Securely Attached


Securely Attached is your go-to parenting podcast, supporting moms and dads from pregnancy all the way through their child's adolescence and every stage in between.Join us every Tuesday as clinical psychologist and mom of two Dr. Sarah Bren shares her expertise and interviews top experts in the field, simplifying complicated concepts and pulling back the curtain on the brain science and psychology that drives and shapes the parent-child relationship. And now, every Thursday, Dr. Sarah Bren is joined by Dr. Emily Upshur and Dr. Rebecca Hershberg for a special segment, Beyond The Sessions. We’re answering YOUR parenting questions from the perspective of clinical psychologists highly trained in developmental science and real-life moms who get that parenting is messy, and sometimes we have to laugh, cry, and throw out the “rules.”From toddler tantrums, to effective discipline strategies, to leaning into the principles of respectful parenting, and to managing your own mental wellness as a parent—this podcast is your ultimate resource for judgment-free, research-backed information you know you can trust.About Sarah Bren, PhDDr. Sarah Bren is a licensed clinical psychologist and mom of two who helps parents understand the building blocks of child development and how secure relationships form and thrive. Her work is focused on helping parents find their inner confidence so they can respond to any parenting problem that comes along and raise kids who are healthy, resilient, and kind.

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Recent Reviews
  • Bri 5/21/17
    So helpful!
    Every episode has offered scientific and real life insight as well as actionable steps on each topic discussed. Thanks for avoiding the ads as well. It’s much easier to stay focused when ads aren’t coming on.
  • lab4jake
    Thoughtful and actionable
    Appreciated the recent episode with Morin and the comment about how to share your thinking with your kid at the grocery store when you decline the donations. It's so easy to go into autopilot mode when going through the day, but it's important to take time to be present with your kid. It's incredible how much we're teaching them, both good and bad. Thank you.
  • SlB382
    Shared Insights and Wisdom
    Sarah’s wisdom is palpable as is her wonderful capacity to invite thoughtful guests who are specialists in their field. While her style is easy and conversational, her knowledge and wisdom go deep. This is such a worthwhile podcast for new parents!
  • Blake SJ
    Learning so much!
    I love the content and I’m learning a lot!
  • JessicaHochman
    Sarah is fantastic!
    This podcast is so relevant and helpful for all parents! It is so easy to get lost in the day to dayness of parenthood —it can feel like we’re always running around—driving kids to school, homework, getting dinner ready, teeth brushing etc etc —and it’s easy to lose sight of what matters most—forming deep, secure, meaningful relationships with our kids. Sarah gives practical and helpful advice to help us form these important attachments in a clear and thoughtful way. I am so appreciative of her and her podcast!
  • CeciMendez
    Very relatable
    I’ve only listened to a couple of episodes so far but I can tell that this is exactly the type of podcast needed for every parent. As a new parent I feel very validated and empowered on my new journey
  • Priscilla Grace
    Excellent Parenting/Caregiving Resource
    As a clinical psychologist and a parent, I have found this podcast to provide an excellent balance of evidence-based information and real-world, practical advice. I’ve listened and received benefit for myself and my family, and I’ve recommended specific episodes to clients as well.
  • natnathugs
    Incredible podcast
    I searched quite awhile for an evidence based podcast on child psychology, especially in infancy, to help guide me in how to foster my child’s mental and emotional needs from an early age. I feel SO lucky to have found this podcast - it has met those desires and SO much more. Another review mentioned feeling empowered and that is such a great summary. No matter the topic, I always feel empowered, calmed, and informed by evidence based conversations and advice. It has been my go to since finding it when my daughter was 8 months and I feel so thankful for this space. My only wish is that I had found it sooner! Thanks Dr. Bren for creating this truly incredible podcast!
  • AmeliaRyanSherry
    You’re not alone!
    If your child’s behavior seems like it’s going to push you over the edge, Dr Bren has an episode for that! So many tips and stories, def great for any parent who needs strategies for dealing with some of the tougher moments — and would appreciate feeling less frustrated alone.
  • SRose1990
    Engaging, easy-to-grasp concepts
    Securely attached provides digestible content on parenting and establishing a secure attachment with your child that has the ability to soothe you as a parent! Dr. Sarah Bren is super knowledgable about neuropsychology and child development and she shares her expertise in a very easy-to-understand, palatable way. Also, Dr. Bren’s guests are some of the most renowned attachment researchers and clinicians, so I can trust that that information provided is highly researched and relevant.
  • Kels_1993
    Empowering podcast
    Excellent podcast that leaves you feeling empowered and confident about even the most difficult situations.
  • Dede2413
    Grandma approved!!
    Incredibly informative! As a grandparent, I find this podcast so helpful and I lean on this whenever I am helping out with my grandkids. I find the variety and quality of the guest speakers to be especially helpful! Highly recommend!
  • luke23454323432
    Practical and clear
    Excellent podcast with evidence based parenting ideas
  • EKDU
    Very Helpful
    Excellent podcast with very relatable topics!
  • shouseal
    Worth the listen
    I love the broad scope of topics covered and experts that are on the show to help shed light on different topics.
  • duckpond26
    Helpful anxiety episode
    I just listened to this episode about childhood anxiety and am looking forward to learning more about the SPACE concept. Both experts were wonderful!
  • Nancy realestateofmind
    Such a helpful podcast!
    I listen every week!
  • Carabea99
    So helpful
    Love this podcast!!
  • Lee its me, Lee
    Best ever
    My wife sent this to me and said it would be about pizza. It is not but it’s still great!
  • new parents!
    I’m going to tell my husband to listen! We’re exhausted and this was helpful!
  • Eclmc60120
    Love Dr. Sarah Bren!
    I follow Dr. Sarah Bren on instagram, listen to her podcasts, and am on her email subscription list. I love the resources that she shares and that the information she passes along is backed by science. Her guests are also engaging. Would absolutely recommend listening!!
  • Amie310
    Informative podcast
    I’ve only listened to a handful of podcasts and have tried a few techniques. They have helped tremendously. Your podcast is easy to listen to and has a lot of good information. Thank you.
  • theuft
    Love this podcast!
    Absolutely love this podcast. Attachment theory is something I’ve been extremely interested in but have had a hard time understanding how to practically incorporate it into parenting. Dr. Sarah provides down to earth ways to create secure attachments with your children and practice positive, respectful parenting.
  • Molly Hazard
    Clear And Logical Parenting Tips
    So happy to have found this podcast! As a new mom of twins, I found I had so many questions and doubts about parenting and needed some answers without having to read an entire book. This is the podcast that helps me sleep better at night, knowing I’m on the right track and that good parenting is a practice!
  • CF_95
    Best Parental Podcast By Far
    I discovered Dr. Bren’s Instagram first a month ago. I guess social media’s algorithm can really predict what information to push out to each individual users based on their needs. I’m expecting my first baby by the end of the year and I always want to get more educated and be prepared for the motherhood and parenthood. I’m nervous for becoming a mom but I don’t want to have this fear going into parenthood or just repeat mistakes my parents have made. I browsed through some of her contents on IG, it totally makes sense to me and aligns with what I truly believe in parenting. Her works are backed up by lots of research works which my husband heavily focuses on when it comes down to our discussion. She doesn’t give a random suggestions or any conventional thoughts passed down by the last generation which helps me to understand better. Then, I went on to her website to find out more of her information. The information up there are amazing because my background is in early childhood education and she touches so many different aspects of child development milestones, social emotional learning, physical health, how to educate our next generation with strong and soft mind, and social issues we are facing nowadays. Her podcast informs me with a lot of different opinions but also connects with issues parents may face down the road. I always listen to her podcast when I’m free or doing chores. Her podcast makes me feel powered and knowing how to face it when the difficulties show up. Thank you, Dr. Bren.
  • kaklein29
    Amazing Podcast!
    Love Dr. Sarah so much!
  • Jml0532
    This podcast is parenting gold!
    I love this podcast and I have listed to many parenting podcasts. It is a great resource to cut through the Instagram noise. Dr. Bren offers sound advice and does a great job recognizing the nuances and manages to often address those too.
  • BGrone
    As a dad, this podcast is so helpful
    I’ve listened to so many of these episodes and every time I walk away feeling more confident about my parenting and more connected to my son. I really appreciate how Dr. Sarah explains things, very relatable and straightforward.
  • Diego Cariño
    Best parenting podcast available!
    This podcast has boosted my parenting confidence and has really helped me to understand the psychology behind my kids emotions and big feelings. Every episode contains a wealth of knowledge and has become my go to parenting podcast. I highly reccommend listening to Securely Attached to parents with kids of all ages!
  • Lauren D. B.
    My “go to” as a new mom
    An enlightened and reassuring resource that makes you more confident in your parenting. There’s so much you could follow and listen to, and I find myself coming back to this podcast every time. No overwhelming or deflating list of “shoulds” here. Dr. Sarah Bren offers insightful perspective you can easily act on (or not - she leaves it up to you by giving you a solid foundation to inform why you choose to do or not do something as a parent). Something you’ll both enjoy listening to and get so much out of - I highly recommend.
  • Grace157322
    I needed this!
    This podcast is so amazing! As a mama, I often self doubt myself and listening to Dr. Sarah gives me such a new outlook on how to approach parenting. So glad I found this! Highly recommend listening.
  • dianerebeccasil
    So glad I found this podcast!
    This podcast has been a game changer for me! Already feeling more confident in my parenting. Can’t wait for more episodes!!
  • Chef Kibby
    Parenting GOLD!
    While every episode has been tremendously helpful, Sarah’s interview with Dana Rosenbloom in episode 6 is a masterclass in attuned, attachment-based parenting. Great conversation, practical tactics. Oh, and listen all the way to the end. You’ll be glad you did. Can’t wait for the next episode!! Thanks!
  • booka36
    Love this podcast!
    This podcast is informative and still entertaining! Highly recommend!!
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