Grumpy Old Geeks

Tech News #21

As one of the longest-running podcasts, "Grumpy Old Geeks" discovers what went wrong on the Internet, and who's to blame. Every week they cut through the BS from big tech and tell you what's really going on. With wide-ranging topics, this show has something for everyone. There is a reason Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and that crowd all hate this podcast. Listen and find out for yourself!

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Recent Reviews
  • pauncheezeez
    Pleasant find
    Coincidentally, Apple Podcasts made me aware of this great show.
  • This apps is bad
    What a ride so far…
    I started off in listening to the podcast Darknet Diaries, which is so awesome! Led to Jordan Harbringer’s FF and many great guest which finally led to GOG ( will hit up Dave’s dozen of furry podcasts next!). Seeing the connections and personal story from one to another kept me with GOG since November 23’ and still binging every single show, currently 9/20 episodes. I felt like I know them guys and all the transitions they gone through, I would love to have a beer with them someday. I can’t donate like Martin and I won’t complain about the ads, I do appreciate these guys for the techy knowledge! Sometimes the show notes doesn’t have any link, wonder if it’s because of some expiration reasons.
  • Chriş
    Its Gud
    They do gud.
  • MikeMathia
    The one and only
    I’ve listened to a lot of podcasts through the years. Most of them have kept limited attention, bored me, or were in the wrong lane of traffic. Not this one. This is the only one I still listen to on a weekly basis. these guys are grounded with reality, have excellent taste in media, the best sense of humor, and they call it when they see it, whether good or bad. Not that I’m going to do it, but these guys are what made me want to start my own podcast, but alas, I lack the talent to keep up with these lads. As soon as I start my new job, I’ll be sending you some money. It’s well overdue for the years of laughs and finger flippage. Spot on, gentlemen.
  • kenullsperger
    My Review
    Great pod. -Ken
  • GrannyDar
    While Shredding
    Getting rid of anything that might give crooks a leg up is an ongoing battle I don't look forward to. However, while shredding, listening to the GOG guys who masterfully shred the untruths and pass on the really skinny, I felt fortunate to have someone on the job ferreting out the hustlers. Added to that are their insights and entertainment reviews. So, a slight donation headed your way in thanks for all you do to keep my spirits up. ================================================ It's been 2 years now that Grumpy Old Geeks has been my go to for making housework less of a chore. It was sad when you guys went to once a week although understandable. Cleaning days are twice a week and you had me covered. It was a hard decision wether to listen to you while cleaning upstairs or wait till later in the week when I did the downstairs. However, the upstairs won as I was less likely to be bothered by my child husband. I always learn something new, often something bizarre, sometimes discover something to add to my shopping list and am thoroughly entertained by the banter between the two of you. The inclusion of Dave B., for security segments (mostly 😉) is truly a delightful experience after one manages to get over all the unnerving information. It's a bit like a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde performance. One never knows where those conversations might go. Grumpy Old Geeks is honest, insightful, irreverent and revealing ... it's something to look forward to once a week. Thanks!
  • strezztechnoid
    My meager payment and indignant review, so smile-UPDATED, AGAIN!
    DO NOT READ AT THE END OF SHOW--EDITED Would have rated the show at six stars, less one star as I had to leave a snarky remark/comment. I considered a MeatSpace score of 4.755 (Picard) for the show. Guess I will just have to go to the website, what is the address again? Knowing you're both Sci-Fi buffs/fanbois, I am older than both of you (not additively) as I predate your cultural lineage by way of Lost in Space and enjoy the frequent tributes to the subject. Sorry I couldn't feed the collective kitty as I am now obscurely retired in a remote desert location and low on rocket fuel. Correction, I will be on the financial mend soon and plan to dump some dosh in your direction. Next month, November, will be my first out of pocket drop to you guys. // AI Snarky ON Old codgers have remained true to their charter, as well as FORTRAN, stay grumpy! Hey kid, get off my submodules and punch cards or I will mess your 600 BPI tapes with mighty magnets. All your single-sided hard sectored 8 inches floppy disks belong to me. // AI Snarky OFF
  • SnoopyTRB
    So close to 6 stars
    Would have given 6 stars, but when I paid money on patreon, then added the ad free link to Apple Podcasts I couldn’t tell the ad free version from the peasant version. So I had to delete both and re-add only the ad free version. Beyond that incident, that is obviously not my fault, the show is banging and you should be listening to it. Brian and Jason for president 2024. Make America grumpy again.
  • drj3141
    Great Grumping
    I really enjoy the hosts and their content. I’m about the same age as these two and my career trajectory somewhat follows theirs. I look forward to each Friday and a new show.
  • FilteringCraig
    Last Reviewed in January 2018
    "Grumpy Old Geeks," the brainchild of Jason DeFillippo and Brian Schulmeister, accompanied by the ever-elusive Dave Bittner, proudly holds the illustrious position of being Bittner's 14th best podcast that he appears on each week. Now, I know what you're thinking, "Fourteenth? That's not exactly a gold medal, is it?" But hey, let's give credit where credit is due. In a podcasting universe where Bittner is a regular guest on numerous shows, managing to crack the top 20% is an accomplishment worth mentioning. ;-)
  • SS8118
    I found Streetfighter fireballs on iTunes. You can set outgoing and incoming emails to Haduuuket! It’s like fireball wars back and forth with your correspondence. You could probably do it with other mail programs too…
  • God believer loves science
    The name says it all…
    Great podcast if you want to be in a negative state of mind.
  • PD Philly
    First podcast
    This is the first podcast I listened to regularly and still the only one where I do not miss an episode and am also a paid subscriber. The mix of tech criticism and media banter makes for an enjoyable combination, especially from guys that have the background.
  • ArznikAaron
    I Always enjoy listening to these guys and relish their snarky attitudes or honest opinions, no sugar coating for the snowflakes here. Been listening for a year and look forward to every episode. Keep it going gents, tip o the hat to ya!
  • Nissyen
    Good listening as we slide toward our inevitable doom
    If you remember making web pages during the first internet bubble, then these are your people. Experience your inevitable physical decline with friends who are going through the same thing. If you are young, then use this podcast to find out about how in the future good eating and exercise habits become a matter of life and death. Also, there’s tech news sprinkled in from the jaded point of view of people who have seen it all before. My only criticism is the segment with Dave Bittner should be renamed from “Security Ha” to “Shooting the Breeze with Dave.” Regardless, it’s a segment I look forward to each week. I will continue to listen for as long as all continue to survive.
  • Fun1894
    Bad language
  • Jmob466
    Enjoyable banter
    I was looking for an everyday podcast, one that I could throw on while driving to work or just walking around the store or what have you, came upon this podcast and I’m sincerely enjoying at, even after 18 episodes (we’ll see about 19 haha) all in all, it’s enjoyable and I would suggest it to other peeps, assuming they have a general geeky aloofness about them
  • Dan K. P.
    Better than So-So Sex
    None of us would turn down a hot night, but if that's not in the works give Grumpy Old Geeks a try. They'll give you great tech advice about bad investments, They'll give you good info on the latest tech gadgets, and steer you away from bad Star Trek.
  • pramjockey
    Always learning, always grumpy
    I’ve been enjoying GoG for quite a while now. They bring humor and insight to a variety of aspects of modern life, from data security and privacy to the bewildering variety of gadgets that impact our lives. And, despite their grumpiness, there is a real kindness to them and the way they respect the people and world around them. Not the snarky review rhymes ask for, but the five stars they deserve
  • WhtSoxFan
    NFTs helped me write this review.
    Sold all my album cover NFTs just so I could buy a new deep purple 1 TB IPhone 14 Pro Max so I could write this review in iTunes. As a 48 year old IT veteran and long time listener, Jason and Brian dish common sense like a comically burned out IT guy who has had about enough of your malarky. Here just take it away and get out of my office. And can’t forget the jewel of the show, Dave Bitner, a security expert and self confirmed furry who will make you lie awake at night and wonder if your stuff is secure. I secretly think Dave is an AI - how could he possibly have time to record all those other excellent podcasts?
  • MrGrumpyCA
    So grumpy the are inspiring me to start my own podcast
    Been listening for a while, easy to listen to and I often agree with their views but always interested to listen to what they have to say.
  • Jeff Win57
    Best tech podcast
    This is a very enjoyable podcast that keeps me informed on the latest trends in technology. I really like the cybersecurity discussions. Stay grumpy! Jeff W
  • Dearlove210
    Love the show!
    I’m excited to start season four of Westworld after your review. Chuck Palahniuk over Stephen King? Blasphemy. 😉 ‘Would you rather’ see Happy Meals replace toys with NFTs or 9V batteries?
  • ႦυႦႦʅҽɠυɱ Ⴆʅυҽʂ
    Always look forward to a notifications that a new GOG has been released. When I haven’t played it in a while, my partner will ask “… I haven’t heard you listen to them for a while is everyone okay?”. I look forward to these. 💕💕💕
  • shootdraxxus
    Old Men Yell at Cloud
    Long time listener, and donator, I think it's finally time to abandon this podcast. The hosts have gone from Grumpy Old Geeks to B chin Old Boomers. From the entitled rant to the Plan B bungle, the humor is waning and anger is amping. Maybe I can find my tech fix in one of Bittner's four other podcasts.
    boring and definately grumpy
    POST COVID UPDATE: Nope. Political echo chamber virtue signaling. COVID19 UPDATE: I really enjoyed the show with these two grumpy ole geeks when they talk about technology. Which is 80% of the show. I stopped listening in 2019. i just couldnt take all of the political conversations and political jabs! their political views mirror the latest main stream media headlines. main stream media is quite biased and polarized. so are these guys and are void of critical thinking. However, PLEASE, FOR GOD’s SAKE, STOP TALKING ABOUT POLITICS and other stuff you have “opinions” about that have nothing to do with what most people want to hear from you. based on what you think is going on anywhere in a very complex and fluid world you have very little clue about other than the fake news from main stream media you read, hear or see. Especially stop getting upset what politics you see on social media! You should know better;)
  • Ethan Morlock
    For real tho…
    “Richie Rich and Nancy Pelosi Discuss the News”: 3/5 stars ”Bittner’s Tidbitts on Star Wars, Paintball Guns, Prepping, and Occasionally Even Security”: 1337/5 stars, A+++ would listen again
  • bob hellbringer
    Great Show!
    Jason and Brian are worth at most 2 1/2 stars each but that adds up to 5 stars so there you go!
  • CoTeddyBear
    Great grumpiness!
    Love these guys. Love the banter between them. I always put them at the top of the list when the show arrives. Security Ha is one of my favs as is the library. I have gotten some great suggestions and I even tried some they stated weren't good (and they were right!) Dave Bitner is a great addition to Security Ha. Just got back from vacation 😢 and had 5 episodes to listen to. Score! Keep on grumping!
  • Cheesic23
    Great stuff
    I wish I’d found this podcast sooner. The guys are great. The episodes are very educational & informative! Keep up the great work! “Insert Snarky Comment”
  • jw4847
    Great Tech Show w/ Syfy Sprinkled In
    Jason and Brian are amazing hosts delivering great tech content. I especially love Jason‘s detail to the quality of the podcast that they produce as there are many podcasts out there that sound like crap. They are informed and do their research and don’t fly by the seat of their pants for the most part. My favorite part is the Syfy sorry no wait security section with Dave. You guys make me laugh every week. Keep up the good work.
  • Radioteacher
    Team Grumpy
    Jedi Bittner pointed me to Sith GOG show a few years ago and now I am a full member of team grumpy. Thank you for the superb podcast in every respect. The Internet will be better soon! Not.
  • gabopagan
    5 star show!
    This is a 5 star show. Gave it 4 stars just to annoy Jason.
  • hbfjyugibmjkm
    Entertaining way to kill an hour
    They hate everything about the internet but there isn’t much to be hopeful for so can you blame em?
  • Admiral Jeff H
    Always a great and informative show.
    Y’all wanted to make sure it works well here it is.
  • jboucher9
    Older and grumpier
    Sage advice from two travelers still on the digital journey. Listen and learn. Too bad they are old enough to remember programming in Fortran and GRID laptops that had a total memory of 362K.
  • Hubone
    Great show
    Wish I found it sooner. This show is my podcast of choice on my commute day every week.
  • Twinkzzz
    5 stars
    5 stars for c&$ty mc c&$ty a lot
  • Chris in Rochester
    Friggin’ Sweeet
    This show is great. Strike that, it is fuuu .. uuu .. uuu .. uuucking great. It is as advertised, and always entertains. Grumpa-lumpa everyone!
  • badpolo
    Why are peoples feelings so hurt
    Great show as long as you have a sense of humor and don’t live in your mothers basement. Jason and Brian not only take trips down memory lane but also stay current on actual useful information in tech. I constantly look forward to my Wednesday drive. And to the one star hero’s out there…. No…. One… cares…about…. Your… reviews.
  • Tapper99
    Hey You Kids Get Off Our Tech Lawn!
    Description for this Podcast Tin GoG is not powered by AI nor ML and is certainly not a Crypto Wank fest—it is just a solidly snarky time from two older Tech Guys who both totally swear by, no scratch that, swear about the Blue Yeti microphone! GoG is like The Kominski Method and Silicon Valley meet up with their security friend Dave at a Furries Convention. If you prefer a more literal description GoG is a podcast with two older techies talking smack, razzing each other, and in between all that dropping in some spot on analysis of the commonly too hypocritical tech space.
  • B Ries
    Best Tech Podcast
    Brian and Jason (and Dave) always deliver great content, and make sure not to take themselves too seriously. Each episode is informative, but also there’s lots of laughing along the way. I always look forward to my Wednesday commute to work listening to the latest episode.
  • Electrocat71
    Not nearly grumpy enough
    Look, I’ve actually met both of you. Snark is in our blood, but somehow I managed to escape LA (Santa Monica) back in 97 and my cynicism grew while yours only seems to have festered. Brian’s leaving for another county (like I did) give me great hope that he might develop a level of callousness this show should definitely have. Not to mention any names here, but certain other co-hosts could learn something and flee the lunatic asylum after all these years and see that there is indeed no reason to hold back anymore. Seriously, you guys are and have been great. Brian you shouldn’t have a problem wiring in once your settled in Canada; it’s not like broadband isn’t better outside the United States (it generally is) and Dave manages to do it even during cicada season. Keep up the good work. P.s. I do miss running into you fools. (Now you really will wonder who wrote the review…) -W who left for Scandinavia, but was too stupid so came back to the US in time for President Orange Stain.
  • Jlayyyy
    Didn’t give it a chance
    I wouldn’t take this review too seriously. I have the show 8 min and there were too many political jabs. Was looking for a tech show not another political show.
  • Axe Coach David
    Great Podcast
    Do you enjoy the two old guys from the muppets, that sit up in the balcony and heckle the stage? Boy! Do these guys have a show for you! They sit upon their podcast balcony heckling the tech world with an unfiltered wit. My favorite is the security portion with Dave. Dave, an unapologetic fury, brings industry insider knowledge on security going on in the digital world. Last weeks remix of “Dave - I’m Very Grumpy” had me laughing out loud in my car during my morning commute! Keep up the great work guys and stay grumpy!
  • Hankouu
    Had to download this app to leave a review.
    I started listening to these guys 2 years ago and I look forward to each new episode. Do you love Google Chrome? So do they, a lot.. probably sponsored by Google. Are you a fan of Elon Musk? Not a big a fan as these two. Want to hear all the good news about crypto? Well, these are your guys! Do you own a Ring camera? Tune in so you can listen to people who own multiple Rings. My only issue with them is that they are sponsored by Blue Yeti Microphone, even though it is obviously the best microphone ever and they use it ALL the time it’s just a little too weird how much they love that microphone. All in all an entertaining podcast by two dudes that wish they could join Clubhouse and dream about owning NFTs.
  • callipygian
    Exactly the Right Amount of Snarky
    Confession time: I've been starring each episodes in Overcast from the start... But that's not enough - I want to live in a world where artists and journalists are able to make a living from their patrons - I have no excuse for not signing up for monthly donations before today - I added a couple extra bucks as pennance. Seriously though, G.O.G. is the best tech-news podcast out there. Keep up the good work. PS: thank you for ignoring the idjits telling you to stop talking about politics - democracy requires participation, and that means sometimes we have to talk about stuff.
  • Macdave2
    Great show
    Been listening for a while and look foreword to hearing their opinions on things happening in the in the tech wold. I don’t always agree but it is an interesting take.
  • libvirt
    Recklessly Uninformed Podcast
    Hosts claim to care about privacy and security, but promote bad practices and proprietary data harvesters consistently. Sure, hop on Google and start googling on your Google Chrome browser. Oh, let’s use Ring to expose our private lives to big tech monopolies. Let’s bash community projects like Firefox and promote the absolute dominance of the Chrome browser. Don’t host a tech podcast that promotes convenience over security and tech rights.
  • Ninja0211
    Best part of my commute
    Long time listener first time reviewer. I’ve been listening to these two grumps for a little over a year after hearing about them on the Cyber Wire and it’s almost scary how right they are. Every Wednesday I look forward to my commute home since I can generally listen to the entirety of the episode uninterrupted. The security segment with Dave is always entertaining and finding out about Dave’s “furry” tendencies justified him being my spirit animal. Keep it up grumps, you’re keeping me sane through this pandemic. Raphael
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