Trashy Divorces

History #93

A Good Podcast About Bad Relationships. Every Wednesday and Sunday, Alicia and Stacie take you on a comedic ride through stories of marital misconduct and love gone wrong, blending biography, pop culture, history, and politics. "It’s one part Vanity Fair meets Town & Country, one part country music song—and an all-around good time." - The Atlantan. "Enjoying the juicy details of other people’s relationships is having a moment." Sunday Times Style Magazine (UK). "When this shameless show about bad relationships kicks off with astrological analysis of the couplings discussed in the episode, you know it’s going to be a party." AV Club

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  • kbtowers
    Trashy divorces or politics? Pick one
    If you are hosting an entertainment podcast about trashy divorces and I can clearly tell how you roll politically, you have failed. This is supposed to be entertaining and an escape. Unfollowing.
    Good trashy drama — excellent reporting!!!
    I love this podcast!!! It’s like sitting with my girlfriends with some wine and cheese and crackers and dishing about someone we know !!!
  • Abutt4
    Just found this!
    Just found this and love it! Thanks gals, will continue to listen!!!
  • Goobooloo
    Love it!
    I absolutely love these ladies! One of my favorite podcast!
  • Nanc0328
    Judy Garland
    I’m not a Judy Garland historian but they called her BABY (Babe) Gumm. I know these pod cast are difficult and never would attempt them, but for some reason needed to point this out. I love this pod cast and I know it’s a lot of work. I appreciate all the hard work. Love you girls.
  • ShannaCanana
    Binge listening
    Just found this podcast, can’t stop listening! Such great storytelling. I’ve laughed, I’ve cried, I’ve screamed “what a d***!”
  • Lolly from Ga
    Food for thought
    Listening to Merle Liost very helpful and thought provoking thank you for sharing.
  • Cinema Fanboy
    Wonderful show.
    Listening to Stacie and Alicia is like being in a kitchen or living room with friends and sharing stories about celebs. Fun show.
  • Ldca2010
    Entertaining and Interesting
    I got introduced to Trashy Divorces by listening to the Done & Dunne podcast. I originally did not think that TD would be my thing, I couldn’t of been more wrong! This show is a gem, the chemistry between the hosts is awesome and without meaning to be condescending, they’re kind of adorable, their research is impeccable and I love that they mix up the eras of the famous divorces. They treat their subject matter with empathy when deserved and also humor when deserved. An extra bonus is the occasional appearance/mention of their feisty cats. Pour yourself a glass of wine and give it a listen, you won’t be disappointed.
  • Bratprincebrad
    Perhaps one of the best podcasts including their additional spinoffs. This couple is so intune that everything comes off seamless despite I’d assume are loosely scripted. It feels like a conversation with friends. If I had to get rid of all podcasts but one, this would be the one I kept. Trashy sorta. Informative , definitely. Loyal Trash Panda
  • mom101609
    Overall love it but I do have an issue
    I started listening to these ladies when I wanted something lighter to listen to than the true crime podcasts I’d been playing (one can only take so much blood, death, and narcissistic psychosis). These two, especially Stacey, generally crack me up, and I find all the background information they discuss in the lives of the people they present really interesting. It’s thoroughly entertaining! However, after hearing a few recent episodes, I decided to go back and listen from the very beginning, and I noticed that in many of the episodes, at least of earlier years, Alicia really goes off on political rants (perhaps after imbibing a bit) and it’s been a bit cringeworthy at times. I’m pretty middle of the road politically, leaning more left on some issues and more right on others, and I’ve known all kinds of people with all kinds of political leanings, most of whom have added something positive (big or small) to my life. I’ve learned to accept and respect people regardless of their political beliefs after befriending wonderful people who I absolutely disagree with politically. I don’t hold it against them. However, after hearing some of the (seemingly drunken?) rants Alicia has gone on in some episodes, I get the feeling she despises anyone who doesn’t agree with her 100% concerning politics — and this would likely be me. This has been a turnoff, and it’s kind of put a damper on listening to this otherwise great podcast. Do I really want to listen to someone who may hate me if they were to meet me? My unsolicited advice: Remember that not everyone believes as you do, political differences don’t make either person a bad human being, and perhaps stick to the trashy divorce story and leave the politics at the door. I get that it’s your podcast and you can do whatever you want, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you SHOULD do it. I realize you probably have tons of listeners who totally agree with you, and that’s fine, but the world is a big place and there are lots of people who don’t. That’s fine too. You otherwise seem really nice, you’re funny, and your shows are really entertaining. I’d hate for people who would enjoy your podcast to miss out on it because they were turned off.
  • S Colvard
    My favorite podcast
    Alicia and Stacie are my very favorite story tellers of juicy breakups and divorces. I look forward to each new episode and I love the dumpster dives on patreon, such big fun!
  • Kamdz97
    Cocktails Don’t Always Make Things Better
    I just recent discovered all 3 of your podcasts, and on the whole, enjoy them all. Alicia, your a great storyteller. Because I’ve just discovered these, I’ve been listening to some older episodes. Sorry, but you guys butchered the episode about Charles & Diana & Wallis & Ernest’s divorces. It’s trashy for sure. You guys can barely talk & are talking over one another. These are 2 great stories and they are badly told. Not to mention all of the unnecessary cussing. Save the cocktails for after the broadcast. Just on a general note, the only other I personally don’t care for is all of the astrology nonsense. Not my jam. Other than that, great stories for lovers of royals, socialites, & celebrities. I’m ranking this on my overall view of the pod, but I just had to voice my disappointment & dislike of this episode because these are 2 of my favorite royal couples.
  • Tiblu
    Loved this episode! It reminded so much of another podcast I adore “Dating Detectives” I almost felt like I was getting two wonderful podcasts at once. Alicia, I’d you don’t already listen to them I think you should . One of the two women who host it is a certified detective in the state of Florida. And yeah she has plenty of crazy stories to tell!But they also have men and women on like Ressa to give them a voice and to help educate others so they can better protect themselves. Love to see y’all do something with them. Sorry,this the first time to leave a review,I’m bad at only doing it when ticked off at Amazon . I love all of y’all’s work but a true fave was Edith Wharton. Great Trashy divorce but also an incredibly fun history lesson! I’ve always been fascinated by the gilded age in history, and it was an incredible treat. If you ever decide to do yet, another podcast, please do trashy history and let us hear your take on it all I know it would be awesome.! Thanks fir y’all do!
  • Nhansard
    Re-recording ReeseTeesa
    Ladies, I love you but you should have redone the episode to say her name correctly. I heard the correction preceding but out of respect to her and journalistic standards the best thing to do would be to a do over.
  • David Gibbs Portland 4444
    I could do without the astrology
    Great show - I’m learning a lot about some of my favorite people. I can’t tell you how much I hate all the astrology nonsense. Honestly it makes me embarrassed by my species to be listening to grown adults who put any stock into astrology or any other group-think. Stacey is hilarious!!
  • Goon4l1fe
    Nasty women
    How truly nasty to speculate on a woman’s health. No wonder your podcast title is Trashy since you are the epitome of trash. Ashamed that I once was a Patreon subscriber.
  • VAfan4
    Love these!
    I’m so glad a friend referred me to this a couple of months ago. It’s my nighttime listening and I’m intrigued by each one I’ve heard. This makes me laugh, or horrifies me. But it’s always interesting and I love the girls’ banter.
  • JHN!
    I love Trashy Divorces
    I love listening to Trashy Divorces. Always entertaining and research the subjects that I always learn a lot. Never boring and fun to listen to. Thank you!
  • Nurse Natasha
    Stacie bursting Alicia’s bubble about what mermaids smell like had me dying!😂 Intelligent, hilarious, and my home girls! Absolutely love you all, and I’m not even sure how I got here. I was listening to a lot of true crime, and somehow stumbled onto this podcast. Some of the stories are truly heartbreaking, but I’m mostly here because you two girls can make me laugh and I find myself looking for the next episode!
  • BlueRoseGarden
    10 stars if I could!
  • Mare1040
    New Fave Pod
    Just started listening to podcasts and am addicted to TD with Stacie and Alicia! The content is engaging and Stacie and Alicia are like your bff’s. They are definitely genuine and love doing their research, writing and delivering their show.
  • Laurafins
    Buffett Podcast
    Found this channel after Jimmy died and was blown away. Just a terrific job on that podcast!
  • Redstir68
    Stacey ruins it
    No one wants to hear your ridiculous left wing triggered nonsense and opinions ! Stick to the topic
  • am oh fb
    Just the best!
    LOVE these wonderful women and their podcast. I’m an emotional human and it’s refreshing to hear Alicia feeling the stories. I’m blowing my nose as I write this after listening to the Robert Downey Jr. episode. You all feel like old friends and I appreciate you both. PS. I loved Square Pegs!
  • RRhoadesRN
    Have to leave now
    I generally like this podcast. It’s not one I have to listen to on the first day it drops, but when there are people I know of, I enjoy the stories, especially when Alicia tells them. But lately the politics have gotten too much, the Kissinger ep was the final straw. That’s not what I’m here for. I don’t have a lot of time for many podcasts and this one I am going to unfollow to make room for ones that don’t have political views unnecessarily thrown in. Sorry ladies. I’ve been listening since Season 2, and got caught up on all past episodes when I started. Wish you all the best.
  • kim ann fl
    I love ❤️ Stacy
    I love both of you but when Alicia is telling the story and Stacy just says something too funny. I’m at work. Wearing earbuds laughing out loud. I went all the way back to the beginning just to hear them all. I just miss the link site when you say it
  • ilooovebubbly
    No Stacey!
    She makes this podcast unbearable to listen by interjecting her hard core left politics into every single episode. She insults 80% of her listeners amd is a heavy mouth breather. Ewwww.
  • ctdubsj
    One of the Best Pods
    Love this show. I picked up a lot of podcasts while fully being remote and now that I’m back in the office 3/5 days a week I don’t have as much time for podcasts. This pod has remained in my rotation and one I cannot miss. For all the clowns that say they don’t like the opinions and commentary that’s the point of the show. It is light and fun. I wish I could hang out with the cohosts in real life.
  • phoebefabian
    Opinions are laughably bad
    Too bad they can’t stay on the subject matter without forcing their really bad judgments and opinions on the rest of us. I can’t follow this anymore- too uninformed. Especially the mean-spirited Stacy. Alicia seems okay but Stacy ruins the show.
  • itwasntmesir45
    Snide political jabs...
    Every episode is ruined with Stacie's passive, aggressive political nonsense. When you the title of the show Trashy Divorces, but all you get is verbal idiocy and weird uninformed cringe, political commentary it's absolutely insufferable. We get it you're an activist or whatever, but do you have to run every show with this?? I honestly think she thinks she sees herself as a moral arbitrary. All we see, is a bitter cat lady with no business sense and terribly ignorant views on life. No thanks.
  • Heidi_Gliztkiss
    My Work From Office Companions
    I found this podcast based on an article in the Washington Post and thought I would give it a try. So glad I did. Alicia and Stacy are funny and share many of my interests. Since I work from home and have minor interaction with coworkers during the day, I fill time listening to podcasts. I have taken to adding episodes of Trashy Divorces, Done and Doone or Trashy Royals randomly in my playlist. When their voices come into the earbuds, it like a coworker has stopped by to share an interesting pop culture info. Alicia and Stacy feel like the cool friends you sit around with and take trashy pop culture gossip long with an adult beverage. Love 'em.
  • nancyccross
    Stop Breaking into Song
    Please, and interrupting your co-host.
  • loyal listener99
    Trashy fun!
    Who doesn’t love some trashy fun! I enjoy this podcast. The girls do a great job dishing the dirt but keeping it light and fun at the same time- I’m a fan!
  • Jules xoxo
    Love you & Monica together!
    Love you & Monica together!
  • Gryphy🐶
    The description of Corey Feldman’s 2nd marriage, officiated by a rabbi and MC Hammer 🤣🤣 “This is why we do this podcast, Alicia”.
  • Melish Tex
    Done with it
    I guess they missed Podcasting 101 - leave your political opinions OUT, otherwise you will put off at least HALF of your audience. (Honestly way more than half since so many people are fed up with the clown show that is the democratic party) I have been listening since the beginning, but I’m done.
  • Mxrpl
    Brilliant and irreverent.
    Absolutely my favorite podcast !
  • Yttihw
    My favorite podcast
    I can’t sing their praises enough. They are my favorite podcast to listen to. I love the banter and down to earth atmosphere. They volume and variety they cover is awesome!!!!! I recommend them to anyone who asks for a new podcast!!!
  • Pamela64738589
    Well-researched, bad audio
    The podcast is well researched and well scripted, but they both do this weird radio voice, especially Alicia. It’s like listening to two mildly southern women each do slightly different versions of a bad William Shatner impression, and god is it obnoxious.
  • NappyDresser
    Linda Evangelista
  • In the sticks
    It’s good if you skip over left wing rhetoric.
    I really like this podcast and the hosts, for the most part. When they stick to the trashy stories about celebrity divorces, it’s very entertaining and a guilty pleasure for sure. It’s when they delve into their deep baked left wing political beliefs in way that belittles roughly half of their potential audience, that they start to lose me. The recent lambasting of Jason Aldean, regurgitating cnn talking points and ignoring what his hit song actually says - makes me wonder how much of the podcast as a whole is based in reality, or is simply opinion? Of course it’s just a gossipy podcast and the integrity of it doesn’t matter that much, but I don’t care to hear anyone’s political opinion - that’s why I don’t subscribe to political content. Please stop.
  • thornbusj
    Marsha Clark Prosecutor
    Thank you so much for the enlightning interesting coverage on Marsha Clark. I was in the school of nursing in New Jersey when the OJ trial was taking place, and I watched every single minute of it I was riveted by her, but also knew at the time she was being mistreated and I only wish more was done at the time to back her, and what was blatantly being done to disparage her. Thank you for giving us her story and all her amazing accomplishments. Wendy MSN RN CT
  • desilu 52
    One of my favorite podcasts
    I’m new to this podcast but what a find. The women have great voices and deliver a wonderful show. I’ve cried a lot already but I’ve also learned a lot. Thanks ladies. You will keep me busy for quite awhile.
  • gaga 2 five
    Capt stubbing
    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For the wonderful show on Gavin McLeod! It was an uplifting story on a wonderful man!
  • Smurfkisser17
    New here!
    I have a lot to catch up on. I just finished the Elizabeth Taylor episode. SO GOOD! I started with the Brendan Fraser one and it was very informative.
  • Happy with product
    Very niche, very interesting
    Love the show but they could use a little bit of fact-checking sometimes. And don’t know how current episodes are going but listening to older ones, Alicia is SUPER annoying with so many inane interruptions while Stacie is storytelling. I understand that’s just their chemistry balance but jeez let the lady tell her story before quipping in every 5 seconds! But otherwise great show!
  • $$dawn
    One sided Cat Cora story. I was there
    I worked with Cat Cora and was even involved with her asking Jennifer to marry her by dropping an engagement ring in a glass of sparkling wine and serving it. Cat Cora was a cheater and did so with an employee while she was with Jennifer ( I didn’t know Jennifer at all , just from her coming in the restaurant ) She was very difficult to work with. Extremely arrogant, aggressive and not “gracious” in any sense of the word. I’ve never had much nice to say about her because I don’t believe in screaming, yelling and abuse in restaurants, that’s old school.
  • Alwebs
    Bob Kennedy
    I enjoyed the episodes but Mary his second wife was a serious violent alcoholic, she was not an innocent victim. And she had a second DUI. She was really sick, serious mental problems since college.
  • k&lfan
    My fave!
    Stacie and Alicia have awesome chemistry as they share stories of love gone wrong. I love the commentary and love trying to guess what the trash can rating will be. I’ll be playing Trashy Divorces bingo for a long while!
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