purpose and everything this podcast stands for ❤️
  • bart E.M.
    Informative and not just for moms
    Melissa is so knowledgeable, helpful and most importantly honest. Her guests are great and they bring a lot of knowledge as well. The PHD is probably my favorite guest to date lol. Subscribe and listen; you won’t be disappointed.
  • bubblesandduckies
    Learn and Grow
    Educational and entertaining. Melissa is honest, real, raw and truly wants to help us all learn and grow.
  • CaliforniaCoffee
    I just listened to the Kristen Ulmer episode and It was SO GOOD!! Such a thought-provoking topic. I love Melissa's straight forward communication style too. Keep up the great work Melissa!
  • AWESome EarthKind Energy
    Amazing Show
    Melissa is awesome! Raw, Real, Inspirational, Educational and Entertaining! Definitely one of my favorite hosts & podcasts!
  • Kristinc06837
    Fast favorite
    Listened to this show cause Heidi Powell was on it and it became an instant favorite I have since listened to every episode and wait every week for new ones! Melissas approach and no BS attitude is so nice!
  • Caleb Lamoreau
    Thanks for being a bomb mom
    This podcast is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • Melissa Vogel Fitness
    Bomb mom podcast is amazing
    I love love love it and all the different episodes and topics covered. Can’t get enough
  • Qteemz
    Educational and Inspiring
    I really enjoyed listening to MV podcasts. Every episode is inspiring, educational and refreshing. It enlightens me in some ways.
  • tommye w-c
    Great podcast. Host is very positive and motivating!
  • RunamokUSA
    Keep sharing your positivity and passion for helping moms stay fit.
  • Unknown193724
    Great podcast!
    Fun to listen to, and just overall a great great podcast!
  • wshepdogg
    Let The World Know
    Way to go Melissa, very inspiring & educational, your on your way to showing the world who & what your about!! Keep up the good work
  • wisdom5!
    So inspiring!!
    Wonderful podcast that really motivates you!
  • AudioListener0321
    Really good!
    Such a great podcast series!
  • Consultant Joe
    Amazing! My wife loves her
    My wife joined Melissa’s community and has been so inspired. Melissa speaks the truth and helps women to cut past mental blocks to be the women they are called to be!
  • hchetta
    Something that works!
    I am part of Melissa’s Bomb Mom group and I’m excited to know she is sharing her wisdom with everyone! She is inspiring, knowledgeable, and really cares. Find out what you can do when you don’t quit!
  • Aeyps
    Aspire to Inspire
    Starting my journey with Bomb moms I never thought I would be inspiring other people in my own little way. Thanks to Melissa for inspiring as well. I started my journey just as the corona virus was starting as well. And my sister said to stop posting pictures/videos of my workouts because people might think that I am being insensitive about this corona issue. But then whenever I post I am getting a different response from people and friends/family. And along the way, people have been saying that I have inspired them to be fit and healthy. And I have realized that I am not alone in this journey. So thank you Melissa for inspiring me and in the process I’ve become an inspiration to others as well. “Aspire to Inspire”
  • bosljeff
    Fitness for the real world
    All too often fitness coaches preach from a place of false realities. 99% of their audience aren’t fitness people who can obsess and spend their life revolving around fitness. Melissa is a coach who applies fitness to the real world and those who live in it. Great personality and great coach.
  • Alexis760
    Very in tune
    She nails down all the points I needed to focus on and reinforced what I learned before. She incorporates the mom aspect and it helps me to relate.
  • Rochelle:)
    Keeping it Real
    Yes! This is next level education. Finally someone who is keeping it real. I can relate and so thankful for your honesty. Feels like you’re talking to me.
  • frysara
    This was definitely an inspiring podcast done right by an inspirational woman who has been a help to me and is passionate about not just physical well being , but whole person well being and works hard to deliver a solid program that is effective if you follow what she says!
  • jf7508
    Bomb mom
    Melissa is so real, she is amazing!! I never would have ever considered myself a bomb mom, but after training with her for over 6 months and having her believe in me I finally can say I AM A BOMB MOM! She is so real, and being able to relate to what she says and has gone through to help make me a better person. I’m so excited for these podcasts, and for people to see how amazing she is!
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