Up and Vanished


Host Payne Lindsey heads to the edge of the arctic circle to investigate two mysterious disappearances from Nome, Alaska. Up and Vanished investigates mysterious cold case disappearances with each new season of the hit true crime franchise. Season 1: The case of missing South Georgia teacher, Tara Grinstead, led to two arrests. Season 2: The disappearance of Kristal Reisinger, a young mother who disappeared from a remote Colorado mountain town. Season 3: The North West Montana disappearance of Ashley Loring HeavyRunner, an indigenous woman who went missing from the Blackfeet Nation Indian Reservation. Season 4: The case of missing Alaska Native, Florence Okpealuk and missing 36-year-old Joseph Balderas.

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Recent Reviews
  • Mytwn2addict
    Cowboy cookies!!
    Love the show! Love the investigative element that isn’t typical with true crime podcasts… I think what you’re doing important work and more people should be doing this! Especially with the amount of missing or murdered indigenous women that are basically being ignored. Keep it up!
  • Dancerkatja
    Can you look into Bryce Borca from Eagan MN. This young guy just disappeared and we’ve only found traces, also we think it’s linked to other missing young men in the state.
  • Yehuenejs
    The most common
    The first time we saw the moon in the sky it looked so pretty in that one photo of us in the sky we had to look up at it to
  • Castermt
    I have to agree. I am confused. After the Florence cliffhanger it went to something totally different. Had to re-listen to the first few episodes after the cliffhanger and am still confused. Bummer. Season 4 started out really good.
  • Daveyname
    Unfocused and lazy season
    This season is a huge step down in quality and it’s time to unfollow and punch out of listening to Tenderfoot podcasts. The writing and storytelling are just bad and at times feels rushed and unprofessional. Time for Payne to take a break and focus on the work and not selling ads or hyping up a nothing story.
  • PeabodyNsherman
    AA - bonus episode
    If it wasn't an AA breach, check your online credit card activity. For most cc, flight info can be found there too. When you log in, click on detail and routing shows up.
  • meghanR413
    What has happened to this show?!
    My review of 3 stars is generous for this latest season. After a start to the season and then a months long delay that was postponed 2 times the episodes that finally came out are fluff. And the Ads for liquid IV are CRINGE.
  • Steph Greenwell
    Repeating and repeating
    I feel like season 4 has just been repeating the same interviews over and over again. The first 20 minutes of an episode is just a recap of what happened the previous episode- copy, paste, repeat… I love Up and Vanished and have listened since the beginning, but I am really struggling to get through this season. Also, did I miss something because what happened to the story of the missing girl they were investigating in the very beginning of the season????
  • KT16V
    Tough listen
    I had a hard time getting into this. The entire first episode seemed like it was a big Pat on the back, setting up the narrative that the podcaster was a hero. It took too much away from the story for me.
  • ZiggyZoeZ
    Y’all. What happened? We were investigating Florence, then after a huge cliffhanger, you switched to a COMPLETELY unrelated case. And now every episode is filled with repeated information. Did you get hit with a law suit? A cease and desist from someone you were investigating in relation to Florence? You should say so. This all feels weird and unrelated and like you’re buying time/wasting time…
  • Eem7829
    Audio is horrendous
    Terrible audio. Levels changes constantly, it’s too hard to hear.
  • moooipii
    Interesting but wastes lots of time
    50% of each episode is suspenseful music. 45% of each episode is repeating the same interviews and reports (episode after episode). 5% of each episode is a smidge of new information. Edit, edit, edit. Present new, relevant data that moves the story forward. Don’t keep presenting the same vague clues.
    Sounds like fraud
    I bet Crystal had her boyfriend beat up so she could disappear. No one can predict that. I believe there is still $1 million prize for anyone that can prove psychic abilities. The One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge was an offer by the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF) to pay out one million U.S. dollars to anyone who could demonstrate a supernatural or paranormal ability under agreed-upon scientific testing criteria. A version of the challenge was first issued in 1964. Over a thousand people applied to take it, but none was successful. The challenge was terminated in 2015.[1][2][3][4][5] This ⬆️is copied and pasted from wikipedia.
  • aylorbay
    Does this pod have a plan/schedule…? Ever? & more questions. :/
    Edit: OKAY…. Did we just give up on Florence in Season 4….? Did we really just -without comment/notice/anything- switch to an entirely new case mid-season? Can someone else PLZ tell these stories for Payne…? I like the actual stories/people he’s trying to help. I think that’s important. I also just think nothing much happens each episode? And I’m often times left confused as to… what his direction/style is entirely? And can we just pick a date and stick to it? Okay okay… you had to push it back this summer. That makes sense. But then you keep giving release dates, then it still wouldn’t happen. Then, episodes were coming out on Thursdays, but now it looks like they’re on Fridays? Can we just… get organized? What am I missing? Ugh, I am just left wishing other podcasters were telling the story…
  • 50-10
    Enough with the AI voices and thriller music
    Good enough story. But the nonsense with the AI voices and the thriller type cello completely takes you out of the story that should be front and center. Quit the tricks and stick to just solid journalism and storytelling.
  • Dr-Nigel
    S4: Lacking in content, shamelessly loaded with ads
    S1 is one of the all time best true crime podcasts. Arguably better than Serial. S4 is unfortunately, nowhere near that mark. Clearly lacking in content, S4 is repetitive, disjointed and ad heavy. The content is salami sliced so thinly, it is hard to stay engaged. So much so, a good editor could have condensed the story so far in to a single episode. I’ll keep listening but it’s becoming more and more of a chore. I feel sad for the families involved that their tragedy is being milked for clear commercial gain.
  • CortniWelch
    This season does not hold up
    Usually enjoy U&V, but this season is 70% interview recordings and rehashing info that was already disclosed in prior episodes. The actual info could be condensed to three or four episodes.
  • MaverickAbundance
    Bring Joseph Home!!!!
    You know who you are. Just bring him home and collect $50,000. You will be the Hero and have enough money to buy all of those things you want and need. Then you will be forgiven for not coming forward sooner. It’s weighing on you. It will destroy YOU and you know it.
  • Monay_Murray
    Was a solid show. Now it is dragging out. Just talking in circles. Either make new content or don’t put anything. Also his “witness from over the phone sounds super fake.” No one talk like that person talks. Whole show is starting to fill fabricated.
  • Boba Phat
    Season 4
    This season is going Nome-where.
  • jcl111111111111
    I don’t think you can just like “come up with” content when crimes are being worked on in real time lol. I haven’t been listening to any other true crime podcasts since Payne challenged that idea of like bingeing so many true crime pods. Love the concept of this show how they're challenging listeners as to why they’re like bingeing all this stuff!!??? I like many other podcast genres. Love the show and omg high strange is my fav.
  • TpainMC
    Please, I beg of you
    Stop using AI voice overs, they just sound fake and trite
  • ask Wii call if
    Good podcast but…
    Very interesting and have listened to all seasons and they are very good. As others have mentioned, repeating dialog from previous episodes can be tedious but I guess that only is the case if you binge. If you have to wait a week for the next episode it probably helps. The other issue are the soliloquies that sometimes appear on an episode. Sometimes it’s a participant and sometimes it’s Payne. I get the feeling that they are just filling time.
  • Anthropoid11
    Lost the plot here
    I wish podcast hosts would stop making so much of their content about them, how they thought something through, their experience of it all. None of those insights are as interesting to the rest of us as they are to you, podcast host. You have shifted the focus of a story about a murdered indigenous woman to yourself. Had to stop listening.
  • Polarp69
    This season is strange with the repetition
    Production value is off the charts but this season is repeating content so often. I heard a new episode and was second guessing if I had already listened to it, but had not. Was almost a carbon footprint of the previous episode. Not giving up on it and that is my only complaint
  • peaceful libertarian
    Too repetitive
    Loved the first 3 seasons but this season is just repeating itself each week. What about Joseph’s credit card? You never tied up that lose end and you said you had some answers on that back before you took the long break. What about Oregon John? What happened with that? If nothing then wrap it up.
  • julie777779999999
    Liked it until listeners were duped
    Many people have criticized Payne and his methods for years. I’ve enjoyed listening to Up and Vanished up to this point, but posting fake social media stories for followers (which Payne stated clearly that he did over the weekend), deleting said stories (presumably because they were fake?) letting the Discord community waste hours/days of their time searching through the court system, trying to figure out what was happening in Nome (where Payne clearly was via social media, until he confirmed it was a lie) - I’m just over it. Cancelled my subscription to Tenderfoot and am now binging What Happened to Jennifer Judd.
  • Nothing oo
    SO GOOD!
    This podcast is awesome!
  • MattwIrby
    Get that Ad money!
    Dragging this thing out to generate Ad revenue, I’d respect it if it wasn’t about 2 people who’s families still don’t have answers!
  • 🤑😜🤑😜🤑😝
    Colossal waste of time with annoying ads
    I’ve enjoyed previous iterations of this pod, but this season is garbage. The liquid iv ads today are the final straw— it’s bad enough to play the same interviews multiple episodes, especially when you stretch the season out to include a break, but to also insert ads in the pod itself……..don’t insult listeners like that. Unsubscribing.
  • Nsheusbzbaisigeb
    Each New Episode is a Big Nothing Burger
    It is a compelling story but the newer episodes consist of a ton of ads, a recap of the season thus far, more ads and then a few minutes of information or interview excerpts that have already been reported in previous episodes. So disappointing.
  • NopeNameWhy
    Strong start but getting annoyingly repetitive
    Can we get some new content please? Last few episodes are just repeat sound bytes that we have already heard. Waste of time…
  • 8084Fett
    Going downhill rapidly
    The first half of the newest season was great, but now there is so much repetition that I keeping checking that I’m not listening to a previous episode. I end up skipping past the bulk of the episode, which now are largely comprised of interviews that could easier have been summarized to make space for new content. Instead it’s just filler, previous content, and fake suspense that leads nowhere. It’s also feeling increasingly disjointed with less of a clear narrative arch. Like it was quickly thrown together to (attempt to) satisfy the expectations and hype they unnecessarily created. Either resolve this season or end it.
  • Bgreat15
    Same content each episode this season
    I agree with most reviews here. I like this podcast and previous seasons a lot, but each episode this season has the same content or clip over and over. I am excited to get a new episode, but it’s the same as the previous week, I’m getting confused about why I’m hearing the same thing three weeks in a row. I hope it gets better. I did love the previous seasons and Payne.
  • Chel@AYM
    Great podcast, way too repetitive with audio bits
    This is a great podcast but would be much stronger without 90% of a single episode (the latest) skippable because it’s stuff you’ve heard at least twice already. Tell the story that you have and don’t drag it out. This is the only season I’ve listened to so I can’t judge it compared to seasons 1-3.
  • bridgemac29
    Loved the show but starting to get frustrated
    I thought I was going crazy, but I read some of the other reviews. Please take this constructive criticism. I love you and I love the show, but I’m starting to get frustrated. The last few episodes have been repetitive and the same information and the same clips played over and over again. Lots of empty air like noises and stuff only too. I feel like you’re fluffing and putting out an episode an episode. I’m sure things are working in real time and I understand that but to hear the same content repeatedly over multiple 40 minute spans is not cool. this is why I no longer pay for add free early content.
  • mel51245790
    Terrible money grab
    The show consists of the host repeating himself constantly, there’s about 2 minutes of fresh content per episode and the rest is the same stuff over and over again. Im sad that Flo’s family didn’t reach out to a credible podcast instead of whatever this is
  • Bdineen174739296
    Could have been a great show
    The repetition that takes place during the show is amazingly frustrating. I cannot believe the editors would agree to it. Honestly great work by Payne just far to much of the same. Hope the best for everyone involved.
  • T1972300
    This season isn’t his best work
  • Notlikingthisatall
    Plagued by Inconsistency
    The show has a lot of promise but is annoyingly inconsistent when releasing content. The host often uses the excuse that this case is unfolding in real time which has caused delays, however, it doesn’t take that much energy or effort to keep supporters of the show updated if there are unforeseen circumstances that arise. It is all just very amateur and below average. To its credit, the show can be compelling, but as others have mentioned there are lots of regurgitated information in each episode. It seems the host is trying to keep people on the hook through basic gimmicks.
  • bubbagumpjenny
    Absolutely exceptional podcast. Bear with the first season while Payne figures out how the podcast is gonna sound like, but then it’s really good. I love this long form of investigative journalism. You really get experts involved and I appreciate it as a listener. This podcast made me a fan of all things Tenderfoot, including Radio Rental. Big respect for the group for covering these cases. Keep it up! Faith, Persistence, and good ol Hard Work will take you very far with this project. Thank you- Ken
  • Fr0styNuts
    Could this drag on anymore?
    He really got me hooked with the first season, which was amazing. But downhill after that. This season, which STILL isn’t finished, could have been cut in half. They keep saying the same thing over and over and over then end each episode with some kind of fake suspenseful moment. Probably won’t be listening to any future seasons, if there even are any.
  • 💙💧🦋🌹👍
    I enjoy these podcast. Even if it seems to repeat some content. I still believe it is good to do so for revealing truthful things that lies in some truth or highlighting things that needs to be heard. Keep up the amazing work, in hopes of both cases being with closure. Thank you!
  • Randa
    Incredible pod. One note for Tenderfoot team:
    Not sure where else to leave this but seems Up and Vanished still has ads if you’re a tenderfoot+ subscriber. Didn’t use to be that way on the front half of the season but seems to have ads now. Checked the other shows and they don’t have ads. May just be my account, but thought I’d note in case it’s helpful.
  • DeacRipps
    All about self
    Payne is a self righteous, “I always tell the truth, I would never be selfish”. OK Payne!!😂😂😁😁
  • sabalch
    Can’t get enough!!!
    Payne is the best in the business!!
  • NattMcG
    Been sat. Still sat.
    I honestly don’t know what y’all are talking about. This current season is very good. Every season has been very good. Like what do y’all want? Season 1? A story to be told only if has an outcome you desire? Are y’all not interested in the possibility of solving more crime? Especially for families/ friends who are looking for some answers where others (cough cough law enforcement) are not or cannot? Are the victims or places not perfect enough to get into? I still think about Kristal, Ashley, and Tara. Please Payne, I beg, “drag out” every episode and “repeat” things often. Tysm!
  • AngieHoward17
    Kind of Dragged it Out
    Lots of repetition. You’ll hear the same stuff over and over. It was a good show. I like Payne Lindsey’s podcast style. Advice for next time- make it shorter instead of playing the same clip over and over.
  • LizaMeAZ
    Riveting and Real
    I can’t say enough about Up & Vanished - no matter which season. I literally wait until the moment a new episode comes out. Payne’s style of journalism and storytelling is so compelling and the outcomes of his work change so many lives. Truly best-in-class podcasting!
  • the og viking hen
    Gripping, but repetitive
    Having lived in Anchorage and traveled to villages, Nome included. I love any true crime related to AK. It’s a very, very complex place. I’m gripped by the story that is unfolding, but each episode seems to linger way too long and repeat what previous episodes have already covered. So the unfolding seems unnecessarily too long - I’d personally prefer a more succinct season than dragging it out for no good reason. That criticism aside, the sound design is the bomb, the mysteries are intriguing and heartbreaking (I can’t imagine how the loved ones must feel!), and this season shines a light on the pathetic Nome police department. I hope some good comes out of this season.
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