Bear Grease

Sports #35Wilderness #2

The Bear Grease Podcast with host Clay Newcomb delivers compelling storytelling through documentary-style episodes exploring the culture, traditions, and history of rural America. He’ll dive in deep with hunters, biologists, anthropologists, and hillbillies to learn about human nature and our ancient connection to the land. Bear Grease explores unique people, topics, and stories that reveal the incredible value of life lived close to the land. Part of the MeatEater Podcast Network.

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Recent Reviews
  • Ddouglas502
    These boys have it figured out!
    All the episodes of Bear Grease, Render, and This Country Life are awesome! The cast is knowledgeable and in line with my morals and ethics. I love history involving the outdoors and Clay picks great topics. Brent is “Papaw for the People”- totally relatable to almost everyone. Great work Bear Grease crew!
  • Óttar
    Tell me a story
    The Bear Grease crew know how to tell stories with both entertainment and educational value. I look forward to new episodes popping up on my feed.
  • R.S.Ford
    Ready for the next one
    My son told me about Bear Grease a few years ago and I’ve listened to every episode since. I really enjoy This Country Life & listening to Brent talk about southern Arkansas. I grew up in SW Arkansas around Millwood Lake & Little River. It brings back memories of the days spent with family & friends hunting & fishing my Pa’s farm in this area. Keep all the shows coming I can’t wait to hear what’s next!
  • Jmmorris79
    Great show
    This is a great show
  • Spa Getty
    I’m a long time fan of the MeatEater. BUT, Bear Grease is hands down the best podcast out there! Now, I don’t care how anyone pronunces acorn, as long as we can all agree that those precious oak nuggets are what make late fall California Black Bears the best dam meat and grease on the planet 😘 love y’all
  • MikeUSMC269
    Great Podcast!
    I just listened to the final episode of the Daniel Boone series. Being a 7th Great Grandson of his, I took this series to heart. Truly appreciate the work that went into it. Thank you!!
  • Bryant Helvey
    The Greatest Podcast
    Thank you Clay. I am grateful for your perspective and humanity in our hunting culture.
  • Snacktivist
    Real talk!
  • Off Grid RH3
    Home run duo from Arkansas
    Thoroughly enjoy the storytelling capabilities of Brent Reeves and Clay Newcomb. If there’s anything that I would tweak, it would be keeping all stories confined to one podcast/episode length.
  • MitchyD91
    Bear Grease
    Love his different series. Great manly podcast with a lot of historical input on key characters. The only qualm I have is the assumptions made on evolution and items in that line.
  • Thirdnamedson
    Stopped listening because of ads
    Used to really love this podcast. The content is great, and Clay’s story telling ability is top notch. Really interesting subject matter and obscure stories lost to history brought back and told in a very thoughtful and respectful way. That being said, MeatEater has gotten out of hand with the ads. I don’t much care for any of MeatEaters other media. Not their other podcasts, or the show, just this one. Sorry Clay.
  • BrentStephens
    Love the podcast
    This is my favorite podcast to listen to each week. Brent Reeves and Clay Newcomb are excellent storytellers, and I have yet to find an episode that I didn’t enjoy listening to. If you enjoy hunting and the outdoors, our country’s complicated history, or just people telling a great story, I’d highly recommend this podcast every week.
  • Doublesstew
    Must Listen Podcast
    I’ve been entrenched in this podcast lately. Clay is so well spoken and his points well thought out. What a guy to have elaborated deeply on so many fascinating stories surrounding the outdoors and its history.
  • OlliePK10
    Good ol almost local boys if u was just a short jump across the state line into gods country / OK
    All joking aside love what I guys bring to the hunting community love how down to earth and respectful u guys are so just wonted to say thanks for being real appreciate and love all the content
  • SD77KY
    Best Podcast Out There
    I ran across this podcast searching for Theodore Roosevelt a few years ago, listened to the whole series and was hooked. I have since listened to every episode. Episode 286: The Night Rider Tobacco Wars of Kentucky & Tennessee got me to finally leave a review. Clay and the Crew never disappoint. Keep up the good work.
  • Wilson the believer
    Can’t brag on this show enough
    My wife and family are probably sick and tired of me talking about this show every week. Back when Clay started appearing on meateater and their podcast I would just want the whole show to be Clay talking. Well ask and you shall receive and now since episode one this has been my favorite podcast. And now with ole Brent Reaves it only gets better. I don’t miss a single episode of TCL or the Bear Grease
  • Lolololokololo
    Most Sportsman’s Can Relate
    Most of these podcasts hit close to home for me, keep them coming please. Thanks
  • Arkansas Homeboy
    Bear Grease
    Hillbilly speech. Grew up in Arkansas till I was about 8. Dad joined military and we started traveling. You learn quickly to turn off hillbilly speech or get real tough. Kids can be cruel
  • CoachStarr
    You need to reach out to Jason and Travis Kelce from the New Heights podcast. Jason is interested in attending the World Champion Squirrel Cookoff.
  • RookieRunnerFL
    So rich and engrossing
    I am a woman in her 40s. I’m not originally from the south or the country. In many ways I can’t really relate to the background or lifestyle of the creators of this podcast. And yet I can’t stop listening. I can completely relate to the complexity of the human experience which is at the heart of every episode. I am learning so much about history, culture, and how closely connected we are even if it doesn’t feel that way. I appreciate that the subject matter is fascinating and well researched, the language is appropriate even for kids, and the people involved are genuine. I laugh and tear up and sit in my car in my driveway until the episode is over. In learning about other people I am learning a lot about myself. I am grateful you have produced such a good podcast. I could listen through them all and then do it again just like a good book.
  • JR000JR
    Love it!
    Keep it up
  • Jordan Beaupre
    Podcast perfection
    Never thought I could be such a fan of history. But the way it is told here and the topics covered are more often than not enough to get anyone into American history. Though he may not yet know it Clay has firmly established himself a class A American historian.
  • Adhhafjsfkfsksfkf
    Love it
    All your episodes are great
  • Llbluvgod
    Enjoyed the Tecumseh and Osceola series, how about doing one on Geronimo? I’ll be waiting for it next year😄 whatever happened with old what’s his name the flashy mule?
  • Annie <:><
    Well said.
    The depth of emotion and incredibly interesting people and events that Clay Newcomb hosts, interviews and relates is extraordinary. I feel richer having listened, and at times my capacity for understanding my country and it’s history and all it has to offer is overwhelming…in a very good way.
  • Doogman87
    Love it
    My buddy got me listening to Bear Grease. He said I should check it out. Well I do not regret it. Being from TN, it’s great to hear stories and old tales. Even learned a few things. Got more into Bear Grease after I met Clay at the tailgate they had at the TN vs. Al game. Been listening none stop.
  • Kalex707
    Big fan of hunting, learning, and laughing!
    Love the podcast! I’m writing this here deep in the Payette national Forest where I cook at Elk Hunting Camp. The view from this camp is breathtaking and here I sit listening and laughing to a render episode. I just love the renders with you, Misty and your father! Misty’s presence on your podcast is so fun! She is hilarious! And one of my loudest belly laughs while binge listening to your podcast was when you mentioned a misinterpretation of her name with foreigners where they called her “fog” or something like that. Bear Grease is such a fun companion during these long days in the cook tent! I’ve been obsessed with Native Americans and pioneer adventure memoir since a young teen so your context is right up my alley. I’ve read most of Boone by Robert Walters so to enjoy listening to him as a guest on the podcast was epic! I’ve turned a lot of clients onto the podcast over the last few years. Thanks for all your work and keep it going! Caroline Snow
  • iaff 1784
    Still number one!!
    Always a great listen. Thank you for these feature stories.
  • Kinda lame
    Great podcast, running out of topics
    I loved this podcast. I’ve listened to 98% of the episodes. His topics used to awesome. Poisonous snakes, black panthers…. Feels like now he’s reaching and running out if topics. His episode where he interviews the poacher and kinda glorifies and feels sympathetic I think turned me off the podcast
  • MacDracor
    One of the best there is!
    I can’t say enough about beer grease. The topics are fantastic, the guests are even better. Don’t let the drawls and backwoods slang fool you, these are highly educated, intelligent and articulate folks. This has quickly become one of my all time favorite podcasts. And it helped inspire me to finally start hunting!
  • smitty13
    Love this podcast!
    I just wanted to say how much I enjoy listening to you guys! I am always looking forward to the next one! Keep up the great work guys.
  • MilitoMama
    Gunfighter Life
    I like the History better than many history podcasts
  • TTyrus
    This Country Life
    Excellent podcast Brent!
  • T.Scott54
    Great podcast
    Keep em coming This country life! Love it Y’all some great people! Wilderness pod was super boring!
  • Claire Enriquez
    Better than I could’ve imaged
    I have been listening to your podcast for the last months nonstop I’ve almost listened to all of them.. my husband is tired of falling asleep to your voices (but it’s better than the true crime). I've learned so much from your podcast and have been outspoken about wanting learn how to hunt and fish. I’m glad you guys are advocating for your platform and bringing great stories.
  • Chuck2781
    Top Notch Podcast!
    I’m giving this podcast a five star rating only because I can’t give it six. The topics and format are great. And not to mention This Country Life 👍🏼👍🏼
  • Kirby Forge
    Pickles Gap
    I cut my teeth on Meateater. Absolutely enjoy listening. Through Meateater I discovered Bear Grease. It is now my favorite podcast of all time. I also enjoy This Country Life. I was able to meet Brent when he stopped in my knife shop at Pickles Gap which I am no longer associated with. Y’all are awesome. Keep it up. The intro theme songs are like an old friend now.
  • J-Bend
    Favorite Podcast for our Family!
    My family and I enjoy every Bear Grease podcast, Render, and Country Life episode. We discovered this late and have been listening from the beginning for the past several months whenever in the car. My wife loves Misty and the other ladies on the Render and we all love the content and style of all your podcasts. It’s great to have a wholesome, compelling podcast we all enjoy. Keep it up!
  • annoyed with new apps
    Clay and Brent
    These Arkansans provide hours of great entertainment for me every week. I don’t hunt or fish, but these personalities are selling me a way of life that I enjoy listening to and strive to be a part of.
  • AxolotlOwl
    I love this podcast. They all put a lot of heart into it! I especially can't wait for Friday mornings to listen to the new This Country life! Thank you for everything you all do!
  • campbellRanch
    Same model
    Brent, from an old boy in southern Idaho keep up the good news! I’m about your age and love to hear your experiences in life. Even though you and I grew up across the country from one another I can’t help but feel a “ kinship” with ya! Keep up the great , fun and interesting podcast! Paul- Idaho
  • B.sims.
    Always an immediate listen.
    Whether it is Clay Newcomb taking a deep and empathetic dive into some great American story, or a few minutes of life lessons and emotional stories on Brent Reaves’ “This Country Life”, Bear Grease is a show I will instantly pop in the headphones and listen. One of the best shows on the web. Thank you Clay and Brent!
  • disappearing funds
    Best podcast
    Best podcast. Period.
  • 33333333aa
    Love Bear Grease!
    Always very interesting. Great listen!
  • colt0000454545
    Great show
    I started listening to the show back in June and have finally listened to every podcast to present. I enjoy listening to the history of the country as well as the story’s told on all the shows, especially the ones on this country life with Brent (render boy). Great show keep up it up.
  • Saving makes me smile
    Great show-
    Can’t wait to see where Clay and Brent go next!!
  • Patty3;););&
    Great Show!
    Clay is an amazing host who tells incredibly interesting stories.
  • Zac Mcgehee
    Best podcast ever !!!!!!!
    I love this country life
  • Gator 4x4
    Eatin Snake
    I know exactly what that boy meant by he never knew what they be eatin over there . My neighbor ate all kinds of critters I never ate anything over there especially when they all say here try this .
  • johnnythegutterboy
    Used to be a huge bear grease fan
    The Ozarks are 1.6 billion years old?😂 I used to like Clay because I understood he was a Christian and man of character. I guess I was wrong and he’s an Darwinian just like the rest of these clowns in the outdoor space. BG is no longer my go-to podcast. Sorry you just lost a big fan.
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