The Confidence Podcast: Confidence Tips for Self-Esteem, Self-Worth, Self-Love, Self-Confidence and Courage to Overcome Self-


The Confidence Podcast is the podcast for women who struggle with perfectionism, self-doubt, and a self-critical voice. If you know you have potential and purpose, but you still secretly feel like you're behind, not enough, or even an impostor, then this podcast is for you. In each episode, world-renown Confidence Coach Trish Blackwell will teach you how to live confidently and courageously as the woman God created you to be.  This podcast is your weekly resource to train your thoughts, take them captive, and use them to help you live with joy, abundance, peace, power, and, of course, confidence. Get FREE instant access to the Confidence Masterclass to learn exactly how to have more confidence with the 3-part "Confidence Formula" at

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  • This is it!755
    So Genuine! So sincere💕
    I didn’t know how much I needed this perspective but finding myself in a dramatic career change on the cusp of turning 40 this is applicable right now right here🫶 Thank you so very much!!
  • LucasIsAwesomeGomezz
  • dcsseat222
    How many times can you promote a paid program?
    Wow. I’m half way through the episode and she’s already tried to sell her own different programs 3 times. No thank you. I don’t need any late night style sales pitch. Seems greasy!
  • FatouDD
    The Confidence Podcast Transformed My Life!!!
    This podcast is a must-listen for anyone seeking to boost their confidence and live a more fulfilling life. Trish has been an incredible source of inspiration and guidance on my journey to self-discovery. Her ability to break down complex topics into relatable and actionable steps is truly impressive! I had to take it to the next level with her and did a one-on-one coaching with her. Listen, You will find your fire! Trish knows your purpose to this life and she is not shy to tell you. Her insights and practical advice have helped me build confidence and overcome self-doubt like never before. I'm so grateful for her honest and supportive approach. Thank you Trish Fatou
  • claritywaning
    I don’t want to miss a word
    I have been listening backwards (newest episode to oldest) for a while now (and that would be my recommendation to any new listener.) This podcast is life giving! I just finished episode 500 and the “What if we’d never met?” question prompted me that it was time to write a review. Trish, if I had never found your podcast and The College of Confidence I would still be on anxiety meds. I would still wake up every morning in the throes of grief, depression, and dread. I am so thankful for the day that I found you. You are a missionary in the truest sense of the word and you have made a difference in my life. I’m looking forward to achieving my B.S. in Accounting next year at age fifty-seven. I now run four miles a week; and that is just for me, and the sheer joy of being! I’m keeping my eyes and heart open for ways that I can lift others up as you have lifted me. Looking forward to reading “Straighten Your Crown,” soon. Thank you so much for all that you freely give♥️
  • Amberlynnnn16
    Solopreneur with anxiety
    I started listening to this podcast about four months ago. This was around the same time I decided to quit my 9-5 insurance agent job in order to start my own event/wedding planning business as a solopreneur! I have always struggled with self confidence and anxiety and Trish’s words of wisdom have honestly helped me get up in the morning each day and fight for my dream day in and day out. I may not always be feeling so confident but after listening each week, I have implemented talking back to my self doubt in major ways. Since then, I have launched my co, started marketing online which used to terrify me and also put together my own website and it is now published. However, it has been a long road of ups and hard downs. I had a deal fall through with someone I knew personally that completely devastated me and now I’m back to square one with no upcoming clients booked. I know everything will work out in the end if I keep up the work and keep listening to Trish each week! Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to believe in myself again, after many years of family trauma it has not been easy. As Trish says, hurt people, hurt people!
  • Amanda_G316
    I discovered this podcast last week and have binged more episodes than any other show! Trish is authentic and refreshing. Her advice and teachings are applicable pretty much at once and aren’t complicated. I have learned something new every show. As a sahm in the thick of motherhood feeling stuck in a rut - this was exactly what I needed! Thank you Trish!
  • RealisticallyRae
    Glad I stumbled…
    As I am learning to love myself more, and trying to find more ways to build my confidence to find and be my best self, I am so glad I stumbled upon this podcast. I appreciate and love how what you deliver is so applicable to everyday life! Your passion for what you do permeates through this podcast. Thank you, Trish. You just gained a follower!
  • Emilyyy.00
    Life-changing 🩷
    Hi Trish, I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your podcast. Your words of wisdom, encouragement, advice, and overall beautiful spirit and personality have made such a huge difference in my life. After moving far from home for school and battling some of the darkest moments of my life, I found your podcast when I was at my lowest of lows. With each episode I listen to, my heart heals a little bit more and the person I lost in myself is slowly coming back stronger, more confident, and better able to love the world. I can’t thank you enough for your life-changing work and all that you do. You are a precious gift from God and I’m sending all my love and prayers. Thank you, thank you 🩷
  • Jokesssss
    So glad I found this
    New to the show but so glad I came across this, I have been going through a tough time the last few months and this show has given me and shown me ways to rebuild my confidence and find love with life and my God again. So thankful for this show and what you do Trish. Thank you 🙏🏾
  • leah burkhardt
    New Found Confidence
    Love listening to this podcasts on my walks, Trish is so encouraging that it makes me want to be more encouraging. Confidence is such a powerful but difficult trait to carry and I really think that by listening to even just one episode a day of this podcast I feel so growth happening in my brain.
  • A&W42
    Inspiring, motivating, and confidence making!
    I am 18 years old, just graduated high school and soon off to my next adventure of college. I first started listening to this podcast in 2020, when I just started high school in the middle of a pandemic. During that time, I was struggling with finding purpose and I often dealt with a lack self confidence, constantly being discouraged by my disconnection with the things I loved. That being said, Trish and her podcast helped me see there was more to life at the edge of my finger tips. I learned through this podcast how growing my confidence has also helped grow the person I present to the world each day. And for that, I am forever grateful. I took a break from listening for awhile but recently started to get back into it now that I’m about to start my journey into college. I want to be the best version of myself going into this new adventure, and the skills Trish teaches me through her podcast have definitely helped with that. I truly believe this podcast has been one of the biggest resources into making me become a confident and overall joyful person. I definitely recommend for anyone of all ages, but especially young women as they embark on life’s adventures. Thank you so much Trish for helping me become the person I am. Your impact on this world is greater than you can imagine because you are inspiring people like me to make an impact too. Keep up the great work. Anna
  • Sewwon
    Change to Single Life
    I’m really enjoying your episodes in building my confidence. I’m 58 years old and have been a home maker for 30 years. Now having the need to support myself by going back to school and being retrained. There’s lots of unknowns in my life. Love listening to your episodes and positive energy!
  • Andersona2
    My life is forever changed by your podcast!
    Hey Trish, I have struggled with major social anxiety due to a traumatic childhood and at almost 50 years old God is helping me to find people like you to heal my heart after all of these years! I am so grateful that God led me to your podcast and am thankful for you addressing this issue especially since you’re an extrovert. When you said to ask yourself “how would the confident version of me show up?”-a light bulb went off. Each day I walk into a room and ask myself this question which has been a true game changer in my life. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! And keep letting your beautiful light shine for Jesus in each and every podcast! God bless you! 💕
  • Selbygirl6
    This podcast is FIRE for confidence building
    I discovered this podcast in March and it came at just the right time in my life as I had started making sweeping changes in my life from how I operate my business to my fitness routine and my food plan. Listening to Trish has really given me a lot of insights and tools to improve on all these areas. I have gone back and listened to old episodes and recently bought the journaling bundle. I would say that this podcast is close to perfect for building confidence and learning how to love discipline and commitment to your purpose and goals in life except for the religious bent. I know she says upfront that it is a Christian based program and I can usually let the God references roll by but some episodes are pretty heavy on the religion and I have had to skip over those.
  • M stiles
    Go Trish!
    I’m a single momma with full custody, I’m in school and working. Trisha keeps me motivated throughout this season of grinding for a better life for my son. I’m a Christian and I also appreciate she approaches self improvement from the same lenses that I do.
  • Yana bryl
    It used to be amazing!! Now there's lots of ads
    I first started listening to this podcast back in 2020. Needless to say the content was life changing and had helped me though difficult times with self discovery. I definitely got ahold of my confidence and changed my mindset for the better thanks to Trish. The reason I am leaving 4 stars is because the episodes aren't what they used to be. Which is okay! But they have been very repetitive lately and a majority of the episode is spent on either sponsored content or Trish's own ads. I would recommend listening to episodes that are around #400 or earlier!
  • CherylSenrab
    Wow life changing and quickly
    My big self confidence gap is as an artist trying to make my business work. I have always struggled with self confidence on many levels but as a one year in entrepreneur ouch, life can feel like a desert. It was chat gpt that suggested several podcasts and this was on top of the list. It’s only been a few days but the podcast and the activity (journaling ) has been the reigns and the positive feed back I need to help my wild mind. It’s great and I plan on delving deeper. Thank you so much.
  • leyland s
    My new #1 podcast
    Most of my life I’ve lived on egg shells in my own mind . Like letting the small things get to me and wearing my heart on my sleeve from the way others had treated me. I use to and still do a little of letting any small thing hurt my feelings and make me angered. I really don’t like this about myself and really couldn’t pin point how to stop this. I had someone tell me in a way I lack confidence . So I went to the search bar and searched “how to gain confidence” and your podcast was the very first one to come up. I am truly grateful from the grace of God that it did because your saying exactly what I need to hear . I have a huge problem trying to break my old habits so it will be lots of listening and practicing but this is the start to my new journey. Thank you so so much for taking your time to teach me and every other woman that we deserve to be confident in our skin and we all have a purpose and deserve to thrive to be better for ourselves to show up better for others around us . Thank you again !!
  • deansnanny
    You saved my life and opened my eyes
    Trish, where do I start? I binged and listened to every single podcast . You have opened my eyes to educating myself on life and how to handle toxic people . You have jump started this old battery and you truly are heaven sent . I have hope for a brighter future at 59 years old and I have to say thank you for all you do for us . NYC girl
  • Melanie Ros
    This podcast is absolutely amazing!
    Hi Trish!! I just want to say I found your podcast recently and I’ve learned so much. I was feeling overwhelming and having breakdowns every couple of months and I tried to find something that could help me. That’s when I found your podcast and it was life changing!! You’ve challenged the way I think and helped me realize how to handle my thoughts in a nicer and more effective way. I am so glad God is using you to serve and help so many people. Thank you for your work! P.s.- I’m not a podcast person AT ALL, yet I can listen to yours all day!!
  • Shannon Labuda
    Encouragement, Confidence, Vulnerability, and Comfort
    I am SO happy to have stumbled upon this podcast!! I was stuck, and was searching…and found Trish, and felt an instant connection, an immediate “she gets me” feeling. I relate so much to everything Trish coaches on and what she has been through. I love that she is open about her Faith, she is really an incredible woman who is an inspiration, and an amazing person to look up to, and follow. I have been listening to her podcast nonstop. I find her voice to be calm and comforting, and I am really enjoying her perspective and her knowledge. I am so excited to continue learning and growing with her.
  • maketodaybetterthanyesterday
    Daily Listener
    I found Trish about a month ago and have been listening daily. Trish helps set me up for my day and is the voice in my head reminding me that I can capable of anything and am confident. Thank you Trish for sharing your experience and expertise. You are truly a difference maker. <3
  • SocialjunkieDOTcom
    The right podcast at the right timing
    Trish is a delight and a welcomed voice in my head! Definitely need to hear your encouraging thoughts. My confidence has been waning from losing my job recently, getting older and having one foot glued to the ground as I hesitate to progress with creative and entrepreneurial endeavors. I’ve been picking and choosing the episodes I listen to on my walks in the park or to go shopping but each episode is completely and helpful. If you are like me (not very religious), you may pause at the occasional mention of God in the episodes but keep going because that’s not the driving force…focus on Trish’s words, sincerity and approach and you’ll find the podcast helpful like me. Thank you so much Madame Blackwell! Bonne chance!
  • Vee 124
    Very helpful!
    I’m finding this podcast very helpful, from a recovering perfectionist. Love the uplifting, encouraging attitude Trish has, and really appreciate that she weaves her faith into the show.
  • AnniHes
    Thank you!
    Hey Trish! I am D1 volleyball player and have been wanting to boost my confidence and belief in myself. I’ve been trapped in the narrative of, “you have so much potential” but I was so tired of hearing that and I just wanted to break that barrier and be my best self. I have always needed the approval of others like my coaches, parents, boys, and friends and I wanted to start gaining confidence and approval from myself first. Yes affirmation’s definitely help, but I was relying on them to dictate my emotions and love towards myself. I started my journey a few months ago when I transferred to a new university for a new opportunity and let me just say this podcast has been life changing! I love your positive attitude as well as accountability and I finally feel my life changing every day. This time has been filled with some major life changes and I haven’t felt this mentally free and happy since I was a kid! Thank you so much and I have shared this podcast with many family members and friends. I would love to keep this anonymous as well:)
  • dorapierre
    A great discovery
    One day, I was searching Spotify for a podcast on binge eating (because this is something I was struggling with at the time) and I came across this podcast. Not only did Trish have an episode on binge eating but she had plenty of episodes on confidence and mindset. Through this podcast, I’ve learned about imposter syndrome, black and white thinking, reverse inspiration, and so much more. I really appreciate the work Trish puts into this podcast. She has helped me in more ways than I can articulate.
  • chatty c
    Thank you Trish!
    I came upon this podcast by googling “how to not beat yourself up” at a particularly low point in my life and DM’d Trish about how I am curious about the Christian faith. She wrote back to me personally with some resources that have changed my life! I listen to this podcast whenever I’m feeling low behind at work and I’m always inspired.
  • Akayc03
    Thank You for doing what you do ❤️
    Hi Trish, thank you for following your heart and taking all the risks that led to the creation of this podcast. It has helped me in so many ways. Keep doing what you are doing!
  • Bv821
    So encouraging
    I absolutely love the show. Thank you for all you do!
  • Alyssa789654
    Showing me a new way of life
    Hi Trish!! I’m Alyssa and I am an avid lover of your podcast, and with each episode I am overwhelmed with gratitude that I found your podcast at this point in my life. I’m 21 but been in a mindset that thrives off of insecurity and chronic comparison. I always wished I could become a confident and happy person, and your words/ ideas have made me realize that I am more capable than I ever imagined. Especially the idea that happiness is a choice ( an aha moment for me). You have been such a wonderful influence in my life, and ever since I have found your podcast, I have been noticing that I am taking the steps to create a beautiful life for myself. Thank you for being you and preaching that it’s a beautiful thing to love who you are. Hope that one day I can meet you, Alyssa :)
  • e_p_333
    I’m going to get more confident.
    I just listened to my first episode of this podcast. I’ve been struggling with my own confidence, and have been increasingly aware of my lack of it, so I tried listening to Trish Blackwell (bonus is that she is a believer!) and another, more highly reviewed podcaster on the topic of confidence. I decided that I’m going to stick with Trish’s over the other podcaster, not just because she’s a fellow believer, but I find her content more relatable and uplifting. Both were good, but there’s something more grounded about Trish. I’m looking forward to following along and putting some of her suggestions into practice.
  • Kwsongs
    The guidance and grace needed to take those next steps!
    I have been listening to Trish for 5 years now! She has been that guiding light as I’ve walked through divorce, reconstruction of my life, new job and doubling my salary. She feels like a best friend who genuinely cares and empowers me to keep reaching for the stars. She is a light and this podcast is absolutely thee BEST! Take this podcast to the next level with College of Confidence membership, coaching online and journal prompts! I’ve been privileged to have some coaching sessions with Trish, she is so legit and coaches with love, compassion, and fire! Subscribe to the podcast, it’s a great first step to elevating your life. You are worth it! Thanks so much, Trish!
  • Barb22222
    Favorite Podcast
    This is by far my favorite podcast. When I first started listening I felt like Trish knew me and was talking directly to me. She has helped changed my life and am forever grateful that I found this podcast!
  • Weight Lifter Dani
    Exactly what I needed to hear
    I’ve only heard one episode, but it was so good I had to pause, take notes, rewind, play, pause, take notes, rewind, and repeat that all over again. And Trish is a believer too?! Her podcast is a blessing and a delight.
  • Stubbs2003
    Love love love
    I feel like this podcast actually speaks to me. Usually one of the most productive parts of my week is listening to these episodes!
  • cjhcjh88
    Trish is a confidence booster!
    A few months ago, a mentor recommended that I embark on a journey to become more confident and increase my self-esteem. I went online to the podcast app, entered “confidence” and Trish’s episodes were the first to show up in the list. Trish’s messages can be for anyone but especially for anyone wanting to learn about confidence or relearning how to be confident in new or challenging settings. Every…single…episode in her podcast or in the College of Confidence helps me get closer to who I am meant to be and helps me achieve my goals. I am doing things now I never thought were possible. These are things I had told people years ago I had wanted to do but never started…until now. Trish keeps going with new lessons and surprises for us every day. I truly feel honored to be part of this community.
  • dgw2
    Bring on the light!
    I just found this podcast. In the midst of grey winter days, it’s bringing me some much-needed light. Thank you!
  • todd.r.peterson
    Best podcast i've ever listened to!!
    I've recently started to binge this podcast and i am not exaggerating when I say it has changed my life. I have finally found the confidence to not care what people think of me. It has helped me to slow down when i'm overwhelmed and busy and helped me to manage my life and time better. Don't hesitate to listen! Trish goes over so many different places in life where we struggle and it will seriously help you find the confidence to take action in your life to create your best life.
  • kbeades
    Best Podcast to help Overcome
    Trish! Thank you much for being obedient to God and living your purpose. Your mission inspires me every week and I am reminded I am not alone in my thoughts! Thank you for the rolls you have given me it has been life changing!
  • Jessica Marie!
    Can You Read My Mind???
    The very first episode I listened to was Power Statements to Stop Caring About What Others Think. It was like Trish herself was listening to my thoughts. For years, I have struggled with fear of judgment, fear of offending others, and overthinking what others think of me and how I can prevent negative thoughts about myself to other people. I’ve read many motivational quotes online, but all seemed so hollow when it came to apply them to my life. It’s more complicated than to just “not care” and Trish addresses every thought that echos in my head. I have shared this with my sister in law, my sister and my mom. Trish, thank you for what you do and bringing to light things it seems we all struggle with.
  • ToriMB
    Can’t get enough!!
    I absolutely love all of Trish’s messages!! This podcast always leaves me feeling more confident and willing to keep going!!! I can’t get enough of her positive messages and the very best part is that it’s Christian aligned and helps me remain positive and is faith based 🤍
  • MindsetQueen
    A breath of fresh air!!
    I am in love with what Trish is providing with this podcast. Each episode is so encouraging and provides simple yet powerful actions to help you rearrange your thoughts and take courageous action. If you are looking for a podcast to support you in truly elevating to your next level you are in the right place. I feel like this podcast is like having my own personal Confidence Coach right next to me. Thank you Trish!
  • Omgy
    Game changer
    Free classes to work on confidence, thank you so much!!!!
  • Hattie Lee
    Genuinely helps
    I started listening to this podcast a year ago and every episode has truly helped provide the tools needed to be more confident. I especially love the episodes dedicated to stop caring what other people think- I can’t explain how much Trish’s advice gets me through the work day. Not only that, her advice helps me navigate the rollercoaster of emotions that comes with trying to establish adult friendships in a new place. Thanks Trish!
  • makennakamin
    Wow… just wow!!!!!
    I am only on my third episode of this show and I can assure you that listening is gonna change your life!! I listen to a ton of different manifestation and motivational podcasts, but this one is simply different. She crams so much useful information into each episode (none of the extra fluff for time like some shows) and everything she says hits home. Thank you thank you!!
  • Jordyn829
    This podcast will change your life if you let it!
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for years, but when I was listening to episode 584 this morning I felt like I actually HEARD what Trish was saying. The way Trish holds your attention, talks firmly, but with compassion, and gives practical advice that anyone can use and implement is so impressive to me. She truly is an expert in her field, and her podcast should be one that is shared with every person you know. I wholeheartedly believe that this podcast (and Trish’s work in general) can change your life if you’re willing to work for it. That being said, Trish, I am wondering if you can talk a little bit more about reframing your thoughts and then believing in the new thoughts. Because what if you don’t? What if those initial thoughts are so deeply ingrained in your mind that when you try to reframe them, you don’t believe the new thought? What if you want to believe the power phrases, but then your brain says “yeah, right”? I’m at the point in my confidence journey where I want to grow and learn and change, but I simply don’t know how to get past this one huge barrier! Trish, you are awesome. This podcast is awesome. If you need a sign to listen to it, this is it. Thank you for all the hard work you put in to help thousands of people around the world. You inspire me!
  • AnnaLizM
    If I could give a million stars, I would in a heart beat
    I love this podcast so much, it just touches my heart and mind in a way that makes me feel safe, loved, and like I can accomplish anything and everything. Trish, you are absolutely amazing and there is no other way I would rather start my mornings than to listen to you. No matter if I have listened to an episode one time or ten times I always get something profound out of them. Your voice is so soothing and truly puts my mind at-ease. I found this podcast 2 years ago when I was told I needed more confidence by someone who broke my heart days later. After that happened to me, I found this podcast (which I truly believe God led me to) and a phrase you said from the very first episode I chose to listen to still sticks in my mind to this day. It was: “Rejection is God’s protection” Oh how true this turned out to be. Ever since then, I have been a faithful listener and love each and every episode and even shared the podcast with my mom. I am now a business owner at 22 years old, and honestly believe I would not be where I am today without your words of inspiration. You gave me confidence to chase my dreams and there’s no way I’m stopping where I am now. You helped me realize I have so much potential and a big purpose. While I still sometimes struggle with being a people pleaser, comparing myself to others, feeling like I’m not good enough, and being scared to step out of my comfort zone, I have improved tremendously in each of these areas and am excited to grow and see where this life will lead me! There are truly no amount of words that would help me describe how much of a blessing this phenomenal podcast is! Also, on a side note, Trish your smile is so beautiful and it always makes me want to smile too So much love, Anna :)
  • elisabella :)
    What a blessing!
    I’ve only been listening to this podcast for a few months, but it has made a profound difference in my life. Between this and journalling, I have transformed my mind. For the first time I am truly content within myself and not finding my happiness in external things. It is so comforting to have you Trish! The fact that you can relate to being a perfectionist, struggling with anxiety, and being overly self-critical made me feel less alone. And it’s so encouraging to see that you have made it to the other side and have found such incredible success! I randomly stumbled upon your podcast one day when preparing for an interview, and I’m so happy I did. Also, I am a fellow Christian and it is so refreshing to hear you incorporate God into your messages. Finally, I love traveling and the French language like you too! It’s nice to know that we have those things in common. Thank you and have a blessed 2024 :) Sincerely, Bella
  • Rowanmarley
    Turning Things Around
    Last year I experienced my first panic attack ever. Prior to this I would have never classified myself as an anxious person. A perfectionist and a people pleaser yes, but cool calm and collected always. Since then I feel like I am a completely different person. I experience anxiety daily, where it affects my work and relationships. It has been a year of trying everything and anything to feel like the person I was before. Last year I also listened to my very first podcast, the confidence podcast! And it could not have been better timing. I have always strayed away from compliments and encouragement because it made me feel awkward but Trish really has a way with it. Her words have helped me through the darkest times of life. I’ve started a daily routine of listening to the show in the morning when I wake up to kickstart my day with some positivity. She gives me the courage to fight off my overwhelming thoughts every morning. And gives me hope that I can change things around for myself, that I can be the happy care free girl I once was. If I can request a show topic I would love to hear more of your insight about anxiety and panic attacks. I work in the restaurant industry and almost every weekend without fail I start to get panicky because I’m worried about work being too busy and overwhelming even though I have been doing it for 8 years and am very good at my job, never experiencing any type of anxiety prior. Thanks again Trish for your insight. I can’t wait to hear more of what you have to say.
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