Flow Radio

Science #236Life Sciences #21

Flow Research Collective Radio is a podcast dedicated to helping you unlock the upper edge of your potential. Join New York Times bestselling author Steven Kotler and Co-Founder of the Flow Research Collective, Rian Doris as they attempt to decode the science of peak performance and flow with world leading experts on the topic.

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Recent Reviews
  • DrWayne2002
    Great interviews! An easy way to review and learn how to activate flow triggers and avoid flow blockers! What a great use of my time!
  • Igor Ganapolsky
    Real truth about Flow
    I went through the Flow Reaearch Collective’s program - Zero to Dangerous in 2022. I have to say, they are the real deal when teaching how to achieve Flow states. I regularly implement the lessons and strategies I learned in FRC. Also, in this podcast, they actually talk the truth about finding intrinsic Flow states (not chasing external material bulls*%t that all the other podcasts focus on).
  • mvelasco07
    A must-listen!
    No matter the subject, you’re guaranteed to gain something from every episode - can’t recommend Flow Research Collective Radio enough. 🙌
  • caryjudd
    Audio Mix
    For the love of god, please learn to mix audio or hire a professional. Love the subject matter, but it’s nearly unlistenable.
  • Abookwriter2
    Always New Information Excellent Guests
    Interviewing is a special skill and alot of information comes through when the guest can speak freely without interruptions. He manages to push the conversation in an orderly fashion while letting the interviewee get detailed. Always enjoy this podcast!
  • BeachTails
    Brainy Empath
    I could seriously spend the rest of my life listening to Steven talk about empathy, flow, our planet, human development and anything else he wants to throw at me. As a fellow animal advocate and curious, passionate empath I love these podcasts! Can’t afford Z2D yet, so these will have to do for now.
  • WurtzyS
    Surrounding yourself with people who inspire you
    The Flow Research Collective is doing seriously cutting edge work to help people become more self aware of things that may be blocking them AND things that can help them really find the success they desire. Their work is research backed and data driven. This podcast takes their work to another level by sharing stories of people who are living examples of what they are discovering in their work. I just listened to the episode with Dr. Karen Darke, one of the most inspiring people I’ve ever met. She is paralyzed from the chest down and has still managed to accomplished more than most of us could ever even imagine. By listening to this podcast you will be surrounding yourself with people who are sure to inspire you to level up your own life. Well done and thank you FRC.
  • Greg Oden
    Laird Hamilton Episode Was Awesome
    I starting listening to the Flow Collective Radio podcast after recently reading Stealing Fire and The Rise of Superman. I wanted to understand some of the "peak experiences" I've had during trail running. It all makes sense now. I am incorporating the flow triggers into my training now to increase performance. The 4% rule and Clear Goals (Heart Rate/Time & Technicality) have increased my performance for training runs. I recently listed to the Laird Hamilton episode. There was so much wisdom to be gleamed from the episode and Laird in order to live a healthy,happy, and meaningful lifestyle, especially as we age. The part about "burrowing down" after a big event and becoming a generalist rings so true with my experiences.
  • SuccessibleSHE
    55. If you beat yourself up, who wins is Great & 40 years of NLP
    Love this, in part due to my training in NLP. Parts work (aka parts party/ parts play) was & still is transformative. Dorothy Kuhn Physicist & NLP Master Practitioner
  • charliesisu
    Dig this awesomesauce
    Fantastic information Great guests Insightful discussion It fills my empty brain. Keep up the great work!!!
  • Disappointed in Bloomberg
    Truly excellent podcast series. The guest’s stories are incredible examples of optimal consciousness and performance. Thanks to FRC, Steven and Rian for the these powerful lessons on mindset, motivation, positive psychology, grit and of course FLOW!
  • RyanWill
    Grateful for this podcast
    For few years I’ve been following Steven Kotler’s research about flow/peak performance science. This team along with selected guests manage to explain a lot of things I’ve experienced good or bad in projects or life in general. Also in the midst of those things this information has helped me tip the scales in my favor and those I work with.
  • Simpsoni Balogni pony
    Great show!!
    Love the work the Flow Research Collective is doing! So important for leveling up and being our best during these uncertain times. Keep it up!
  • Jonily Z
    BAM! WOW!
    Just listened to episode 1 and I am hooked! I am a mathematics teacher and typically we do very little to embrace flow in classrooms. We are hindering peak mathematical performance through our instructional delivery. I have been working for years to increase motivation, engagement, attitude, skill and math achievement and FLOW is the answer!
  • tchau342
    Put the ego aside
    Great content but Steve’s ego gets in the way. He interrupts way too much and speaks over the top of the host and the guest, as if he has to prove that he has more knowledge than everyone else. It makes it difficult to follow the conversation and distracts from the overall message. If the guests are the ‘experts’, let them talk!!!
  • talkinghearts
    What a Treasure!
    I listen to everything Steven Kotler, Jamie Wheal and the Flow Research Genome provide. This group has up leveled my life tremendously and I love them! I’ve added much of what they teach to my own trainings and I share their material with everyone who will listen.Who they are, and what they provide is a real treasure!
  • Ramirules!
    Flow is where it’s at
    After reading Stealing Fire, I couldn’t get my hands on his other books fast enough. So when I found out about this podcast I immediately dove into these podcasts. There is so much great content in here that speaks to me and helps explain how I (and we as humans) tick.
  • WarriorLeadership
    Great content...horrible production!
    Use the mute button while coughing, or edit it out. And for crying out loud, use a microphone. You guys can and should do better.
  • K. Joia Houheneka
    Cutting edge research on how to be & perform at your best
    This is just what the world needs now to come out of this pandemic stronger than ever. Can’t wait for each new episode!
  • CatholicTechie
    The best, most informative podcast ever!
    Incredible content, fantastic guests and brilliant hosts! Life-changing content with a good pulse on the current rate of societal change and human cognitive evolution. Do not miss this one!
  • Christian-Eventer
    Tons of inspiration and projects to work on. Great job 👏🏼👏🏼💪🏼🙏🏼
  • Sciencemomma
    Excited to have all of this info in podcast format now. Loving all the latest and greatest on the research Rian and Steven!
  • Dan McCracken
    Eager to hear more
    Might be my favorite episode so far. Looking forward to seeing who future guests will be.
  • AMM 10
    Great podcast
    Thank you for putting this information out there Steven!
  • Mc949ne
    Flow Research Collective Radio
    Amazing stuff from the singular mind of Steven Kotler🖖
  • HLee@DW
    Let the guests speak!
    Steven Kotler interrupts and talks wayyy too much about nothing. He is distracting to the interviewee’s responses. Steven comes across as trying so hard to peacock and sell himself to the interviewer and the audience. Calm down.
  • Barsvmaske
    Max Barskiy
    This is The Peak Performance from a Guru! Namaste!
  • Slappyzsgh
    Anything by Kotler is the bomb
    Steven Kotler has written two of my favorite books on peak performance, and no doubt that quality of information that he provides will also be on this podcast. He’s a rockstar and I am excited to see what comes of this. :D
  • Acme Art Glass
    So much depth
    There's just so much to discover with the Flow Research Collective. I'm a big fan of Steven Kotler and his co-conspirators for making flow happen and for reaching inside the brain to understand more & more & more.
  • Michermd
    Amazing source of Flow knowledge!
    What a better place to learn and practice flow!
  • ChrisDME
    “Usable Insights”
    I would put everything about flow in the category of “usable insights.” Knowledge you can use in practical ways to more joyfully and productively participate in life. Listening to this podcast was a very worthwhile use of my time. Thanks!
  • Holy shnikees
    Kotler is amazing and am super stoked to hear future podcasts.
  • Princesskenlyn
    Love it!
    Each episode has tons of practical, impactful tools for how to live life to the fullest and be your best self. Soo happy this show is live!
  • lmfn2
    Amazing Podcast!
    Awesome podcast! Super informative and especially helpful if you’re interested in increasing performance and productivity.
  • dandiluci1
    Great Content
    A must listen for anyone interest in peak performance!
  • _CMERK
    Awesome podcast diving into an even more awesome field. Will be listening to each new release and applying what is learned!
  • Jeff Loveland
    Steven and Rian are excellent - glad the pod is up and running.
  • AKskiergirl
    Stoked for an ongoing feed of peak performance insights!
    Having been spoiled by Monday’s of the Mind and then the pandemic series of interviews, I’m so glad FRC will be producing regular content in this podcast! I love the insights and ideas discussed!
  • Kary Oberbrunner
    Ready for the Inside Track to Upgrade your Life?
    In a world of fanatic hype and big marketing claims on productivity, the serious CEO has become disillusioned. Steven and Rian’s brainchild podcast is the refreshing exception. These episodes aren’t defined by platitudes and wishful thinking. Rather, they’re forged from experts who’ve mastered their craft based upon hard science. There is a new state of human performance and this podcast is your quickest path to practically decoding Flow and upgrading your life.
  • 096zog
    Digging it!
    Great content if I say so myself ;-)
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