True Crime Obsessed


The true crime / comedy podcast YOU NEED IN YOUR LIFE. We recap your favorite true crime documentaries with humor, sass, and heart. FROM VULTURE: "It’s not wrong to laugh when you’re listening to a true-crime podcast. Or at least I hope it isn’t, because if almost crashing my car while listening to True Crime Obsessed is wrong, I don’t want to be right." Hear our take on "Abducted in Plain Sight," "The Ted Bundy Tapes,"Dirty John: The Dirty Truth" and so many more.

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  • Edwin Johnson
    This podcast has completely lost its way
    Once upon a time, this was a comedy podcast. Patrick and Gillian have Flanderized themselves and become unappealing caricatures of themselves. There are basically two kinds of episodes now: silly crimes (listenable) and sad crimes (insufferable). If it’s a sad crime, Gillian turns up the performative outrage to eleven. Every victim is the greatest person who ever lived. Every person who is sad about what happened to them is a hero. She does this really frustrating thing where she refuses to say the killer’s name, I guess to not platform them (get over yourself) but all it does is make it hard to keep track of what’s going on, especially when it’s not a famous case or there are more than two perpetrators. There’s no denying that Gillian is witty and charismatic. But, this genre has pickled her brain. As a result, this podcast is VERY hit or miss by a lot.
  • s.phx
    I get everyone wants us to go pay on Patreon for ad free, but the # of commercials is shameful. Every 3 min there’s a commercial. It’s ridiculous. An hour show is 45 min of ads. Also, the speed at which they talk can be a bit obnoxious.
  • Wendyrn97
    Long Time Listener
    I am a long time listener and am seeing some pretty nasty reviews lately. You either love it or you don’t. Yes, they are loud. Yes, they will tell you what offends them. If you don’t like it, unsubscribe and move on without being so negative because you don’t agree with everything they say.
  • Doyouknowwhatimean
    Used to be funny
    Now it’s kinda lazy. The self righteousness (G says she would “give most of it away” re: $17 mil lottery prize) and “do you know what I mean” every 10 seconds are just too much. The coverage of the docs is fine enough. Sometimes.
  • MBoudet
    Este comemierda y la puta con la boca grande nesesita huevo
  • Not A Thumb Gymnast
    Listened since 2019
    I’ve been a really loyal fan for about five years, but I’ve recently cancelled my subscription and unsubscribed. I really think this show did its best episodes very early on in its inception, it was such a natural dynamic and very “indie” feel to it. Gillian and Patrick made a great duo, but I think over time their “characters” have overwhelmed the true fun of the show. It feels much more scripted, much more cold. I really do appreciate the show for what it was, but now it’s a very corporate shell of itself.
  • JSD880
    Patrick for the Win, Gillian is a no…
    I fell into listening to Patrick during OWD with Ellyn. Love him, hysterical, quippy and relatable. Started listening to this and liked it for a while but I just can’t anymore. Gillian is insufferable. Everyone is racist (ALL THE TIME), she is so negative, rarely says anything positive or real. She’s so interested in trashing police, white people, most men and whatever else offends her that day/week/month. The reviews are starting to show a downward spiral, mainly because she’s so horrible to listen to. Gillian needs to hang up the mic for a while.
  • MuchaMika
    You either love it or hate it. I’ll always love it.
  • long Island Pat
    Body in the Basement
    This is a hard case. I suffer with migraines- there are times when that kind of pain can drive you to do insane things and completely forget about external factors. I would do anything to not have that pain. All the facts are important- migraine medicines are intense and are chemicals. Marijuana is also a chemical. It is not accurate to play down the marijuana so as not to “throw shade” when it can alter a persons state of being and interact with other drug. Excellent point about certain medications being a blood thinner! MIGRAINE PAIN + RXs + THC + ….can be a lethal combination!
  • AdorablyRad
    Love these two (and the shows they cover!)
    Whenever I need a pick me up, I turn this show on. Love the side quest style banter! It’s like being out to drinks with my irl friends. They always cover stories with the care and compassion the case needs too.
  • podcast_listener48599392
    I am unsubscribing…
    After many years of listening. What was once fun banter and interesting recaps of documentaries has devolved into constant lecturing (ex- the episode that mentions Haitian Vodou) and frankly demeaning descriptions of people and things that G and P are not familiar with (ex - the fishing derby episode). It has become overbearing and incredibly cringey, to the point where the hosts barely get through the story. Sad to have lost a podcast that I used to really enjoy.
  • Darling6
    Loving It!!
    I’ve been binging all the episodes starting from the first one. When I got to “I’ll Be Gone In The Dark,” I had to stop and watch the series. Y’all were right! It was really good! Watching it really have a sense of how difficult what you two do. How do you choose what to discuss and what to gloss over? Y’all are awesome at what you do! Color me impressed! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
  • Bethgirl55
    One of my faves
    One of my go to podcasts, I don’t have time to watch many true crime documentaries even though I love them so having Patrick and Gillian to summarize and discuss them here in a respectful, heartfelt, and fun way is perfection.
  • geequie
    Too much!
    I’ve been listening for possibly a decade and the overbearing wokeness of it all is about to drive me away forever. The irony of Gillian stridently shrieking about performative white woman savior-ing is deeply loudly ironic. Patrick and Gillian are best when they are discussing serious topics with eviscerative humor not “poor us we can’t take all the evil in the world on our white people podcast”. And actually I feel like Patrick has toned it down a fair bit over the years while Gillian just keeps ratcheting up. Girl, stop trying so hard! We get it. Your BI. You CARE. All your best friends are Black. Oy vey.
  • tyupok
    Can’t Support Them
    Taking a page out of their playbook, I cannot support such hateful, divisive and disgusting people. Every episode is getting less and less about the stories and more bout their utter hatred for everything and everyone. I’m mainly writing this review so your rating goes down because anyone who would do what you, Patrick, “allegedly” did to your best friend doesn’t deserve to be successful. Gillian, maybe you should try being less of a storm cloud and more of a ray of sunshine… might help your personality.
  • SavesSpiders
    I reviewed this last year with 5 stars. That being said…
    Gillian and Patrick used to be my favorite hosts… what happened? Patrick became shallow and sycophantic and Gillian’s judgments became so inconsistent and absolute. I’m sorry to say it’s taking away from what was once a solid, iconic, and classic podcast. I’m really disappointed and I hope this podcast returns to its original standards. I’ve attend live shows and regularly purchased merchandise, and I miss them. Sad to say - I’ve canceled my Patreon membership and I’m not getting any enjoyment from the free feed either. Take it from a former fan… There are funnier and more open minded podcasts out there-listen to one of them instead.
  • cmpinva
    Great chemistry but…
    These two have great chemistry and I definitely enjoy listening to them banter but I feel that over the years Gillian has stopped enjoying it. She comes off as angry and annoyed at the world. And this is just a small thing but after almost every episode Patrick says the same exact thing to Gillian: “omg girl, we did it…what was it called?” Seriously Patrick, you don’t EVER know the name of the documentary you are podcasting about?
  • Person );848828
    very shrill with poor research
  • 👍🏼👍🏼👌👌
    Funny but…
    I agree with almost all of the opinions expressed on this show, but the soap box is a hundred stories tall. The hosts come off as phony and insincere. Each episode feels like an aggressive lecture about topics they don’t actually care about but want you to think they do. It’s funny at times but not funny enough to keep enduring all the yelling and soap-boxing.
  • silkysusan
    I love you, except one thing
    When you use “Thank You for Being a Friend” to indicate an ad break, it depresses me. It depressed me when it was the theme of Golden Girls, and it feels cringe every time. It’s a bad shlocky tune. Also you’ve used it for so many years and it’s such a dated song. Can you consider updating?
  • Emjay1923
    Love the podcast
    Love how these two cover the stories and are selective/tasteful of the situations they make light of. One of my go-to podcasts and I look forward to it every week! If you don’t like this podcast, move on. We don’t want you.
  • Lobomama
    How can they only have 4.2 stars?
    They’re so funny and witty and compassionate
  • IamAud
    Garbage Bell
    So sad that the first review I wrote for this podcast popped up when I went to review this time.. see the nostalgic review below. I read a lot of articles and reviews about the way the hosts, mostly Patrick, have treated other staff members and general people. I read an article about him being quoted as not caring about a story, possibly because it had to do with black people. I was done. So sad, to see what I thought was good hearted people fighting for the good souls, to just turn around and stab those people in the back after we supported them. We all spent our hard earned money to support them and listen to their reviews and commentary, thinking it matched our own. I am gravely disappointed. I feel I can hear the frustration in Gillian’s voice as well and I wish she would speak up for what she believes and preaches. It sounds like she’s biting her tongue, unless she’s gone over to the dark side too. Either way, I am done and will not condone their ill behavior. So sad to read my previous review of who they were…. PREVIOUS REVIEW (circa 2019ish) “I am Obsessed with this podcast, Gillian, Patrick and all of the Obsessed Network.. It’s important to know that although GP & Patricia are hilarious, they are not afraid to ring that garbage bell for the dumpster people in this world and to praise the survivors and advocate for the victims that are sadly no longer with us. I am obsessed- thank you both for all you do!”
  • helpingnothurting
    Why am I being yelled at
  • PoshHurricane
    Wanted to check out a podcast about Phil Hartman and found this unfortunately- these two are BEYOND obnoxious especially for this type of subject matter. Had to stop after 5 min
  • Spassed
    Change of heart
    This podcast is full of disorder, misogyny, and unaccountable hosts. Such a disappointment
  • S.Chachi
    Losing interest :(
    Still very much love Patrick! G.P, girl. Maybe take a small break? I know a lot of these topics are easy to get angry/upset over, but just seems off. Is it just me or is she kinda snappy and mean to Patrick? :(
  • Cookonabike
    Lady Pates at the Five
    This show makes the world a better place. Cheers!
  • DrEyanDc
    Gillian carries the show!
    I've been a fan for years now. I listen weekly and am going back and relistening to old shows. The last year or so i really feel like Gillian cares and Patric just shows up and copies Gillian's homework. He misses so much of the episode she references, doesn't know the name of the episode, some time I feel he never even watches the episode he is reporting on. I feel he is to obsessed with himself and talking about himself and could care less about the podcast. I love the Golden Girls podcast and feel he shows up for that but he also has paid researches on that so again copying someone's homework.
  • ReeRee68
    Entertaining and educational
    It took me a couple episode to fall in love with Patrick and Gillian, but here I am. They are entertaining and very intelligent. They question some of the same things I’ve questioned during my long time true crime obsession (Scott Peterson - I’m not convinced he killed Lacy, but he’s a garbage person just the same). They make me question things I never considered and I like that challenge. And most of all, I love their honesty and love of humanity and new category of people, “garbage”.
  • MartyMay1
    Great Podcast!
    Love it!!
  • DJ Joe Dubb
    Dear Lord, are these two obnoxious!
  • valkyrie white
    What happened to Gillian
    I’m not sure when her attitude changed, but it has! I can’t tell you how many times she complains about the listeners “ I’m sure my DM’s will be full from that one”. She’s just insufferable. Listening to her complain about fishing and how painful it is for the fish… while I do agree, but listening to this OVER AND OVER AND OVER. I’m confused, are you vegan? Just STOP. whoever is editing… wow. You’re terrible for letting this go on and on
  • RazorbackAmes86
    Things changed
    This used to be my favorite podcast. G has become so entitled and angry. I actually stopped listening for several months and last week attempted to give it another listen. G is so angry about everything. She is annoyed at every single person and situation! I miss the old G. This truly used to be my favorite and I’d listen to old eps on repeat. It truly makes me sad.
  • EmmaC109
    Good content. Attitudes need adjustment
    I think this is a good podcast and the content is very entertaining. I especially like that they aren’t always talking about horrific murders. Sometimes they throw lighter stuff in so we can all take a collective breath. However, Gillian’s attitude is objectively horrible. I think her “brand of humor” is being playfully mean but the longer the pod goes on, the less playful it has become. She picks apart every single person she comes across from their clothes/hair to the way they speak or carry themselves. It starts to sound like bullying and from someone in this position, talking about sensitive subjects like these, it’s really off putting. Not to mention, a lot of the time, it isn’t even funny. We get it…you can go a good Jodi Arias impression. It was funny the first time but you lost me when you were still doing it in episode 3. And since Patrick laughs at literally everything I’m sure she has no idea just how unfunny she’s being.
  • A symphony soldier
    A REAL fan
    I am NOT a paid review. I absolutely love this podcast and have ever since I started listening 4 years ago. The genuine nature of both Gillian and Patrick is such a welcoming listen. I never not laugh when listening to them. Sorry to the people who have a serious disdain for them, clearly you can’t make anyone happy. I hope this show stays around for much longer. Love you guys!
  • Stefmizu
    Lost its sparkle
    I’ve been listening for years. It has brought me many laughs. But I haven’t liked it lately. In the last 6 months I feel like Gillian and Patrick’s dynamic has changed. It feels fake. Gillian continues to steam roll Patrick into changing his opinions on every single thing he says. Patrick politely agrees to her but you can tell he’s just doing it to be polite. It’s definitely a different dynamic now. Pretty bummed out about it.
  • Say No To Coin
    True Crime Obsessed: A Perfect Blend of Humor and Respect
    I’ve been an avid listener of “True Crime Obsessed” for a while now, and it has quickly become one of my favorite podcasts. The hosts manage to strike a perfect balance between humor and respect, which is no easy feat in the true crime genre. One of the standout features of this podcast is their insightful and often hilarious commentary on various true crime documentaries. Each episode delves into a different documentary, providing a thorough breakdown while adding their unique comedic touch. The hosts have a natural chemistry that makes every episode enjoyable, and their ability to inject humor without detracting from the seriousness of the stories is truly commendable. The storytelling is engaging and thorough, giving all the details needed to understand each case while still keeping the tone light and entertaining. If you’re a fan of true crime documentaries but also appreciate a good laugh, “True Crime Obsessed” is definitely worth a listen. It’s a unique take on the genre that keeps you hooked from start to finish.
  • PE_NSO
    Love the show and content
    I love the show and content. I love how gentle topics can get but also how funny it can be. I will say the only downfall I have on this show is they say how accepting they are but I feel if someone does not have the same beliefs as them they talk low or make little remarks about it. Politics seems to always be talked about, at the end of the day, we can like who we like and follow who we follow, I just don’t think we should push our own opinions on an audience, especially the size of yours.
  • myr1775
    Garbage Bell
    Just couldn’t after all the information about their bad behavior came to light. So gross. Their silence speaks volumes. I tried to keep listening, but lost respect and don’t care what they have to say.
  • lameeeeee!123!
    These two rock!
  • tco618
    Not good
    This man will make legit anything about him. He has a story about everything and brings his daughter into it at all costs. We get it your a father and your day and loud. It’s beyond played out! Also we know what you freaking mean! Stop saying it! Thanks Used to be a big fan but not anymore
  • AmberFeez
    Hard Pass
    Self-involved hosts who treat staff like garbage.
  • Nikapoopooo
    Used to be one of my favorites
    What makes me sad is the obvious disdain Gillian has for Patrick now. I’m not sure what the truth is behind everything that went down last year, but whatever it was it has 100% changed Gillian. You can tell she is barely tolerating Patrick. Gone is the fun banter and growing friendship. She is white-knuckling through this podcast now. I won’t be shocked if she leaves the podcast in the next couple years.
  • knitknitknitCRIMECRIMECRIME
    Fake reviews…. Paid fake reviews.
  • goldengirl555
    You know what I mean?
    Gillian: (says something) Patrick: (says something) You know what I mean? Gillian: (says something) Patrick: (says something) You know what I mean? Gillian: (says something) Patrick: (says something) You know what I mean? Gillian: (says something) Patrick: (says something) You know what I mean? Gillian: (says something) Patrick: (says something) You know what I mean? Gillian: (says something) Patrick: (says something) You know what I mean? Gillian: (says something) Patrick: (says something) You know what I mean? Gillian: (says something) Patrick: (says something) You know what I mean? Gillian: (says something) Patrick: (says something) You know what I mean?
  • Ejacks22
    I look forward to this podcast every week! Love them and everything they do.
  • Boninan
    Love this podcast but why is Gillian always YELLING???
  • Mirror_Sea
    He actually compared a man who lost his daughter to Damien Eccles, who may well be guilty. There’s something wrong with making murder a cottage industry. I just don’t like them. Also they don’t belong on a Broadway stage.
  • SadieHawkins85
    The silence speaks volumes
    Updating again to keep this fresh. Their entire network fell apart because of how it turns out they treat people. Garbage bell. I’m done. I’ve listened for years and recently stopped after learning the allegations about toxic workplace behavior, racism, sexism and bullying. The silence on this, weeks later, speaks volumes. I’m done waiting and done with this podcast.
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