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Reviews for dummies2Obvious FactAnyone who gave one star needs a brain exam. lol
none_of_ur...A true America First patriotListening to Tucker over the years have made me open my eyes to a lot of things I never questioned or even thought about before -especially about foreign and domestic issues involving our country, the politicians who are supposed to represent us and the unelected people who truly run our country. I look forward to every single episode. Tuckers podcast has become a part of my life.
IfonlyannieGroanNot sure how this show even qualifies to be rated. It adds nothing useful to a concerned public.
Jen isProLifeHonest news and informative interviewsI look forward to every new interview. I am enjoying the range of guests and coming to terms with the fact that we have been lied to for a very long time about very important stuff!
Rikard75Misinformation at its best!You can tell when someone is a true journalist. This guy isn’t it. When you start introducing topics with things like, “What about this…” or “What about that…”. You know there is no substance to it.
KillElonNot NewsNot a source of unbiased, data driven, fact based news. Tucker provides a disservice to journalism with propaganda , bending the truth , and even lies. There better sources than this for you.
RocRizzoMore garbageFrom someone not qualified to comment. Just a parrot for a convicted felon and rapist.
Trucker10220Great PodcastYou can always tell when someone is bringing real journalism to the people… the globalist slave masters and their mentally ill sheep(Democrats) attack you. Keep speaking out Tucker.
rxdn4409Great workTucker keep in mind you never get kicked by those in front of you only by those behind you.
rrrrrrrrrrrrobsSadSad sad man trying to act smart and strong.
FhshshduAlso do what got you hereGreatly enjoy the interviews. But we all want the old monologues
ItsRoryqStill boringA broken record of the same lies over and over.
WeatheredPoolBugSydney PowellI personally believe that the list of people that should apologize to this woman is long. I have requested/mentioned this guest before. She said sensational things in that press conference that made everyone uncomfortable, but she was right! From the Dominion aspect to the general idea of a stolen election… even her “The kraken has already been released”statement… is that not true? Anyway, I believe Sydney Powell to be Brave & Standing Alone during a time of Total Political Exposition. Crazy Sydney, no love you sweetie, thanks for taking those arrows, go away now…. That’s some Sorry $h!+
ASew17Medicine and SurgeryTucker thank you for having the Surgeon on your show. Being a surgeon myself I can’t agree more with everything He and you are pointing out. I graduated residency in 2014 and had the same sentiments and worries then. God bless you and this Surgeon for sticking your neck out for humanity and not running away with your wealth and hiding like most seem to do.
Marco FernandoooA great show!Very unbiased takes! Delivered gracefully
Dan22##GarbageGarbage human. Garbage show. What a joke.
Sixguns01Alex Jones 2.0Tucker has said he’s been attacked by demons. LITERAL DEMONS. So, that’s all that has to be said about his podcast and Tucker’s new iteration. I unsubscribed
NicL24BoringMore propaganda. No facts. More lies.
dg 02000CancelledI am tired of Republicans bashing Republicans. I have just canceled you and will tell all my Republican friends why. Dan Gates
loomasaurisTotal cringePro Trump propaganda
Toula & Sal..Gold complexity in Americas economy.Thank you for the fascinating interview with Luke Gromen. The history and role of gold in America’s (and global) economy has always been somewhat confusing to me. Totally appreciate how Luke unravelled this, including how gold influences things like energy production and domestic manufacturing. It’s certainly a complex subject and part of geopolitical strategies. The roll of gold and the pro/con of US dollar as the world’s currency reserve was incredibly insightful…it’s super optimistic that the Trump admin is exploring this dynamic how how to bring critical manufacturing back to America. Also made me appreciate JD Vance even more and the Biden administration (and neocons) simpletons even less.
JeffinIDWho’s he talking to?Why doesn’t Tucker start his show by introducing his guest?
Like it1234567890Dalio the boring.As usual, I find Ray Dalio uninteresting and offering nothing that I don’t already know. I would have enjoyed hearing how many billions he made supporting mercantilist Chinese companies using slave labor and intellectual property theft while prattling on about how great they are.
timesuckerEssential listeningThis is an interview podcast with interesting guests with diverse backgrounds and expertise. Always interesting. Usually challenging. Particularly pertinent to what is going on today.
Corvus AndurilNeeds the MonologueI like Tucker Carlson, but he needs to go back to monologues he used to do on Fox. Interviewing people is low quality content compared to other podcasts under this category.
Joe bro31SkepticTucker lost me. He used to speak facts but has quickly turned into a raging conspiracy theorist. He isn’t even entertaining anymore
Tifanie843THE BESTIndependent journalism is where it’s at and Tucker Carlson is the best of the best.
Peg-headAnd crossed??I love you Tucker, but why do you always have your arms crossed? Remember you used to have a body language interpreter on? He says arms crossed all the time , someone is being deceptive. Or are you just cold all the time?
emrl987PropagandaIt’s absolutely insane to me that people actually think Tucker tells the truth about anything. Once again, a talking head for the government. Spreading lies and propaganda, no true Christian could listen to this garbage.
Anti lies citizenAre they wearing swastikas?🤮🤮🤮🤮
Jillian_82I love this podcast but…I question some of Tucker’s “facts” I’m listening to some of last years episodes where there’s a claim that ~there’s now enough evidence that we can say that mRNA changes our DNA~ yet I can’t find any article to support such claim. I really enjoy his guests and look forward to each episode, just wish there were a community notes of sorts or links to these fact claims. Still like Tucker better than when he was on fox.
half-the-countryTexasI’m a Texan and a big Paxton fan. It sickens me what the swampy republicans have done to TX and what soros driven DAs have done to the large cities. Is there anything Pam Bondi can do to rid of the corruption in these SOTO’s hires?
iPreach 🎤Are you ChristianStop cursing if your a Christian. Put on the new self like the Bible says. You can tell a Christian by there fruit, is your fruit rotten? Watch the foul language. Live for Jesus not the Satan. He’s coming back, make sure your ready. We all can claim to be Christian. But our lives show other. Be ready! Don’t be left behind!
TrailRunner_3Mostly GoodGuests on show are usually excellent and Tucker’s interviews good…sometimes, not so much.
Queefqueen2016Oh TookerI thought this goof was gone. I thought I would listen for a laugh, and I only lasted 20 minutes. I just can’t 😂 Weak little mediocre dude has so many grievances! Give him a mic! They’re all the most special boys! 👍🤡
Keto TonyMike BenzWhy would you even engage this short sighted fool?
J_1 stMike Benz and US-AIDGreat Podcast this group is just the tip of the Government Waste Iceberg. Great conversation.
SuperGlideFX-EGreat work Tucker!Keep up the great interviews! Super informative, groundbreaking and important content that just isn’t available anywhere else.
Not again!!Tucker!😻🙏🔥We are thankful for all you do!
buihcrtrhjigcdrgProps to TuckerPiers tied TC in knots during this episode. Props for airing this show. So many legitimate arguments for ending the war with Japan as we did, while acknowledging the plight of innocents who perished.
22SparrowMakes Piers Sound SmartNot sure how he did it, but Tucker somehow makes Piers sounds smart. His ego demands he double down even when he knows he’s painted himself in a corner, eg defending Milosovic and claiming there is no such thing as international law. He sounds like your coke headed frat brother who just took his first history course.
Nolanik8AmazingTucker is a national treasure
Andy Jr. 76Tucker Carlson ShowTucker just presents the Facts & lets you decide !!! In an unabated format & not being held back by a Mass Media throttle it will open your eyes & ears to what is really taking place in our world
Marilyn82374Not for the Reddit cultGood news if your not a terrorist or a woman hater. If you want to hear Trump bad to validate your narcissism I wouldn’t recommend. 🤡
cjhgbPiersPiers kept his composure. Tucker’s feminine nervous laugh and talking over Piers is a giveaway that he is out of his league.
rholloway17372Great but…Love this podcast but Tucker embarrassed himself against Piers Morgan
NickGoldsmithTough listenListening to TC argue semantics, dodge questions, and interrupt his interviewees is tough to listen to. Sort of comedic that this stuff if so popular. Good luck America!👍
Hdkdkjeoshevjwk138363This guy is greatLong ago I thought Tucker was a quack. Didn’t agree with him back then. I think he’s had a awakening and tells the truth. Give it a listen if you’re curious. Real conversations. Good stuff.
Firebrand1973Piers MorganOne of the greatest conversations I’ve heard all year! So fun, super insightful!
Whitehouse_WillieTruth bombsThe most consequential aspect of Tucker Carlson IMO is his absolute rejection of criticism by any but his intimates. I covet opinions expressed by someone who is extremely well-read and informed on many subjects, but who has been intemperate and more and suffered for it but survived and is voluble in opinions. So Tucker Carlson. Willing to be passionate and yet aware of frailty and foibles is a life choice I admire. I strive for that ethic. I pay for the privilege of amplifying that person’s voice and feel I am living in a better America because of it.
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