Cut The Fat Weight Loss Podcast

Fitness #66

Cut The Fat Podcast is dedicated to helping you achieve your weight loss goals using science-based tactics and strategies. It's our mission to help people navigate the often times complex and conflicting information surrounding fitness, weight loss, and health. Besides helping people to achieve their weight-loss goals we also want to help people achieve that goal without having to resort to guilt as a mechanism for motivating yourself to achieve it. In addition, it's not enough that we just achieve weight loss. We also want to help people live a healthier and more energetic life. If you have starting your journey of losing weight and getting fit and need some weight loss motivation, this podcast will deliver on that promise. Aside from advice on diet, exercise, and lifestyle, we also spend a lot of time discussing motivation and mindset around losing weight and building fitness permanently into your life.

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Recent Reviews
  • oggyle
    Love it
    I’ve been listening to this podcast on and off for years and I always find some useful formation for my journey. They are great and deliver it a very easy and fun way!
  • Eire V
    This isn’t it
    Long story short, this podcast is full of generically useless advise and boarders on problematic by telling you things like “Earn your dinner with exercise!”. It sounds like I have 2 boring people reading me useless articles from Healthline magazine. It gets the extra star by encouraging people that all movement is movement, no matter how short or small.. but guys, walks and air squats during your free time is nice only if you’re able bodied enough to do them. On goes my journey to finding a health podcast to keep me motivated.
  • nicole12749
    I’m an MD and these science-backed tips are 100% true
    I work with people every day who are struggling to lose fat. The strategies discussed in these podcasts are science-backed and they WORK. And even better, Dr. Ray and Blythe share them in a way that’s motivating and non-shaming…exactly what is needed for sustainable weight loss, since your body and mind respond much better to positive self-talk rather than shaming messages. I am so glad this podcast exists!!
  • Bucksrunmom
    Love this!
    Just recently found this podcast and have been listening non-stop! Between the easy-to-incorporate lifestyle changes & the practical advice , I’m enjoying each and every episode. Hopefully there are more episodes in the works??
  • Saqha
    Great Results!
    I found this podcast after deciding to attempt to change my mindset about weight loss and “dieting,” as I had (have) some stubborn pounds to shed. Between November and December 2023, I listened to all the podcasts since the beginning. I think the most important message is that I am not dieting, I am just changing my sustainable lifestyle. The worst I can say about it is the frequency of new episodes - I need more! Testimonial - I continued my losing trend through Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year - even with an out of town trip and cookies!
  • mbutler553
    It was time to cut the Fat!
    I happened upon this podcast because I loved the name and I was starting a journey that I was serious about! I loved telling people about this podcast mainly because I was admitting to myself that I was “cutting the fat” with your help!!! What an inspiration you were to me while I was going through this “fat” time! I walked almost every single day, four miles and listened to your Cut The Fat episodes! I learned so much and did cut those extra 20 lbs that I had gained!!! Thank you!!!
  • aerunhgf
    Changed my life
    I’m 55 years old so really hard to lose weight. A year ago I decided it was time. I tried on my own doing what has always worked in the past lots of cardio and eating less. It didn’t work. I found this podcast and started from the beginning. It was a game changer. I had to reprogram my way of thinking. It was not easy because my belief was always cardio is the key. I took a leap of faith and totally switched to weights 90% and cardio was 10%. Lots of walking and of course changing what foods I put in my body. Eating mostly what is in Natures package. The weight loss was slow but my friends now refer to me as skinny. I have dropped a few sizes. I didn’t realize until I went clothes shopping and realized my shorts were too big for me. I also no longer have acid reflux. I was on medication for that everyday for 10 years. I promise this podcast will educate and change the way you think about food and exercise.
  • Bpop123
    I’ve tried so many programs to loose weight with no lasting results. This works! Thank you Ray and Blythe!
  • NatashaW7
    Not a great dynamic
    Ray seems to come into the episodes with a rough plan, but takes an eternity to get to the point; he also clearly wants/expects Blythe to respond to his questions in a very specific way, but it doesn’t seem like they prep for the recording together so she doesn’t know what he wants her to say. The end result is a meandering mess
  • cc2408h
    No gimmicks, no nonsense
    I can’t recommend this show enough. Blythe and Ray review and synthesize research related to fat loss in a way that is interesting and inspiring. I really appreciated their advice as I packed on the pounds in grad school and (as a STEM PhD) love their approach to using data to make choices. I’m getting back into focusing on my health and love listening while I’m on my daily walks. This show really helps me make better choices and I hope new episodes are on deck. Maintenance starts on day one!
  • Mindy on a Mission
    Transformative podcast!
    Wow! I found this podcast about the time my physical therapist told me about Caroline Girvan’s workouts on YouTube. I have really enjoyed learning about the science behind hormones and fat gain and loss. And Girvan’s weight lifting videos have been the perfect complement. As a 52 year old, post menopausal woman, I can’t believe how quickly my body composition has shifted. I also have more energy than I know what to do with, and I’ve found the more veggies and protein I eat, the less I want processed snacks. Thanks Ray and Blythe! I’m really excited to see where the process leads!
  • Wade1183
    Amazing Information
    I found this podcast just a few weeks ago and I’m just starting episode 50. I’ve reached out to Dr Ray and Blythe a couple times already with some questions and they responded very quickly. They give such great information for ANY BODY TYPE looking to improve their health. Thank you for a wonderful podcast!
  • artgurlj
    5 in the first 15
    I could not get past the intro to the episode. Five cuss words out of the first fifteen words of the intro…seriously. Why is this language so normalized now….. Looking for a clean chat.
  • Ginga Ninga 4444
    Good information
    Just found this podcast, good information for every day life for everyday people. I have my let health go since the pandemic began and the loss of a family member, I am trying to get my health back on track. This podcast is keeping me motivated. Thanks.
  • Best podcast for information
    My “go to” for will power
    This podcast offers a substantial amount of information in a nonjudgmental way. I’ve made it a habit when I’m feeling a bit weak, I pop the ear bud in and listen to a bit of tough love from Blythe (“Do you really want that? If so, come back in 30 minutes!”). This is also what I listen to for my gym workout. I’m so glad I came across this podcast. For anyone looking for solid information, look no further than Cut the Fat.
  • Bigfamily!!
    Best podcast on health
    I learn so much from these two! So glad you are back :)
  • getting fit takes work
    Great information that everyone can benefit from!
    I listen while on an hour walk or on days I lift weights at home. Learn new things everyday!
  • Ali_P72727
    Great info!
    Blythe & Ray are a great resource for getting healthy without going crazy!
  • jyates81
    The proof is in the science
    Being a medical provider myself, I absolutely love the science of fat loss that is presented in this podcast. When you understand the what, when, and why, the fat falls off. I had my 4th baby 1 yr ago and also just turned 40. I’ve gained and lost all of the baby weight each time but this last baby...that final stubborn 10 lbs was, well...stubborn. I started this podcast on 4/1/2021 and as of 6/4/2021, I’ve lost 9 lbs and 3% body fat. I’m almost back to my pre kiddo weight (like, 4 kids ago) and stronger than ever! Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge in a way that truly explains the physiology of fat loss. I recommend your podcast all the time. Thank you again and keep on sharing your passion for health! Janice
  • tjbsmrs
    Apply and Succeed!
    This is such helpful information, and motivating! Thank you so much!!!
  • Lynchinators
    Cannot listen to this lady
    This lady says some really stupid things. I had to stop listening after only 10 minutes
  • BurkotoG
    Full of great info!
    I love this podcast. The information is priceless and the hostess are great. I hope it will be coming back.
  • Suzeeh1952
    Makes you think podcast
    I recently found this podcast and totally love it. I’m walking and listening and absorbing so many things that I do which undermine my progress. It has made me realize I need to incorporate weight training and get serious about some of the habits I have now. I can’t wait to listen to more. Great hosts.
  • nurse blogger
    Women’s hormones!
    Loved the show! I did not fall asleep, I love the information!
  • Ally356
    Re-listen so many times
    Thank you for a great podcast. Every episode I want to listen again and again. You are my after dinner walking treat seriously! Great stress reducer. So much common sense information presented in an easy to listen style. Cant thank the 2 of you enough. I am hooked!! Great, great. Thank you!!!
  • theweightlossdietitian
    Real deal
    I’m a registered dietitian and usually have a lot of issues with most weight loss media. However I’ve loved all the episodes I’ve heard so far! Love the focus on fruits and vegetables, hiit, and tiny habits on eating and movement leading to weight loss in a sustainable and healthy way.
  • Viola @thebessentials
    The best advice of weight management
    The host are amazing and have a thorough understanding of the subject. I have learned a lot and the information has been very helpful for my health journey. Thank you!
  • jesustheking123
    Life changer — thanks Ryan and Blythe!
    I discovered this podcast about 5 days ago, and it already has impacted me greatly. I searched for a health related podcast in search for motivation after I had been going to the gym for 4 months for 2 hrs (5 days a week) but seeing no results. I was even doing weight training 3 times per week but every weekend I kept eating thousands of calories in junk food. Plus I would not stop eating processed meats during the week. When I heard the podcast from Ray and Blythe about the reasons why people were not losing weight, and hearing that one of the reasons was eating junk food just because I had worked hard, I knew this was the right podcast for me. Ray and Blythe have motivated me to change my habits. I told my brother immediately that I would not longer join them in ordering junk food. Ray’s voice resonated in in my head saying “you have to change today!” Not Monday! So I did! I went to the supermarket and bought vegetables, tuna, and eggs just to start and my stomach has been feeling great thus far. Please listen to Ryan and Blythe — they are honest and give you tips that are reasonable for you to keep. You won’t regret it! And to R&B please keep doing what you’re doing. We need more people like you who care about leading others to healthier lifestyles !
  • GRE study
    Not great
    Ugh. Terrible and cyclical in their discussion.
  • J4m3sV
    Great content!
    Ray and Blythe are both very informative, and bring something different to the table (so to speak). Ray is more of the science guy, and tells you how your body reacts, positvely and negatively, to certain chemical/foods/activites. Blythe is the physcical trainer that tells you what to do to get those positive reactions. (I hope that's an accurate summer). They have great chemistry on the show. Fun to listen to them talk to each other. Great Show.
  • JMP.UT
    I can’t even express how happy I am that I found this podcast! The information here is so motivating to stay on track during my path to a healthier lifestyle. Their knowledge base combined is so vast and trustworthy. I kept trying to find a good podcast for health and all I found was fake food recommendations and cheap ways to “lose weight quick,” but the scientific research found in this series is SO REFRESHING! I hope they keep coming out with new content for years to come!
  • Winning27
    This podcast is SO well done. Extremely informative and done in a very engaging way. I learn a ton and they truly know what I’m thinking and address it all! The 4 inner voices episode really resonated with me. Thank you for making such a wonderful podcast!
  • geududvuejdbd
    Good podcast but wish the host had better speaking habits
    Topics are great and tips are good. I get distracted with so many “you knows”, “kinda” and “sorta” all over the episodes. It makes the host sound less confident in what he is saying and frankly comes off as an unprofessional speaker.
  • Crystalclear2008
    Love this so much
    This helps me with my diet so much I can tell there’s a different i can feel it I just started listening and it’s the best I’m going to start being better at my diet this showed me that I can still do a diet and know that if I tipped I can still do it☺️✌🏽
  • Mississippi Tucker
    Love this podcast!
    This is an amazing podcast filled with”golden nuggets.” I have re-listened to several many times and continue to pick up something that hits a cord with me.
  • Mad luck
    Love this podcast
    I started listening to this podcast in February 2020 staring from the very first episode. I’m now on episode 108 and I’m am suddenly very disappointed for the first time In 9 months because I am almost out of podcasts. How can there only be a few shows in 2020? Please please please record more! Even when the podcasts are only reiterating what you have already talked about there is great value in the repetition! I love how you coach to people and understand how real life is when it comes to diet, health and exercise. I have never posted a review before and I hope you read this and start recording shows more frequently. Thank you for all your help and support. You two are the the best!
  • tamilynne
    Recent episodes
    Are there no new episodes?
  • aliikin
    Wow, I stumbled onto this podcast 2 months ago, and it’s been a life changer. I love how the focus of the podcast is to get rid of the shame and guilt that we associate with weight loss and fitness goals. It’s an aspect of weight loss that is not often spoken about, and I just feel really transformed by listening!
  • Pod-Caster
    Life Changing
    This has been life changing not only in health and wellness, but also in mindset.
  • Mimi Cyd
    Critical info and motivation
    At 70, got much needed nerdy info! Get 4-8k steps at work so avoided the gym. Pre pandemic. After regaining during the pandemic the 12 extra lbs I lost in 2015 and needing to lose 20 more, I’m struggling and I’m grateful for extra pertinent info and motivation! Thanks !
  • LMVnc
    I found this podcast a little over a month ago and listen every time I exercise. I love this podcast! The information is great and motivating. I even love Ray and Blythe's voices!
  • amandakjames
    Mental Game Changer
    I’ve been into health and fitness for a long time and have learned so much over the years. Unfortunately, that resulted in overthinking and having so many goals and focuses that stopped focusing or succeeding at all. I listened to the first 5 podcasts repeatedly and was reminded of the basics and have focused solely on that. This podcast has been a mental game changer for me which I believe is huge piece of the puzzle. I can’t recommend this podcast enough!
  • susiecw
    Absolutely fantastic podcast. Helps me so much. Very much focused on the behavior of eating/weight loss.
  • chrsnorbt
    Great information for motivation!!!
    I really enjoy this podcast. I have listened to several in just the last few days. After struggling with yo-yo dieting for years, it’s nice to get great information and motivation for change.
  • HLiz0405
    So happy to have a new episode! I love this podcast.
  • Eye54
    Thanks so much for your knowledge . I am a new listener Aida
  • helll this is your mom
    I have been listening to this podcast for years. It is the best. It is a great balance between scientific (but not overwhelming) and practical information. I recommend it to all of my friends. Thank you for the education! Hosts seem like good, nice people too.
  • MimiFlorida33308
    Blythe and Dr Ray. You can’t ask for a better duo to do a podcast (and change your life!)
  • chavanp
    Great podcast
    Listening again and again this podcast has helped in changing my life style Waiting for next episode
  • PitaTabb
    Best Health Podcast Ever!
    I love, love, live this podcast. I recently found this gem. Now I am addicted! I love all the evidence based, factual information. I see you guys as my “support group”. I listen to you guys everyday and since I’m new to podcast I have lots of material left which is great! Sometimes if a certain episode resonates within me I’ll even listen to it multiple times!
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