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The Big CustomerTheBigCustomerTen
BirdieRooCapoBig Trouble Ben Bishop is a starTitle says it all
AHORLBTBB is an absolute rocket launcher!Big Trouble is the best thing to ever happen to the podcast industry!
Neo HawkinsUnbiased ReviewMost handsome wrestling podcast of all time and there’s not a close second
BrownBeltFromNorthSideRun it!Love the show! Love the mixture of AEW & WWE! Need some merch!!!
JoePhilbinI don’t like wrestling but I like this showI’m so glad that this is still going on despite being shadow cancelled. Long live Rasslin!
ZombiezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzOne of barstools best showsGreat content
pmilyIncredibleAbsolutely incredible.
SSB0606Best wrestling podcastBest wrestling content in the game
MilkopRasslinA+ BFW hardest working man in show biz.
Create Nickname thingAwesome podcast!Keep ‘em coming BFW!
wpomfslfGood showRasslin rules, let’s the wrestlers have a playground
KpppppppppbhBadAwful podcast
Zer0F0xYouTube ruined thisThe recent move to a more YouTube based podcast has really made this hard to listen to. Before we got interesting interviews and insight. Now Brandon seems to have taken on more of a heel character and the podcast went from fun and silly at times to ridiculous and annoying.
BatisssssFalling off the turnbuckleI used to really enjoy Rasslin and loved Brandon’s perspective on the business. But after he took a break the show’s fallen off. It seems fully dedicated to being a YouTube show, and podcasts don’t even get uploaded sometimes. And the content is really sporadic with random interruptions for a failed joke or random producer interactions nobody asked for. I also hate that the podcast doesn’t get full interviews with WWE stars. This show needs to be reigned back in.
gangwoohooRacistBrandon Walker, a noted racist, should not be listened to.
AndyTheMan-ManDon’t listen to this Wrestling PodThis so called Wrestling podcast is trash, the interviewer Brandon Walker, is horrible at his job, he has amazing guest on to interview. But takes away from the interview with stupid unnecessary comments, that just throw off the flow of the interview. If he would try and not be a character.. and do is job as a interviewer, this show maybe more tolerable.
jamezy mc-krazyBaby BrandonCry baby
TruthBeTold44YikesNot good… at all
Bmf1314I hope BFW gets V-TriggeredOWA
jelliottiiiFan to a fanKeep Rasslin alive brother
Mr.OrioleB.F.W.Thank you Mr. Walker!
erik1987@)AwesomeGreat show
_zb81Love some BFWGreat pod!
DietrichRyan20A Fun Wrestling PodcastBeen a wrestling fan for a long time and finally stumbled across this podcast. Brandon Walker is the perfect host and you can hear the passion in his voice while he’s talking. By the way, love the episodes with Robbie Fox, going to need more of those in the future.
LaurenOh!Wrestling still works!!!!How about I’m a guy that loves 90s-2000s wrestling and Brandon Walker does no wrong!!!
Mrizzo87Awesome podcastBeen a listener since day one and I loved Brandon solo but when he had Chelsea Green on with him changed my mind. Those two had great chemistry and I think Barstool needs to make her a cohost
jacksonbkAwesomeBFW is the man. Great listen.
FlightyearsSkellKing of the skills.
bigneemsBFWnever listened probably won’t ever listen but it’s Brandon F Walker so it’s always 5 stars
Bill BrunoMust listenAs a lifelong fan, this is such a great listen. All things rasslin’ in one place.
FapDragon69LUCHA. LUCHA. LUCHA.The Kalisto super fan caller is reason enough to tune in every week.
trystakrickTrashBrandon Walker has completely changed since getting to Barstool. Loved him in the beginning not anymore. Stuck up, big headed, and too good for anyone. I can’t stand it and won’t be watching or listening to anything of his. Maybe he needs to take a taste of his old life again.
HVAC09BFWThe hardest worker in media does it again. Do yourself a favor and give it a listen.
Ty FritzThis podGreat show, BWalk has made me love the current WWE product
CornbreadnikoBBRLove the pod but bring back Robby. It’s only right.
Trgj417Brandon F*ckin WalkerLet’s go BFW. Thanks for bringing back to the wrestling arena. Can’t wait for live matches again!
bbigdogchrisGot me back into wrestling. BWalk is the best.great show every week, Arya is great, Brandon is great, guests have been great. Zero complaints, awesome listen.
Charnicky3041FantasticI love everything barstool.
Alex GibsunBFW Is the heavyweight champ of my heartLove the podcast, theme is fire and I can’t wait for new episodes! Brandon Walker is barstool & barstool is rasslin’.
Thekid19905 starsBrandon Walker knows his role and makes today’s era funner. And if you don’t like that you get a Stone Cold Stunner that’s Rasslin’. Yeah that’s Rasslin’.
Steve In Rhode Island (LUFC)ExcellentLove it !
Yup8754675Love thisLove the show man and will follow everything you do. Great insight from the two of you and amazing first guest you guys got. WHAT!
joshgeezy13Intro songEverything I was waiting for and you delivered
SmokeybrySmoky joeLove the pod but that new theme song is awful.
nickramsey13RasslinI thought about it more than once, But I had to give 5 stars to that putz, That’s Rasslin
kevinsherman135 star podcastReally enjoy the positive view on wrestling. It’s a breath of fresh air to listen to!
BottlepopperchiBest wrestling podcastBrings back nostalgia, great host, even better podcast
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